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05-19-2005, 01:58 PM
Has anyone seen this, and can you tell me is it even worth seeing? Frankly, I'm not too excited about it, and not many people that I know are. I'm thinking if I do see it, I will wait until the fanboy rush dies down, but if it sucks too much, then I am not gunna waste my money.

05-19-2005, 01:58 PM
Has anyone seen this, and can you tell me is it even worth seeing? Frankly, I'm not too excited about it, and not many people that I know are. I'm thinking if I do see it, I will wait until the fanboy rush dies down, but if it sucks too much, then I am not gunna waste my money.

05-19-2005, 02:03 PM
I've actually heard wonderful things about it. Even though I haven't seen it myself, that just means I can't give you any personal bias towards or against it, so that's probably a good thing. (In the sick, twisted universe that is my mind.)

I've heard that it satisfied the viewer, awknowledged the full force of the story, and had sufficient mood to be everything that it could've been.

05-19-2005, 02:03 PM
I've actually heard wonderful things about it. Even though I haven't seen it myself, that just means I can't give you any personal bias towards or against it, so that's probably a good thing. (In the sick, twisted universe that is my mind.)

I've heard that it satisfied the viewer, awknowledged the full force of the story, and had sufficient mood to be everything that it could've been.

05-19-2005, 02:05 PM
I haven't seen it yet either. But it's the missing piece to the Star Wars puzzle. It would be worth it just to see Natalie Portman.

05-19-2005, 02:05 PM
I haven't seen it yet either. But it's the missing piece to the Star Wars puzzle. It would be worth it just to see Natalie Portman.

05-19-2005, 02:09 PM
I heard it's the best of the new series, and I like the new series better than the old ones. That probably completely discredits my opinion in most circles, though.

05-19-2005, 02:09 PM
I heard it's the best of the new series, and I like the new series better than the old ones. That probably completely discredits my opinion in most circles, though.

05-19-2005, 02:27 PM
yes.....it does, sorry theplustwo.

05-19-2005, 02:27 PM
yes.....it does, sorry theplustwo.

05-19-2005, 03:00 PM
Star Wars is the best series of movies ever created by human beings. I am so god damned excited for it and I think less of people who don't like Star Wars. I would never date a girl who didn't like Star Wars, and I would never be close friends with a guy who didn't like Star Wars. It's the best. Period.

I'm seeing it in about an hour and my heart is skipping beats.

And I am serious. There is no sarcasm in this post at all. Seriously. God damn it the more I write the more it seems sarcastic, but I'm totally serious. I LOVE Star Wars.


05-19-2005, 03:00 PM
Star Wars is the best series of movies ever created by human beings. I am so god damned excited for it and I think less of people who don't like Star Wars. I would never date a girl who didn't like Star Wars, and I would never be close friends with a guy who didn't like Star Wars. It's the best. Period.

I'm seeing it in about an hour and my heart is skipping beats.

And I am serious. There is no sarcasm in this post at all. Seriously. God damn it the more I write the more it seems sarcastic, but I'm totally serious. I LOVE Star Wars.


05-19-2005, 03:24 PM
It (the movie) was awesome. The fans running down the aisle wearing jedi robes and waving lightsabers were not. I saw the 12:01am showing last night.

05-19-2005, 03:24 PM
It (the movie) was awesome. The fans running down the aisle wearing jedi robes and waving lightsabers were not. I saw the 12:01am showing last night.

05-19-2005, 03:59 PM
I thought it was the best of the prequels, far better than Return of the Jedi and maybe even A New Hope, but Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite.

05-19-2005, 03:59 PM
I thought it was the best of the prequels, far better than Return of the Jedi and maybe even A New Hope, but Empire Strikes Back is still my favorite.

05-19-2005, 04:32 PM
I'm one of those crazy people who likes the prequels just as much or more than the originals. RotS was awesome indeed. The saga truly is complete.

05-19-2005, 04:32 PM
I'm one of those crazy people who likes the prequels just as much or more than the originals. RotS was awesome indeed. The saga truly is complete.

05-19-2005, 05:31 PM
You're not the only crazy person. I'm a huge fan of the prequels, especially episodes 2 and 3.

05-19-2005, 05:31 PM
You're not the only crazy person. I'm a huge fan of the prequels, especially episodes 2 and 3.

05-19-2005, 05:49 PM
Prequel lovers represent! I'd have to say A New Hope is my favorite of the old ones, though.

05-19-2005, 05:49 PM
Prequel lovers represent! I'd have to say A New Hope is my favorite of the old ones, though.

05-19-2005, 06:42 PM
Is it as bad as the Clones Wars? Cause that shit was fucking awful.

05-19-2005, 06:42 PM
Is it as bad as the Clones Wars? Cause that shit was fucking awful.

05-19-2005, 10:02 PM
It was bad ass.

05-19-2005, 10:02 PM
It was bad ass.

05-20-2005, 12:04 AM
I saw it at 12am on wednesday. I found it to be way to frekaing cheesy, they try too hard to make things funny, god the droids...

Long story short, I was dissapointed.

05-20-2005, 12:04 AM
I saw it at 12am on wednesday. I found it to be way to frekaing cheesy, they try too hard to make things funny, god the droids...

Long story short, I was dissapointed.

05-20-2005, 12:26 AM
i thought it was pretty damn good. there were a few parts that left me wondering WTF, but otherwise it was awesome

05-20-2005, 12:26 AM
i thought it was pretty damn good. there were a few parts that left me wondering WTF, but otherwise it was awesome

carrot red
05-20-2005, 02:44 PM
1. Is it better than Episode I and II? Yes!

2. Is it good? Yes!

3. Alright so it's good, but it can't be up to the quality of the original Star Wars Trilogy, right? Riight? Yes, it can!

I'd heard and read in reviews that Revenge of the Sith was the best of the new trilogy, but to what extent? I had no idea. I walked into the theater expecting an ok film at best, but this movie totally blew away my expectations! Not only did it succeed in doing everything right that the last two Star Wars movies did wrong, but it contained the best battle scenes I've ever seen in both series! I didn't feel that much intensity and adrenaline-pumping action since the end of Return of the Jedi. When the Republic started to fall, you could really feel it.

(Ok, so there was that cheesy Portman/Hayden scene, it was *just* a scene.)

Great movie. Truly great. I dare say George Lucas finally got it right. This may sound a little extreme, but I'm actually currently wrestling with the idea that this may actually be my favorite Star Wars movie. Yoda kicks ass! I wouldn't mind seeing it again (since I was sick when I saw it too.) You need to see it on the big screen to get the full experience.

"And God created the universe... and it was good. And God created man and woman... and things got complicated."

carrot red
05-20-2005, 02:44 PM
1. Is it better than Episode I and II? Yes!

2. Is it good? Yes!

3. Alright so it's good, but it can't be up to the quality of the original Star Wars Trilogy, right? Riight? Yes, it can!

I'd heard and read in reviews that Revenge of the Sith was the best of the new trilogy, but to what extent? I had no idea. I walked into the theater expecting an ok film at best, but this movie totally blew away my expectations! Not only did it succeed in doing everything right that the last two Star Wars movies did wrong, but it contained the best battle scenes I've ever seen in both series! I didn't feel that much intensity and adrenaline-pumping action since the end of Return of the Jedi. When the Republic started to fall, you could really feel it.

(Ok, so there was that cheesy Portman/Hayden scene, it was *just* a scene.)

Great movie. Truly great. I dare say George Lucas finally got it right. This may sound a little extreme, but I'm actually currently wrestling with the idea that this may actually be my favorite Star Wars movie. Yoda kicks ass! I wouldn't mind seeing it again (since I was sick when I saw it too.) You need to see it on the big screen to get the full experience.

"And God created the universe... and it was good. And God created man and woman... and things got complicated."

05-20-2005, 05:27 PM
Murdering children in a movie targetting a child audience always gets my approval.

05-20-2005, 05:27 PM
Murdering children in a movie targetting a child audience always gets my approval.

Dart Zaidyer
05-21-2005, 01:31 AM
People were saying Attack of the Clones was good when it was new. I suggest you guys take some serious stock in your comments and remember them a month from now.

Dart Zaidyer
05-21-2005, 01:31 AM
People were saying Attack of the Clones was good when it was new. I suggest you guys take some serious stock in your comments and remember them a month from now.

05-21-2005, 04:14 AM
All I have to say is...


05-21-2005, 04:14 AM
All I have to say is...


05-21-2005, 06:45 AM
People were saying Attack of the Clones was good when it was new. I suggest you guys take some serious stock in your comments and remember them a month from now.

I said AotC was the best of the existing movies the day I saw it. I have not retracted nor regretted that statement, neither has it changed. I'm not sure if RotS will be my new favorite, but I can say that I am a huge fan of the saga as a whole. Every moment, from the pan down to the Republic cruiser in Episode I to the iris out on the celebrating rebels in Episode 6 is part of a grand saga, and I love it all.

05-21-2005, 06:45 AM
People were saying Attack of the Clones was good when it was new. I suggest you guys take some serious stock in your comments and remember them a month from now.

I said AotC was the best of the existing movies the day I saw it. I have not retracted nor regretted that statement, neither has it changed. I'm not sure if RotS will be my new favorite, but I can say that I am a huge fan of the saga as a whole. Every moment, from the pan down to the Republic cruiser in Episode I to the iris out on the celebrating rebels in Episode 6 is part of a grand saga, and I love it all.

05-21-2005, 02:11 PM
I said AotC was the best of the existing movies the day I saw it. I have not retracted nor regretted that statement, neither has it changed. I'm not sure if RotS will be my new favorite, but I can say that I am a huge fan of the saga as a whole. Every moment, from the pan down to the Republic cruiser in Episode I to the iris out on the celebrating rebels in Episode 6 is part of a grand saga, and I love it all.

AMEN brother Starkist. Amen.

05-21-2005, 02:11 PM
I said AotC was the best of the existing movies the day I saw it. I have not retracted nor regretted that statement, neither has it changed. I'm not sure if RotS will be my new favorite, but I can say that I am a huge fan of the saga as a whole. Every moment, from the pan down to the Republic cruiser in Episode I to the iris out on the celebrating rebels in Episode 6 is part of a grand saga, and I love it all.

AMEN brother Starkist. Amen.

05-22-2005, 01:28 AM
It occurs to me, strangely enough, that I think like this:

VI / V > IV / III > II > I

With VI and V being a bit like LTTP and LA to me- one's the more favorite, but I really love them almost equally; it's just a few certain factors tipping one to be my favorite. In all fairness, V comes off as being more serious at some points (the ewoks, while sort of cute in a weird way, are also horribly silly), but the big climax of VI- Luke/Vader/Palpatine's scenes, and the rest of the ending from there- were really wonderful, and render it my favorite.

IV is a wonderful movie, beautifully assembled for the circumstances in which it was made and the time it was made. It gets the most originality points, of course; but it seems a little less deep in retrospect, because less is going on. It's more about something good starting, "A New Hope" for the ruin left behind by III.

III, on the other hand, is a damn good movie, made as well as possible for the present, far exceeding I and II. Pretty powerful acting, a deep and emotional story; they don't go into overdetail on things, and the plot is pretty clear-cut (as well as being something we could all pretty much figure out after having seen the other five), but that's not really a bad thing. II's politics can be a little hard to follow if you can't pay really, really good attention to everything and really get a grasp on it. I can find no real bothersome faults in III, and do not care to invent any to complain about; it was well-made and tied the series together quite well.

II was reasonably good, but not really awe-inspiring; but it was definately an improvement over episode I. The action seemed overboard, and the plot seemed a little choppy-paced, but overall it was a pretty good movie. Like a four-star movie but not quite a five star, so to speak.

I... bleh. It had good traits, and for coming out so much later it did a decent job of picking up on some of the same traits, but the movie feels silly and mediocre. Senseless podracing hijinks and a horrible race (and main character) spouting dialogue in voices offensive to human ears throughout. Liam Neeson was cool here, though; I found myself mostly paying attention to Qui Gon and Obi Wan in this movie. *shrugs* Really kinda on the three star end...

All in all... Episode III was by far the best of the prequels. Worthy of the original trilogy. But not at all a kids movie, people below the age of 12 will probably have nightmares from it and might start bawling during the movie when "the hero" starts chopping up children or his skin burns off or something. I wouldn't call I or II really revolutionary, but this movie is very good indeed.

05-22-2005, 01:28 AM
It occurs to me, strangely enough, that I think like this:

VI / V > IV / III > II > I

With VI and V being a bit like LTTP and LA to me- one's the more favorite, but I really love them almost equally; it's just a few certain factors tipping one to be my favorite. In all fairness, V comes off as being more serious at some points (the ewoks, while sort of cute in a weird way, are also horribly silly), but the big climax of VI- Luke/Vader/Palpatine's scenes, and the rest of the ending from there- were really wonderful, and render it my favorite.

IV is a wonderful movie, beautifully assembled for the circumstances in which it was made and the time it was made. It gets the most originality points, of course; but it seems a little less deep in retrospect, because less is going on. It's more about something good starting, "A New Hope" for the ruin left behind by III.

III, on the other hand, is a damn good movie, made as well as possible for the present, far exceeding I and II. Pretty powerful acting, a deep and emotional story; they don't go into overdetail on things, and the plot is pretty clear-cut (as well as being something we could all pretty much figure out after having seen the other five), but that's not really a bad thing. II's politics can be a little hard to follow if you can't pay really, really good attention to everything and really get a grasp on it. I can find no real bothersome faults in III, and do not care to invent any to complain about; it was well-made and tied the series together quite well.

II was reasonably good, but not really awe-inspiring; but it was definately an improvement over episode I. The action seemed overboard, and the plot seemed a little choppy-paced, but overall it was a pretty good movie. Like a four-star movie but not quite a five star, so to speak.

I... bleh. It had good traits, and for coming out so much later it did a decent job of picking up on some of the same traits, but the movie feels silly and mediocre. Senseless podracing hijinks and a horrible race (and main character) spouting dialogue in voices offensive to human ears throughout. Liam Neeson was cool here, though; I found myself mostly paying attention to Qui Gon and Obi Wan in this movie. *shrugs* Really kinda on the three star end...

All in all... Episode III was by far the best of the prequels. Worthy of the original trilogy. But not at all a kids movie, people below the age of 12 will probably have nightmares from it and might start bawling during the movie when "the hero" starts chopping up children or his skin burns off or something. I wouldn't call I or II really revolutionary, but this movie is very good indeed.

05-22-2005, 02:04 PM
I watched the origional trilogy the other day, and I realized that not only the new movies were terrible, the old movies didn't hold up past fond childhood memories.

Plus the amount of exposure Episode 3 has been getting in the media is just sickening. I do not need to fucking hear about it every tenth commercial, every special on TV, it was even on NPR this morning. Good grief, just let the festering corpse rot in peace already.

05-22-2005, 02:04 PM
I watched the origional trilogy the other day, and I realized that not only the new movies were terrible, the old movies didn't hold up past fond childhood memories.

Plus the amount of exposure Episode 3 has been getting in the media is just sickening. I do not need to fucking hear about it every tenth commercial, every special on TV, it was even on NPR this morning. Good grief, just let the festering corpse rot in peace already.

05-22-2005, 03:39 PM
I cannot express in words how much I freakin' loved it. It was incredible! And for the record, I really wasn't a fan of Attack of the Clones when it came out. However, in retrospect, I actually find myself loving the other prequels even more because they set the stage for Episode 2.

To put things in perspective, it's now my favorite Star Wars movie ever, excepting of course for Empire Strikes Back. By the way, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so my friends and I can finally do a complete Star Wars marathon (all six episodes and Clone Wars). We've already done five of them in a row, so it's doable. Woo!

05-22-2005, 03:39 PM
I cannot express in words how much I freakin' loved it. It was incredible! And for the record, I really wasn't a fan of Attack of the Clones when it came out. However, in retrospect, I actually find myself loving the other prequels even more because they set the stage for Episode 2.

To put things in perspective, it's now my favorite Star Wars movie ever, excepting of course for Empire Strikes Back. By the way, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so my friends and I can finally do a complete Star Wars marathon (all six episodes and Clone Wars). We've already done five of them in a row, so it's doable. Woo!

05-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Kill me if you must, for I will speak my honesty...

I loved the prequals just as much as the original trilogy.
Episode I was a great start to a saga, in my opinion. Ok, so it was different, but it did the job. I also thought Jar Jar was a riot. Sue me.

Episode II was better. It also served its purpose, serving the storyline the would it should've. It also fixed up some of Episode I's flaws, which is a big plus.

Episode III, on the other hand... Kicked both of their asses. And dare I say, it shoved so much in the original trilogy's face. Not only my favorite in the new trilogy, but one of my favorites in the entire saga (number VI being my favorite still). And, there is no denying it... I loved it when Anakin got fried.

The ending to one trilogy, but merely the begininng to another. Hot damn.

05-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Kill me if you must, for I will speak my honesty...

I loved the prequals just as much as the original trilogy.
Episode I was a great start to a saga, in my opinion. Ok, so it was different, but it did the job. I also thought Jar Jar was a riot. Sue me.

Episode II was better. It also served its purpose, serving the storyline the would it should've. It also fixed up some of Episode I's flaws, which is a big plus.

Episode III, on the other hand... Kicked both of their asses. And dare I say, it shoved so much in the original trilogy's face. Not only my favorite in the new trilogy, but one of my favorites in the entire saga (number VI being my favorite still). And, there is no denying it... I loved it when Anakin got fried.

The ending to one trilogy, but merely the begininng to another. Hot damn.

05-23-2005, 06:11 AM
Episode I was pretty good, and the final sequence was excellent. The only parts that annoyed me were young Anakin and Jar Jar.

Episode II, perhaps not as good. The story progression seemed exceedingly sloppy, and the relationship forming between Anakin and Padme was without substance.

Episode III, I'm probably going to forever hate, because of its contemporary association with this rotten period in my life.

05-23-2005, 06:11 AM
Episode I was pretty good, and the final sequence was excellent. The only parts that annoyed me were young Anakin and Jar Jar.

Episode II, perhaps not as good. The story progression seemed exceedingly sloppy, and the relationship forming between Anakin and Padme was without substance.

Episode III, I'm probably going to forever hate, because of its contemporary association with this rotten period in my life.

05-23-2005, 08:11 AM
Wait, so Hayden Christensen gets melted and Natalie Portman gets strangled? Okay, definately seeing this one :)

05-23-2005, 08:11 AM
Wait, so Hayden Christensen gets melted and Natalie Portman gets strangled? Okay, definately seeing this one :)

05-23-2005, 12:15 PM
As long as the stupid fucker Jar Jar Binks doesn't have a re-occuring role in this one I'm sure I'll like it. He fucking ruined Attack of the Clones.

05-23-2005, 12:15 PM
As long as the stupid fucker Jar Jar Binks doesn't have a re-occuring role in this one I'm sure I'll like it. He fucking ruined Attack of the Clones.

05-23-2005, 01:13 PM
Jar Jar Binks is virtually nonexistent in this film. He appears briefly in two or three scenes (about 5-7 seconds of screentime). And the only thing he says is an understated "Excuse me" that's so quiet you barely hear it.

05-23-2005, 01:13 PM
Jar Jar Binks is virtually nonexistent in this film. He appears briefly in two or three scenes (about 5-7 seconds of screentime). And the only thing he says is an understated "Excuse me" that's so quiet you barely hear it.

05-25-2005, 11:14 PM
God bless Natalie Portman. Hair or no hair. Confused? She recently cut it all off whie making her latest flick, V is for Vendetta, or something like that. Its from the Matrix guys, and supposed to kick.....

05-25-2005, 11:16 PM
Too bad she shaved her hair off... she looked hotter with it, in my opinion.

05-25-2005, 11:57 PM
Dialouge throughout the movie could have been better. some parts were fine, others were terrible. Obi wan seemed to lack emotion in some parts. The action was great, except the battle with grievous was lacking. The jedi should have put up more of a fight when they were all killed.

05-26-2005, 12:00 AM
Yeah, the Jedi needed to fight back more. Yoda was the only one who really defended himself...

05-26-2005, 12:34 AM
True... but with that surprise attack, they were pretty confused and taken with their guard down...

...but still, they're frickin' Jedi's. (Go Yoda.)

05-26-2005, 02:53 AM
Ki-Adi Mundi fought back. However, Jedi are not invincible. A dozen clones against a heretofore unsuspecting Jedi is not a good matchup.

05-26-2005, 03:06 AM
Good point. The Jedi were taken rather off-guard. It was so sad to see everyone die...

05-26-2005, 04:44 AM
No it wasn't. It was glorious seeing the Sith gain total control.

Now what was sad was seeing both Death Stars explode. I almost can't watch them sometimes.

05-26-2005, 11:35 AM
I thought it was good, but the ending was a little unsatisfying I thought. For instnace, when Yoda tells Obi-Wan that he'll be albe to talk to Qui-Gon again... I dunno what the point of that was. Was it to serve as that final sting of irony that Anakin could have learned the same skill to talk to Padme if she died, or was it just a cool thing to know. I dunno.

I feel they tried to cover too large a time period with only three movies. But still, this was the best of the prequels. The acting wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I loved it in spite of its shortcomings.

05-26-2005, 01:27 PM
The whole Qui-Gon thing was supposed to explain why Obi-Wan and Yoda return as ghosts in the original trilogy. Originally in Ep. III there was supposed to be a scene where Yoda would talk to Qui-Gon's ghost and learn the secret to "eternal life in the Force" or something weird like that.

05-26-2005, 02:26 PM
Plus the amount of exposure Episode 3 has been getting in the media is just sickening. I do not need to fucking hear about it every tenth commercial, every special on TV, it was even on NPR this morning. Good grief, just let the festering corpse rot in peace already.

Tell me about it! I'm sick of seeing Episode III commercials too. I cannot wait till it dies down.

I saw the movie on monday and commented on it in this thread: http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1011672&postcount=34 - in short, the movie was pretty disappointing, and Hayden Christensen is one of the worst actors I've ever seen.

I started watching episode IV-VI on DVD the other night, and the magnitude of GOOD actors is much welcome after seeing Episode III.

05-28-2005, 01:01 AM
I saw it on Thusrday and I loved it.


I like how in the beginning all the ships are early models of what are in the original trilogy. Also I liked the ironic ending. Where Anakin joins that dark side to save Padme but that's what takes her will to live. Absolutely ingenious. It's also strange how Anakin does end up fulfilling to prophecy and brings balence to the force. The way all the movies affect each other is just, wow!

Great Warrior
06-01-2005, 06:32 AM
Well, I've seen it twice now and I loved it both times. The second time I saw it, I picked up on little things I missed the first time I saw it. I think it's truely the best Star Wars Episode made because it finally answers (to me anyway) HOW and WHY Anakin turned to the Dark Side. Firstly, for LOVE and secondly, for POWER/GREED!

I think they could have made Anakin appear more powerful! Afterall, he was apparently conceived BY THE FORCE and had the highest "Midichlorian" count EVER SEEN (even more than Master Yoda). Based on that, he should have been able to kick Obi-One's butt, even though Obi-One was more experienced. Hadn't he saved Obi-One's butt 9-10 times or so???

Anyway, movies will always be subjective. I loved it! Well done George Lucas!

The part where the emperor owns Sam Jackson was BAD ASS.

06-01-2005, 01:35 PM
I've seen it three times now. It refuses to get any less cool. It's just the best!

06-05-2005, 01:52 AM
I have finally gotten around to seeing it. I will post my very nitpicky impressions, and there could possibly be a few SPOILERS, so I caution you not to read if you haven't seen it yet.

The movie had it's ups and downs. The good parts were pretty good, but the bad parts were really bad. Here is what I liked:

The points that moved the plot along, like the Jedi massacre, Mace getting his ass whopped, and the very end where Vader gets mutilated I thought were the best of this movie. They really worked well, and actually felt somewhat epic and deserving of the original trilogy.

There were a few funny moments in the movie that maybe weren't supposed to be. Certainly not when the movie tried to be. Seeing Yoda send Palpatine head over heals into his chair was worth the price of admission alone. That got a good chuckle out of me.

And here is what I didn't like:

The acting. My God. I don't know who said there was only a little bad acting, but they must not know bad acting when they see it. There are so many scenes that ruined any momentum that the movie had going. Hayden and Natalie especially. I thought Hayden would be the worse of the two, but Natalie actually suprised me in how bad she was. Sometimes it's the fault of the actors. Sometimes it's the fault of the writing. Sometimes its both. But I'd say the movie is about half and half with the acting.

The first third of the movie bored me to tears with it's political crap. Sure, it might be needed to advance the story. But not much of an effort was made to make it entertaining. The original trilogy didn't have that much of this.

R2D2 was made out to be a little too superhero-ish, and it bothered me. There was stuff that he did that he never did in any of the other movies, and it just didn't fit.

Grievous just... sucked. I don't know what people thought was so cool about him. So he wields 4 lightsabers. Yay for him. He just came off as ridiculous and goofy. The movie might have been better without him.

The appearance of the wookies also seemed pointless. Sure, seeing Chewie was cool, but the whole wookie thing didn't serve that much purpose in the plot. It could have been done another way without giving some half-assed role to the wookies.

That annoying thing that Obi-wan rode. It was so obnoxious. My g/f and I cheered when it was killed.

And last but not least, the two fanboys sitting behind us. One of the little fanboys keps whispering to the other little fanboy what was going to happen next, and I heard every word of it. Plus, they had to comment on EVERYTHING. I never wanted to pulverize fanboys so much in my entire life.

Anyway, overall, the food parts of the movie set it at the best of the new trilogy. But the best movie in the entire saga? Not even close...