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View Full Version : importing tiles

05-22-2005, 04:33 PM
ok i just downloaded LTTP tileset and it was version 2.10 and i have the version but i dont know how like load them on ZQ editor please help :(

05-22-2005, 04:33 PM
ok i just downloaded LTTP tileset and it was version 2.10 and i have the version but i dont know how like load them on ZQ editor please help :(

05-22-2005, 10:16 PM
First, what's the extention of the tileset you downloaded? Is it .qst, or .til?

05-22-2005, 10:16 PM
First, what's the extention of the tileset you downloaded? Is it .qst, or .til?

05-23-2005, 06:22 PM
nvr mind i didnt download LTTP v2.10 it was LTTP v1.92 but does that meen i have to import it on Zquest editor v1.92 or can i still import it on v2.10 i dont get what u meen whats the extention when i downloaded it it siad it was a zip file or something like that

05-23-2005, 06:22 PM
nvr mind i didnt download LTTP v2.10 it was LTTP v1.92 but does that meen i have to import it on Zquest editor v1.92 or can i still import it on v2.10 i dont get what u meen whats the extention when i downloaded it it siad it was a zip file or something like that

05-23-2005, 10:42 PM
Well then you have to unzip it first, using something like Winzip (www.winzip.com). You can get a free trial at the link there. That's the reason you can't get it imported right now, by the way, because it's still compressed.

05-23-2005, 10:42 PM
Well then you have to unzip it first, using something like Winzip (www.winzip.com). You can get a free trial at the link there. That's the reason you can't get it imported right now, by the way, because it's still compressed.