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06-20-2005, 02:41 PM
You know, most of the people who own an Xbox or PS2 probably never had a system older than an Xbox or PS2. Its only my own theory that I created, but I think that most gamers who want mature rated games are ones that were introduced to mature rated games. Ones that could care less that its family friendly software that Nintendo makes usually had a system long before Xbox and PS2.

People say the Nintendo generation has grown up and its time for Nintendo to make games for the older audience members, but I dont' think that those who have grown up really want Nintendo to grow up with them.

At least thats my stand on it. I've grown up since then, been out of highschool for several years now, but I think a true gamer wouldn't care if its mature or not. I know what makes a game, and that little ESRB rating on the box is not it. I pride Nintendo for sticking with the E rated games in such a violent world. I don't think its stupid that Nintendo won't make mature rated games. Instead, I think its ignorant that people won't purchase a game without bloodshed and gun related killing. So I agree. I hope they stay that way.

06-20-2005, 03:15 PM
Archibaldo, it is NEVER too late to change, certainly not for Nintendo, a company that is profitable and has quite a pile of cash in its pocket. Nintendo just needs to make wise moves. I think personally they should either include HD support like all the other morons, or design it so it can be purchased as an addon of sorts. It wouldn't hurt since HDTV is being shoved down people's throats in just a matter of a few years.

06-21-2005, 02:00 AM
I've grown up since then, been out of highschool for several years now, but I think a true gamer wouldn't care if its mature or not.

You think a gamer isn't a true gamer just because they don't share the same likes and dislikes about games? I agree that games don't need to be mature to be good, but that doesn't mean that people who don't like mature games or good looking games aren't true gamers. People like different aspects of different games, and I think that in order to be successful, game companies need to try to please as many different kinds of people as possible. And I think Nintendo, by initially rejecting so many things, is alienating many kinds of people. It shouldn't be all about the Nintendo fan. It should be about all gaming fans.

One thing that bugs me is how in one of Perrin Kaplan's (a Nintendo figurehead) interviews on IGN, she claimes that Nintendo was the first in the online biz with some NES adapter deal, just to not make Nintendo look as bad when they didn't embrace online capabilities right away. Yes, they made an online adapter. But it certainly isn't used to bring people from all over the world to play games like XBox embraced this generation. Nintendo isn't always the first out with the most innovative ideas, as apparently she and many fans would like us to believe.

06-21-2005, 02:11 AM
But what about Randnet on 64DD? ;)

06-21-2005, 10:49 AM
Archibaldo, it is NEVER too late to change, certainly not for Nintendo, a company that is profitable and has quite a pile of cash in its pocket. Nintendo just needs to make wise moves. I think personally they should either include HD support like all the other morons, or design it so it can be purchased as an addon of sorts. It wouldn't hurt since HDTV is being shoved down people's throats in just a matter of a few years.

They can make the games, but other companies have already been there and done that. So the average teen consumer will just think, " Why should I go out and buy a Gamecube now? I already have a PS2/Xbox. As long as Sony and MS don't start making solely kiddie games, I'll stick with what I've got."

The money to make the games is no problem, it's their reputation as a family company that's going to make it difficult. Do you think that when an average PS2 customer is at Wal-Mart they're looking at the Game Cube games? No, They only go for the games for the system they own.

And when I mean average I mean those people who don't follow the industry very well.

06-21-2005, 10:49 AM
I believe Orion is stating that while Nintendo may have thought of it, they never actually DID it, like Microsoft did with the Xbox.

I think.

06-21-2005, 11:33 AM
You think a gamer isn't a true gamer just because they don't share the same likes and dislikes about games? I agree that games don't need to be mature to be good, but that doesn't mean that people who don't like mature games or good looking games aren't true gamers. People like different aspects of different games, and I think that in order to be successful, game companies need to try to please as many different kinds of people as possible. And I think Nintendo, by initially rejecting so many things, is alienating many kinds of people. It shouldn't be all about the Nintendo fan. It should be about all gaming fans.

I'm sorry Orion. I wasn't directing that toward just anybody. I hate video game retail, and thats most of where those comments come from. I see who buys what games, and frankly, it sickens me with the comments and attitudes they make torward games. People who only buy games made by Rockstar, or games that you can say is similar to Rockstar.

Like the 6 or 7 yr old who dresses like a thug, begging me to sell him San Andreas, or the little kid who needs to trade in True Crime so he can get Dead to Rights II. And then the parent comes in and says that he doesn't listen to the words, its ok... Well, he sure knew what they were when he was talking in the corner before you came in. And the 20 some old guy who trades in his entire Xbox collection for a PStwo, and every game he owns is in the vein of underground racing, or GTA. Never owned a system before the Xbox. Don't even know of the Gamecube, and thinks the PSP can play DVDs.

40% or more of my games are mature, but my statement is aimed at these individuals. Yeah, sure nobody has the same interest, but I'll be darned I can't guess what game this group of people will buy next, and that they don't buy just because its looks cool. And too me, the above statement fits this group of people.

I needed to let off some steam. :) I hope you guys can see where I'm coming from. Again, sorry. I hope there was no offense taken.

06-21-2005, 12:51 PM
That is a sad deal, Hopper, to see all of those young kids going after those types of games. I always thought I wanted to work in a game store, but then I thought of how frustrating it might be.

Didn't mean to be bitchy. I just wanted to point out that while these people might not enjoy games for what we feel to be all the right reasons (and I agree with you there), they still buy games, and thus should be aknowledged.

And yes, Dechipher, that's more along the lines of what I meant. Thanks for clearing that up :).

06-22-2005, 11:38 AM
Speaking of internet...

I saw this from an article in Time Magazine. 5/20/96, Vol 147 Issue 21.

Sorry guys, no link, you'll have to get this from the library, or electronic database of periodicals

But I'll quote what was said.

One challenge will be to move today's stand-alone video games onto the Internet, where players could compete against one another, even if they were playing in different cities or countries. But Miyamoto says online expenses are still too high for most vidkids; he predicts that the two extra ports on the Nintendo 64 (which will allow up to four players to compete) will suit most people just fine, at least for now. “If we are going to use the Internet for play, it has to be more popular.”

My question is, by the end of the Nintendo 64, wasn't Internet play starting to get popular? Then what happened with Gamecube Nintendo? Clearly it was popular enough.

06-23-2005, 10:54 AM
Nintendo developed an internet feature for N64 but it never got outside Japan.. I don't even think it was that big (if they even launched it to the public). It wasn't really common before then though.

06-23-2005, 03:29 PM
Prior to the N64 and beyond, the PC and the Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo X-Band was the only way to play online. Dreamcast I believe is truely where online play started for consoles. N64 I don't believe it ever had any online service, anywhere. It did have the N64 DiskDrive thing in japan though.

Darth Marsden
06-25-2005, 05:11 PM
Okay, slight change of topic, but this looks interesting:

According to a new EGM interview with company president Satoru Iwata, there may be more to the story, though. The executive told the magazine that these classic titles could actually be improved on Revolution.

"We are doing several experiments, including working with the original Super Mario Bros., with the new technology," Iwata said. "The game itself and the gameplay shall be identical, but the look will be different -- it's possible that with Revolution we may be able to see the old games with new looks."

Iwata did not reveal exactly how the graphics for classic titles would be enhanced, but we expect that more on the subject will be announced before the end of the year. Nintendo has stated it plans to divulge more on Revolution, including the controller, by the time the holidays roll around. Can anyone get their hands on the latest issue of EGM and see what else he says?

Incidentally, THIS IS FAKE, but it's interesting, huh? Amazing what bored people will come up with. http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/article/628/628697/revolutionary-rumors-20050623044411342-000.jpg

06-25-2005, 07:03 PM
Conceptualy, a split controller is new, I believe. I don't think anyone's done that before. Action buttons on one side. Directional buttons on the other.

Revolutionary? I dunno. But it'd be cool, and would reduce wear on the controllers from when you freak out when you do something really stupid and get mad and squeeze your controller.
Which may or not be a substainal amount of wear.

06-25-2005, 08:32 PM
I've known people who slam the controller when they get angry at the game. I try to keep the games near soft things to avoid damage.

06-26-2005, 03:09 AM
I've actually broken a controller doing that. In all fairness though, the controller was a piece of shit. And I wasn't really mad, just pretending to be.

06-26-2005, 03:27 AM
Anyone seen all the crap on gamefaqs about it having infinite framerate?

06-26-2005, 12:16 PM
I dunno, the split controller wuld be kinda cool. But don't youi think it would be tough to press the button on the other side? And it would suck if it were wireless cause they're so small and you'd probably end up losing on of the sides.

Darth Marsden
06-28-2005, 04:56 PM
I've actually broken a controller doing that. In all fairness though, the controller was a piece of shit. And I wasn't really mad, just pretending to be. Pah! I broke a Game Boy Advance out of frustration with Sonic Advance. Those specioal stages were so bloody hard, and I just lost it and slammed it against my forehead a couple of times. Broke the screen so bad I had to get a new one. Let that be a lesson to us all - have some sort of punchbag nearby when playing a Sonic Team game.

06-28-2005, 09:50 PM
I sitll don't think maybe of these concepts that people are coming up with are that "revolutionary." It doesn't really change the way we play games, it just changes the way we hold the controller. Of course, Nintendo could have been exagurating when they said it will change the way we play games, but who knows. I'm very interested in what they will crank out, and I hope that I will like it.

06-29-2005, 01:22 PM
I found this link that talks about what HDTV is and thought you guys may want to read it since we were all arguing about HDTV a week or so ago: http://www.projectorcentral.com/hdtv_edtv.htm

06-29-2005, 01:50 PM
I sitll don't think maybe of these concepts that people are coming up with are that "revolutionary." It doesn't really change the way we play games, it just changes the way we hold the controller. Of course, Nintendo could have been exagurating when they said it will change the way we play games, but who knows. I'm very interested in what they will crank out, and I hope that I will like it.

Maybe they'll bring back some kind of powerglove for the Rev. Something where you just need to point to things on the tv to do them. Kinda like a power glove and the gun from duck hunt put together. Also, I don't know what the real name for the power glove is. I assume every one knows what I'm talking about.

06-30-2005, 07:04 PM
It is Power Glove. You had it right. Don't think I would want to use that thing to control games though.

Now if they brought back the power pad, that would be fun.

Master Ghaleon
06-30-2005, 07:15 PM
Now if they brought back the power pad, that would be fun.

Yes that would rule. Mario track and field!

Darth Marsden
06-30-2005, 07:51 PM
Hell, I'd be happy if they just brought the damn thing out with a keyboard and mouse. It'd certainly get me back into console First Person Shooters... And on that, why has a Nintendo console ever had a proper light gun? (Excepting the Bazooka, of course. Man, that thing made my shoulder hurt.) Come on, it'd be fun and you know it.

Master Ghaleon
06-30-2005, 08:03 PM
Yes a gun would be nice too and then actually make more then 4 games for the gun.

Darth Marsden
06-30-2005, 08:06 PM
Yes a gun would be nice too and then actually make more then 4 games for the gun. You could port them from the other consoles, or just adapt them from the arcades. Tell me you've never wanted to play Time Crisis without spending £40 in losse change getting to the end.

Master Ghaleon
06-30-2005, 08:11 PM
You could port them from the other consoles, or just adapt them from the arcades. Tell me you've never wanted to play Time Crisis without spending £40 in losse change getting to the end.

I busted 10 dollars in quarters to get to the end of The Simpsons :) I really only played pinball and a few other arcade games at the arcade. I think Wrestlemania took alot of my quarters also.

Darth Marsden
06-30-2005, 08:16 PM
I spent £10 on that Star Wars Arcade game, only to miss all the targets at the end (in the Second Death Star) and have to start all over again. I just gave up. And I remember the Simpsons! Nowhere has it anymore :( I finished it using MAME. Good game!

07-01-2005, 10:19 AM
Guns? Come on, we all know thats a thing of the past. Arcades don't do well anyway, and number Guncon games for the PS2 are limited. Most are made by Namco in the first place.

07-01-2005, 04:19 PM
Lightguns are not a thing of the past. The technology just has to be properly used. And ofcourse Namco is the one to make the "guncon" games as they are the ones that made the "guncon" lightgun. Also most lightgun games are simply arcade ports anyway, more could be done in a console game. With the proper setup you could make a really cool FPS like game.

07-01-2005, 05:35 PM
most of the gun games I've seen are just target practice. Sometimes you get to be the gunner on a ship, other times you're a hunter. To make a good fps you'd need some other control, probably attatched to the gun, for character control.

Darth Marsden
07-02-2005, 10:05 AM
Here's what I'd like to see on the Gamecube/Revolution (but will probably just end up getting for the PS1 or PS2):

Time Crisis 1/2/3/Crisis Zone/Project Titan
House of the Dead 1/2/3
Ninja Assault
Police 24/7
Virtua Cop 1/2/Elite
Area 51 (From the PS1, not the new FPS just released)
Point Blank 1/2/3
Lethal Enforcers 1/2
Gunfighter 1/2

...I could name more, but I'm bored and want to talk about something else now.

07-23-2005, 02:27 AM
Having a good fps game with a light of preferably heavy gun would rock just imagine playiny halo 2 like that

EDIT: (Don't put tons of empty space in your post that causes excessive scroll) - Daark
just imagine playiny halo 2 like that

Darth Marsden
07-23-2005, 06:07 AM
I'd love to, but I think the Halo series is boring and overrated. (Bear in mind that I don't play multiplayer).

Maybe it'll be some sort of virtual reality headset. Imagine playing Metroid Prime with THAT. It would kick ass and you know it.

Since this is the first time the thread has been updated in a while, I thought I'd shove this here: IGN's Revolution FAQ (http://cube.ign.com/articles/522/522559p1.html). Check out the rumors at the end - hilarious.

And finally - 200th post in this thread. I've never been prouder.

EDIT: Okay, 201st. Damn whoever beat me! DAMN THEM! :P

07-23-2005, 01:59 PM
Ooh, the ability to download older games.. sounds like nintendo's making legal ROMs. XD

I may have not bought a gamecube, but I will definatly be buying this.

Darth Marsden
07-23-2005, 02:28 PM
Another Nintendo convert! Huzzah!

07-24-2005, 01:15 AM
Like Warlock said, actually college kids tend NOT to have alot of money. I hope PS3 does cost a ton. I want it to go down in flames. =)

By the way Warlock, NeoGeo actually, lasted all the way into the 2000s. Infact the last cartridges were probably produced in 2004. Just because you didn't notice it doesn't mean it went away.
Same here mottzilla. I personnaly think the console is just a more powerful version of the current system with crappy controllers

07-24-2005, 04:52 PM
I'd say most have read this on one site or another, but I'm going to go ahead and quote something from Gamespot... :tongue:

"I'm aware that with all these technologies, the PS3 can't be offered at a price that's targeted towards households. I think everyone can still buy it if they wanted to," said Kutaragi to a mostly Japanese crowd. "But we're aiming for consumers throughout the world. So we're going to have to do our best [in containing the price]."

Then Kutaragi issued a somewhat ominous warning. "I'm not going to reveal its price today. I'm going to only say that it'll be expensive," he stated.

The rest of this article is here...

Darth Marsden
07-25-2005, 12:51 PM
Well shot in the foot. Yet another reason to stick with Nintendo, methinks.

Of course, this won't stop people from bying the console, but it may well make them take second thoughts if they have to pay $400-$500 for one.

07-25-2005, 01:18 PM
If the PS3 is $400+ and the 360 is $299 (which is where they hope to release it), we might really start to see a shift in power towards MS, since they're supposedly comperable in terms of power.

Darth Marsden
07-25-2005, 03:02 PM
That, and the possibility that the 360 console might be released first. Always a keen factor that.

07-25-2005, 10:20 PM
If the PS3 is $400+ and the 360 is $299 (which is where they hope to release it), we might really start to see a shift in power towards MS, since they're supposedly comperable in terms of power.

Yeah, maybe. I actually think Microsoft has a very good position here. A hdd supposedly comes with it, (correct?) a good amount of processing power, and an industry standard price ($299.99 hopefully). With it coming out first, and having the support it does, how could it not have a good position.

And truthfully, even though it will be much later when it comes out, if Nintendo can some how manage to wrangle back the third-party support is used to have, Nintendo would be in a very good position with its system too. Nintendo has a powerhouse of first-party software that loyal Nintendo fans will scoop up, and with a cheaper price point, third-party support is the only thing standing in its way from actually gaining some steam. Because now its not only going to be cheaper, its going to be much cheaper then the PS3. (assuming the PS3 is "expensive")

Of course, once other big companies started coming into the industry, Nintendo always seems to be in Limbo when if comes to support.

Darth Marsden
07-27-2005, 08:03 AM
Well, Nintendo hasn't really had a 'demo friendly' format before. It was always cartridges, and then with Gamecube it was those really itty-bitty discs that were a bit expensive. That sort of thing may well have put companies off porting their games over to Nintendo and just sticking with Sony & Microsoft, who had relatively easy-to-use discs. Maybe, with Revolution using more standard discs, they'll have more chance of scoring some more third-company stuff this time round.

07-27-2005, 10:37 AM
Honestly, I don't think the discs had anything to do with it.

How much 3rd party support Nintendo gets on the Revolution will boil down to the system's capabilities, which thus far haven't really been detailed, and the kinds of games developers want to deliver to the Nintendo/Revolution fan base.

Darth Marsden
07-27-2005, 02:07 PM
Still, you have to admit that the idea of a Nintendo console having a demo disc is kinda weird. Be very nice to have one though.

07-27-2005, 03:32 PM
They have demo discs, but they are rare. I remember seeing one with Billy Hatcher, Viewtiful Joe, Spinter Cell, and some other game on it.

Putting demo discs (or even preview movie discs) in magazines is one of the many things I think Nintendo should do to advertise. Nintendo makes good products, but it's advertising sucks. Even with Reggie Fils Aime at Nintendo, advertising still sucks, despite a few cool DS commercials.

They are trying to change that though. The latest issue of Nintendo power had a DVD with it that contained a lot of game trailers, including the Zelda one from E3. Big deal though - everyone watched the Zelda trailer weeks and weeks ago on the internet (though it is nice to watch it on a TV)

UPDATE: I forgot that Nintendo has the Fusion Tour going on each year now. Another step in the right direction in terms of marketing, but they're still not there yet.

07-27-2005, 06:46 PM
I saw a GC demo disc at a store a couple weeks ago. Don't remember what it had on it though, I spent all my time playing Star Fox: Assault....

07-28-2005, 12:34 AM
I saw a GC demo disc at a store a couple weeks ago. Don't remember what it had on it though, I spent all my time playing Star Fox: Assault....

Oh yeah...forgot about those. They have Gamecube kiosks in most electronic stores, you just have to be lucky and find on that's actually on - I can't tell you how many times I go into game stores to find the Gamecube kiosk turned off while the X-Box and PS2 ones are on.

I was specifically talking about demo discs that are available to take home and play, like those you find in magazines.

07-28-2005, 01:00 AM
Yeah, GC demos are very hard to find. I only have one and it's the one that came with Mario Kart: DD.

And about the game kiosks. There's one at my local Wal-Mart, but some one took off the pad on the analog stick, so when you put your thumb on it, it's like having a bunch of little teeth jabbed into your thumb. That, and the screen is so high up, you'r basically looking at it at a 180 degree angle which ends up giving you a neck cramp if you play for more than 2 minutes.

Darth Marsden
07-28-2005, 11:15 AM
Hmm. I was refering to demo disks with magazines, which I know PS2 has and I believe XBox has as well, but yeah. I remember one of the magazines used to have mini Action Replay discs with cheats for about 5 games on which were kinda cool, but they've stopped doing those now. Bit of a shame really, but there you go. I guess I'll just have to use my proper Action Replay now.