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View Full Version : People just dont undesrstand about new consoles..

Lord Cheese
05-17-2005, 10:53 PM
Look people, some of you may care deeply what a new consoles gonna look on the outside but quite frankly and excuse my language unless they are really that picky not that many people will give a shit.... It all comes down to this... good games, good hardware, and extra crap as long as they paid enough attention to the console's base use which is gaming. I don't care if I have a PS3 or Xbox 360 to me they both have their ups and downs.. What i'm thinking more about is their games... (by the way sry nintendo lovers but even though the new one may be good these 2 will own it... though don't let me dissuade you from buying one if you want). After all of this I still wonder why I don't just upgrade my computer to keep up.. If you have the skill to keep one running its definitely better than any console.

Lord Cheese
05-17-2005, 10:53 PM
Look people, some of you may care deeply what a new consoles gonna look on the outside but quite frankly and excuse my language unless they are really that picky not that many people will give a shit.... It all comes down to this... good games, good hardware, and extra crap as long as they paid enough attention to the console's base use which is gaming. I don't care if I have a PS3 or Xbox 360 to me they both have their ups and downs.. What i'm thinking more about is their games... (by the way sry nintendo lovers but even though the new one may be good these 2 will own it... though don't let me dissuade you from buying one if you want). After all of this I still wonder why I don't just upgrade my computer to keep up.. If you have the skill to keep one running its definitely better than any console.

05-17-2005, 11:07 PM
Of course they will own the Revolution they are coming out a year before the it does, the PS3 and the XBOX 360 will only be competing against eachother until then.

At the moment all we have to talk about is the outside so thats why we are, we all care about what games will be on it as well but with out that info we can't really talk about that. Plus I dont want something garrish sitting in my living room so the outside is important to some extent.

05-17-2005, 11:07 PM
Of course they will own the Revolution they are coming out a year before the it does, the PS3 and the XBOX 360 will only be competing against eachother until then.

At the moment all we have to talk about is the outside so thats why we are, we all care about what games will be on it as well but with out that info we can't really talk about that. Plus I dont want something garrish sitting in my living room so the outside is important to some extent.

05-18-2005, 02:34 AM
Um, where did you hear that? PS3 is set for spring time, 2006, and Revolution set for mid 2006. I forget whenever Xbox 360 is supposed to be due out.

Anyways, you may think PS3 and Xbox 360 are so great looking, but I don't see anything interesting out of either of them, and I see things I plain don't like. There are some things with the Revolution I don't like either.

You are clearly biased/have your head stuck up Sony and/or Microsoft's ass as well. Sorry, but YOU really don't know anything about what the final product that is the PS3 or Xbox 360 will be, and neither does anyone else. Nor the Revolution. You will have to sit and wait.

Personally I think if things don't go well, like say Nintendo doesn't do well, the best thing for the industry would be a repeat of the old Atari video game industry crash. If I wanna play an entertaining game, I'll plan something from the 80s or 90s.

05-18-2005, 02:34 AM
Um, where did you hear that? PS3 is set for spring time, 2006, and Revolution set for mid 2006. I forget whenever Xbox 360 is supposed to be due out.

Anyways, you may think PS3 and Xbox 360 are so great looking, but I don't see anything interesting out of either of them, and I see things I plain don't like. There are some things with the Revolution I don't like either.

You are clearly biased/have your head stuck up Sony and/or Microsoft's ass as well. Sorry, but YOU really don't know anything about what the final product that is the PS3 or Xbox 360 will be, and neither does anyone else. Nor the Revolution. You will have to sit and wait.

Personally I think if things don't go well, like say Nintendo doesn't do well, the best thing for the industry would be a repeat of the old Atari video game industry crash. If I wanna play an entertaining game, I'll plan something from the 80s or 90s.

05-18-2005, 03:13 AM
Personally I think if things don't go well, like say Nintendo doesn't do well, the best thing for the industry would be a repeat of the old Atari video game industry crash. If I wanna play an entertaining game, I'll plan something from the 80s or 90s.

I have mixed feelings about what may happen to the video game industry. I am excited, but at the same time I worry.

Sony and MS are claiming their consoles are going to be leaps and bounds more powerful than current gen - and from watching the live segment on G4 today, I must say the PS3 looks to be the most powerful. I think Nintendo came off as being more modest at E3, saying that Revolution will be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. But what does this all add up to? What do these advances mean for development time? Are we gonna see rushed games because there is so much competition? Will we be stuck with short mediocre games that look really pretty? These are things I worry about.

I think Nintendo sees the looming problem that the industry will face in the near future, namely the sky-rocketing of development costs. Having a next gen console that is familiar (in terms of programming) to current Gamecube developers will help a great deal.

05-18-2005, 03:13 AM
Personally I think if things don't go well, like say Nintendo doesn't do well, the best thing for the industry would be a repeat of the old Atari video game industry crash. If I wanna play an entertaining game, I'll plan something from the 80s or 90s.

I have mixed feelings about what may happen to the video game industry. I am excited, but at the same time I worry.

Sony and MS are claiming their consoles are going to be leaps and bounds more powerful than current gen - and from watching the live segment on G4 today, I must say the PS3 looks to be the most powerful. I think Nintendo came off as being more modest at E3, saying that Revolution will be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. But what does this all add up to? What do these advances mean for development time? Are we gonna see rushed games because there is so much competition? Will we be stuck with short mediocre games that look really pretty? These are things I worry about.

I think Nintendo sees the looming problem that the industry will face in the near future, namely the sky-rocketing of development costs. Having a next gen console that is familiar (in terms of programming) to current Gamecube developers will help a great deal.

Darth Marsden
05-18-2005, 04:31 AM
I have mixed feelings about what may happen to the video game industry. I am excited, but at the same time I worry.

Sony and MS are claiming their consoles are going to be leaps and bounds more powerful than current gen - and from watching the live segment on G4 today, I must say the PS3 looks to be the most powerful. I think Nintendo came off as being more modest at E3, saying that Revolution will be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. But what does this all add up to? What do these advances mean for development time? Are we gonna see rushed games because there is so much competition? Will be be stuck with short mediocre games that look really pretty? These are things I worry about.

I think Nintendo sees the looming problem that the industry will face in the near future, namely the sky-rocketing of development costs. Having a next gen console that is familiar (in terms of programming) to current Gamecube developers will help a great deal. Agreed. It also helps that they're more innovative, and pretty much allow people to do whatever the hell the want with their consoles. They do tend to have some of the most insane, and yet brilliant, games out there. Donky Konga, for example.

Lord Cheese, you have to understand that when games are revealed, we'll bicker and critisize and lob insults at them. Theyre just aren't any at the moment, so we have to pick on the consoles instead. We all understand that it's software that makes or breaks a system, and as soon as some comes along, we'll be all over it like a rash.

Darth Marsden
05-18-2005, 04:31 AM
I have mixed feelings about what may happen to the video game industry. I am excited, but at the same time I worry.

Sony and MS are claiming their consoles are going to be leaps and bounds more powerful than current gen - and from watching the live segment on G4 today, I must say the PS3 looks to be the most powerful. I think Nintendo came off as being more modest at E3, saying that Revolution will be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. But what does this all add up to? What do these advances mean for development time? Are we gonna see rushed games because there is so much competition? Will be be stuck with short mediocre games that look really pretty? These are things I worry about.

I think Nintendo sees the looming problem that the industry will face in the near future, namely the sky-rocketing of development costs. Having a next gen console that is familiar (in terms of programming) to current Gamecube developers will help a great deal. Agreed. It also helps that they're more innovative, and pretty much allow people to do whatever the hell the want with their consoles. They do tend to have some of the most insane, and yet brilliant, games out there. Donky Konga, for example.

Lord Cheese, you have to understand that when games are revealed, we'll bicker and critisize and lob insults at them. Theyre just aren't any at the moment, so we have to pick on the consoles instead. We all understand that it's software that makes or breaks a system, and as soon as some comes along, we'll be all over it like a rash.

05-18-2005, 12:13 PM
I dont even look at a console when I buy one. Its the power that counts. This explains why I bought an X-Brick.

05-18-2005, 12:13 PM
I dont even look at a console when I buy one. Its the power that counts. This explains why I bought an X-Brick.

05-18-2005, 01:58 PM
You're a fool then. Software can run on the fastest machine ever, and be written poorly and be shit. The same concept could be highly optimized and run much better on a cheaper "less powerful" platform. It's all about the software.

About Nintendo's 2-3 times more powerful remark. Perhaps people should remember how powerful the GC really is. Then imagine that twice over, or more. Look at one of the most amazing games on it like Resident Evil 4. Besides, I'd trust a company alot more that doesn't bullshit you about their products. Sega near the end did that, when they made their best console ever. But Sony, Microsoft, it's all very pathetic bullshit. Neither of them should even be in the game industry really.

05-18-2005, 01:58 PM
You're a fool then. Software can run on the fastest machine ever, and be written poorly and be shit. The same concept could be highly optimized and run much better on a cheaper "less powerful" platform. It's all about the software.

About Nintendo's 2-3 times more powerful remark. Perhaps people should remember how powerful the GC really is. Then imagine that twice over, or more. Look at one of the most amazing games on it like Resident Evil 4. Besides, I'd trust a company alot more that doesn't bullshit you about their products. Sega near the end did that, when they made their best console ever. But Sony, Microsoft, it's all very pathetic bullshit. Neither of them should even be in the game industry really.

05-18-2005, 02:45 PM
Look people, some of you may care deeply what a new consoles gonna look on the outside but quite frankly and excuse my language unless they are really that picky not that many people will give a shit.... It all comes down to this... good games, good hardware, and extra crap as long as they paid enough attention to the console's base use which is gaming.
Contrary to what some say, I think many people do buy consoles based on appearences. I can't count how many times I heard people complain about the Gamecube when if came out. About it being purple, and its kiddy, stupid looking or whatever. I'm not talking about people in forums either. I'm talking about people who don't visit forums, people who aren't hardcore, people wanting a system that is "cool". And what system did they end up buying? I'll can tell you it wasn't the Gamecube. These are everyday people you see walk in a gamestore, who look like their dying to pick up the next True Crime or Madden.

Atma made a comment about this in DS vs PSP topic. And these "casual" gamers will buy a system if they thing it looks cool. I guarentee that if you had the entire library of PS2 games on the Gamecube, they would still pick up the PS2 over the Gamecube.

We already know software is what matters, but looks do make an impression.

05-18-2005, 02:45 PM
Look people, some of you may care deeply what a new consoles gonna look on the outside but quite frankly and excuse my language unless they are really that picky not that many people will give a shit.... It all comes down to this... good games, good hardware, and extra crap as long as they paid enough attention to the console's base use which is gaming.
Contrary to what some say, I think many people do buy consoles based on appearences. I can't count how many times I heard people complain about the Gamecube when if came out. About it being purple, and its kiddy, stupid looking or whatever. I'm not talking about people in forums either. I'm talking about people who don't visit forums, people who aren't hardcore, people wanting a system that is "cool". And what system did they end up buying? I'll can tell you it wasn't the Gamecube. These are everyday people you see walk in a gamestore, who look like their dying to pick up the next True Crime or Madden.

Atma made a comment about this in DS vs PSP topic. And these "casual" gamers will buy a system if they thing it looks cool. I guarentee that if you had the entire library of PS2 games on the Gamecube, they would still pick up the PS2 over the Gamecube.

We already know software is what matters, but looks do make an impression.

05-18-2005, 02:58 PM
U can say what you want about Nintendo being modest about it's specs, but truth is, it is hurting their rep more than it is helping it. If Nintendo wants to be Number 1 again (and beleive me, they do), they are going to have to appeal to the masses. And right now, saying that your system is weaker than the competition isn't going to do that. It may not be true, but most consumers don't care that Nintendo is being honest. They care about that huge 35x number that the PS3 carries. People aren't going to believe Nintendo when they say that Sony is exagurrating. Nintendo isn't the head of the industry anymore. Sony is. And people are going to believe Sony.

And yes, appearance on the outside does make a difference. Don't believe me? Look at the GameCube.

And for the record, Mr. Cheese, varying your text color is kinda annoying.

05-18-2005, 02:58 PM
U can say what you want about Nintendo being modest about it's specs, but truth is, it is hurting their rep more than it is helping it. If Nintendo wants to be Number 1 again (and beleive me, they do), they are going to have to appeal to the masses. And right now, saying that your system is weaker than the competition isn't going to do that. It may not be true, but most consumers don't care that Nintendo is being honest. They care about that huge 35x number that the PS3 carries. People aren't going to believe Nintendo when they say that Sony is exagurrating. Nintendo isn't the head of the industry anymore. Sony is. And people are going to believe Sony.

And yes, appearance on the outside does make a difference. Don't believe me? Look at the GameCube.

And for the record, Mr. Cheese, varying your text color is kinda annoying.

Lord Cheese
05-18-2005, 10:21 PM
Lol... I was bored and just wanted to bitch about something....

Lord Cheese
05-18-2005, 10:21 PM
Lol... I was bored and just wanted to bitch about something....

05-19-2005, 02:05 AM
Orion, people are morons. They are easily manipulated. And I agree it wouldn't hurt Nintendo to manipulate them some, but I wouldn't agree with using the straight out lies that M$ and Sony use. The fact has always been that Sony makes average products which are highly overpriced yet they lie and act like it's the best thing ever. In short, Sony sucks. Sony is a totally 100% replacable whore. Ditto with Microsoft. Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry.

05-19-2005, 02:05 AM
Orion, people are morons. They are easily manipulated. And I agree it wouldn't hurt Nintendo to manipulate them some, but I wouldn't agree with using the straight out lies that M$ and Sony use. The fact has always been that Sony makes average products which are highly overpriced yet they lie and act like it's the best thing ever. In short, Sony sucks. Sony is a totally 100% replacable whore. Ditto with Microsoft. Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry.

05-19-2005, 03:27 AM
You have to take into account how insertable the controllers are, ifuknowhatimean.

05-19-2005, 03:27 AM
You have to take into account how insertable the controllers are, ifuknowhatimean.

05-19-2005, 01:56 PM
Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry.

Yes, people are stupid. But I hardly think the video game industry will die if Nintendo dies. It will just become complete and utter mindless crap like the movie industry, but I don't think it will go anywhere.

05-19-2005, 01:56 PM
Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry.

Yes, people are stupid. But I hardly think the video game industry will die if Nintendo dies. It will just become complete and utter mindless crap like the movie industry, but I don't think it will go anywhere.

05-20-2005, 01:19 AM
In otherwords, it might as well be dead.

05-20-2005, 01:19 AM
In otherwords, it might as well be dead.

Darth Marsden
05-20-2005, 08:36 AM
Orion, people are morons. They are easily manipulated. And I agree it wouldn't hurt Nintendo to manipulate them some, but I wouldn't agree with using the straight out lies that M$ and Sony use. The fact has always been that Sony makes average products which are highly overpriced yet they lie and act like it's the best thing ever. In short, Sony sucks. Sony is a totally 100% replacable whore. Ditto with Microsoft. Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry. Man, I'd hate to be on your bad side.

I wouldn't say it'd be the end, but it would be a major setback. (The following is my own imaginings of what would happen if the Revolution flopped so badly it put Nintendo out of business. Make of it what you will.)

Sony & Microsoft wouldn't see any need to try to innovate their consoles. They start to put out the same old things, again and again. People get fed up, and demand something new and exciting. Sony, in an attempt to beat Sir Gates (as he is then known), hurridly rush out some new virtual interaction system. After a few minutes, it quickly becomes apparent that the system is hideously flawed and, as a result, people boycott Sony. They go out of business, leaving Microsoft as the only major games company. The churn out sequel after sequel; Halo 45, Madden 2020, Tiger Woods Cyborg Edition, etc. People give up and start reading more. Microsoft tries to capitilise on this by offering 'E-Books' through their latest console. People refuse to use it, preferring to read something with substance. Microsoft goes out of business. Nintendo is ressurected after starting to publish books in the early 21st Century. They slowly ween us out of our book clubs and back into the front rooms with properly made 'Interactive Novels', before gradually leading us back into games via 'Virtual Gaming'. Warring countries settle their differences by blowing each other to bits in Virtua-Quake 25. World Peace breaks out. Shigueru Miyamoto is hailed as a god. Everybody lives happily ever after.


Darth Marsden
05-20-2005, 08:36 AM
Orion, people are morons. They are easily manipulated. And I agree it wouldn't hurt Nintendo to manipulate them some, but I wouldn't agree with using the straight out lies that M$ and Sony use. The fact has always been that Sony makes average products which are highly overpriced yet they lie and act like it's the best thing ever. In short, Sony sucks. Sony is a totally 100% replacable whore. Ditto with Microsoft. Nintendo is irreplacable and if they should fail it's the end of any real game industry. Man, I'd hate to be on your bad side.

I wouldn't say it'd be the end, but it would be a major setback. (The following is my own imaginings of what would happen if the Revolution flopped so badly it put Nintendo out of business. Make of it what you will.)

Sony & Microsoft wouldn't see any need to try to innovate their consoles. They start to put out the same old things, again and again. People get fed up, and demand something new and exciting. Sony, in an attempt to beat Sir Gates (as he is then known), hurridly rush out some new virtual interaction system. After a few minutes, it quickly becomes apparent that the system is hideously flawed and, as a result, people boycott Sony. They go out of business, leaving Microsoft as the only major games company. The churn out sequel after sequel; Halo 45, Madden 2020, Tiger Woods Cyborg Edition, etc. People give up and start reading more. Microsoft tries to capitilise on this by offering 'E-Books' through their latest console. People refuse to use it, preferring to read something with substance. Microsoft goes out of business. Nintendo is ressurected after starting to publish books in the early 21st Century. They slowly ween us out of our book clubs and back into the front rooms with properly made 'Interactive Novels', before gradually leading us back into games via 'Virtual Gaming'. Warring countries settle their differences by blowing each other to bits in Virtua-Quake 25. World Peace breaks out. Shigueru Miyamoto is hailed as a god. Everybody lives happily ever after.


Lord Cheese
05-20-2005, 10:09 AM
That was very inventive..... I think they are just going to illegalize games before anything likke that ever comes.. If they ever took Halo that far I would set fire to myself and run down the street yelling "The end has come!" On a more serious note I don't think much would happen to the gaming industry if Nintendo died. The companies that do work for them would just turn to Sony and Microsoft...

Lord Cheese
05-20-2005, 10:09 AM
That was very inventive..... I think they are just going to illegalize games before anything likke that ever comes.. If they ever took Halo that far I would set fire to myself and run down the street yelling "The end has come!" On a more serious note I don't think much would happen to the gaming industry if Nintendo died. The companies that do work for them would just turn to Sony and Microsoft...

05-20-2005, 01:18 PM
I think if Nintendo decided that the Revolution was going to be a rubber dildo filled with strawberry jam, most people in this board will still buy it and point out how it's better than Microsoft.

I think if Microsoft released a console that solved world hunger, produced holo-deck level graphics, and gave you orgasms, most people on this board would complain about how much space it took up and refuse to buy one.

05-20-2005, 01:18 PM
I think if Nintendo decided that the Revolution was going to be a rubber dildo filled with strawberry jam, most people in this board will still buy it and point out how it's better than Microsoft.

I think if Microsoft released a console that solved world hunger, produced holo-deck level graphics, and gave you orgasms, most people on this board would complain about how much space it took up and refuse to buy one.

05-20-2005, 02:29 PM
I think if Nintendo decided that the Revolution was going to be a rubber dildo filled with strawberry jam, most people in this board will still buy it and point out how it's better than Microsoft.
I think Lillith can explain to you how that would be much better.

I've seen a lot of people complain about how Nintendo showed almost nothing compared to Microsoft and Sony. Of course they didn't. The Revolution is slated for next year. The 360 is due later this year. And Sony always makes up stuff when it doesn't have anything to show. If Nintendo had had enough to show, they would be releasing their console this year, not next.

And if the 360 isn't $360, I might very well buy one, especially if it's backwards compatible- a man's got to have his FPS and fighting games, don't he?

05-20-2005, 02:29 PM
I think if Nintendo decided that the Revolution was going to be a rubber dildo filled with strawberry jam, most people in this board will still buy it and point out how it's better than Microsoft.
I think Lillith can explain to you how that would be much better.

I've seen a lot of people complain about how Nintendo showed almost nothing compared to Microsoft and Sony. Of course they didn't. The Revolution is slated for next year. The 360 is due later this year. And Sony always makes up stuff when it doesn't have anything to show. If Nintendo had had enough to show, they would be releasing their console this year, not next.

And if the 360 isn't $360, I might very well buy one, especially if it's backwards compatible- a man's got to have his FPS and fighting games, don't he?

05-20-2005, 02:46 PM
I think if Microsoft released a console that solved world hunger, produced holo-deck level graphics, and gave you orgasms, most people on this board would complain about how much space it took up and refuse to buy one.

Or they'll complain about the lack of good games.

05-20-2005, 02:46 PM
I think if Microsoft released a console that solved world hunger, produced holo-deck level graphics, and gave you orgasms, most people on this board would complain about how much space it took up and refuse to buy one.

Or they'll complain about the lack of good games.

05-20-2005, 04:12 PM
What is something to point out though, is while people think Nintendo is going downhill, infact the GameCube has been very productive for them as they've actually made a ton of money. Even if they don't have 80% of the market share, they make money.

05-20-2005, 04:12 PM
What is something to point out though, is while people think Nintendo is going downhill, infact the GameCube has been very productive for them as they've actually made a ton of money. Even if they don't have 80% of the market share, they make money.

05-20-2005, 04:52 PM
Or they'll complain about the lack of good games.

Or I'll complain about something realistic like how it will probably cost too much fucking money and I'm going to get a Nintendo Revolution or PS3 instead. Or because the 360 just doesn't seem to appeal to me and I shouldn't have to explain myself why that is.

05-20-2005, 04:52 PM
Or they'll complain about the lack of good games.

Or I'll complain about something realistic like how it will probably cost too much fucking money and I'm going to get a Nintendo Revolution or PS3 instead. Or because the 360 just doesn't seem to appeal to me and I shouldn't have to explain myself why that is.

05-20-2005, 05:00 PM
Or I'll complain about something realistic like how it will probably cost too much fucking money and I'm going to get a Nintendo Revolution or PS3 instead. Or because the 360 just doesn't seem to appeal to me and I shouldn't have to explain myself why that is.

Current estimates put the PS3 as far and away the most expensive console.

05-20-2005, 05:00 PM
Or I'll complain about something realistic like how it will probably cost too much fucking money and I'm going to get a Nintendo Revolution or PS3 instead. Or because the 360 just doesn't seem to appeal to me and I shouldn't have to explain myself why that is.

Current estimates put the PS3 as far and away the most expensive console.