View Full Version : The "Sad Sack of Shit" Thread

05-13-2005, 05:12 AM
We all have our successes and good points. Some of us are handsome, some of us are hard working. Some of us are intelligent, some of us are talented, and some of us are insightful.

But all of us, in some way or another... in some area of our lives, are a Sad Sack of Shit

So let's just let it all hang out in this thread. This thread is like a nudist colony, except that instead of exposing our private parts, we expose all the rediculous bullshit that we have done. Why are you a Sad Sack of Shit? Who is the biggest Sad Sack of Shit?

So come on. Release your inner pathetic dumb ass and let us know what you have done.

I'll break the ice:

Sometimes, when I have important homework assignments due the next day, I watch insipid, brain liquifying television until two in the morning and then I complain that school is unfair. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I'm fucking late for everything. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

Sometimes, when friends want to hang out, I tell them I'm busy working on a music project. I then go back to playing Halo. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

At my last job, I showed up late for work every single day for a year and a half. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

After working out, I flex my really non-impressive muscles in the bathroom mirror while listening to bad 80's metal. During these moments, I honestly believe I am sexy and "built". In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I failed an easy as pie government class at college because I was irritated at how long the final exam was, so I didn't take it. I sat down, looked at the test, got up, shook my head no at the teacher, and left for good. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I watched the first two seasons of American Idol. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I once had a math class that started at 12pm. I had to drop because I slept in too late too many days in a row. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I once wrote 70 pages of a novel and then deleted it for no reason. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I go see romantic comedies by myself at the theater. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I once listened to KISS at work 8 hours a day for three months. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I allowed my ex-girlfriend to convert me into an evangelical christian. I then tried to convert my best friend. When I finally stopped being an evangelical christian, my friend and I had a good laugh. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

When people invite me to do things that I hate, I get embarassed and say yes, then I call them the next day and make up a bullshit excuse about why I can't go. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I'm always polite and non-confrontational towards people I cannot stand and they often think I'm their friend. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I have a slender, athletic body and I'm not especially tall. And yet, my head is bigger than most people's. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I write lots of retarted sci-fi/fantasy stories in microsoft word that no one will ever see. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I like to think that I'm indifferent towards the possibility of my band being successful. And yet sometimes I fantasize about being on the cover of GuitarPlayer magazine and mailing copies to my ex-girlfriend's parents, so they can see what a god damned success I am. This is extremely pathetic. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

In 6th grade I teased a girl that no one liked because I was secretly miserable. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

In 9th grade, I was so lonely that I pretended to be a robot for six weeks straight. Sadly, my grades skyrocketed to a 4.0 and I accomplished more than I ever have in my life. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

Despite being a pretty talented guitar player with a good band, I often pretend I have no emotions and don't need friends. I think I do this to avoid the pain of acknowledging how bizarre and frightening my life is. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.

I tend to completely ignore all the good things I've done and just focus obsessively on all the stupid mistakes I've made. In this way, I am a Sad Sack of Shit.


Ok, I know some one out there has to be a sadder sack of shit than me. Prove it. I challenge you. :D

05-13-2005, 05:27 AM
I don't put any effort into my life and then find other people and complain about how shitty my life is to them.

I imagine I'll eventually succeed in being shut out by everyone I know, and then go mad and spend the rest of my life in an asylum.

Ibis, God of Magicks
05-13-2005, 06:17 AM
I killed my best friend.

I win.

carrot red
05-13-2005, 12:18 PM
I killed my best friend.

You probably don't want to hear this, it may be the reason why no one replied so far too, but I'm gonna say it anyway.
It wasn't you who killed him, he did it himself. You didn't know he would react this way or else you would have gone about it differently.

As for the thread, I am *not* a sad sack of shit : p . But I know I'm always late for everything, and when I try not to be, I get there even later, so I quit trying. *Shrug* I also know I have a temper and I lack patience, I should probably work on that...

05-13-2005, 12:25 PM
As for the thread, I am *not* a sad sack of shit : p

I know.:D Neither am I. It's just a silly thread idea. :p

05-13-2005, 01:03 PM
Bel, I thought it was actaully very brave of you to admit such things.

I'll take a little go at it. I need to do so anyway. I'll substitute "Worthless Piece Of Garbage" (POG, actually. :odd: ) because I don't like to curse.

1) I am a POG because I procrastinate far too much, even when I have tremendous amounts of work to do.

2) I am a POG because I'm a loner in life, seeking the help of no one to accomplish that which I should be best utilizing their assistance for.

3) I am a POG because I don't work on alleviating my speech impediment like I should. It will detriment me considerably in life.

4) I am a POG because I associate myself with the friendliest drug addicts you'll ever find. (Lead-In to #5.)

5) I am a POG because I seek the good things in everything, even at personal cost to myself and those around me.

6) I am a POG because I constantly put on a disguise of good-naturedness, which hides a thick layer of hatred and despise for all things human. I just do it to survive on Earth. http://www.thefilebin.com/userfiles/BH4/Images/PZCSmilyRegretful.gif

7) I am a POG because I don't care about anyone that I think that I love. Every time they pass away, I find myself having to feign tears just to make it seem like I love them. Thus, ... (Tie In)

8) I am a POG because I have gone down the wrong path in life. I'm supposed to be all friendly to everyone I know, help everyone, but instead, I use people without them knowing it. If they recieve compensation, that's all well and good, and I don't mean to use them, but it must happen in order to recieve what I want. I am a POG because I cannot attain this otherwise of my own power.

9) I am a POG because I want everyone to think the way I think, even though it's the most accommodating of all beliefs. ... (SEE!!!!) This is why I hate debates. It always makes me insist people take the middle ground when they don't want to.

10) I am a POG because I take people too seriously. I take everything they do to be a direct means of interaction with me. I'm far too critical of others' actions toward me, and tend to make irrational insights as to potential reasons behind their actions. As logical as I hope they are, they are not impervious to being incorrect, and I may jump off the handle for an entirely incorrect reason, even when people are trying to help me. =/

11) I am a POG because I don't consider myself to be human. That's all you need to know about that.

Such a Rock Bottom Thread. Or perhaps I've taken it too seriously again.

05-13-2005, 01:18 PM
Belderan, you are a Sad Sack of Shit for posting this thread.

Only kidding, old buddy.

I bitch and complain about not being inspired musically and all that, while I really have no reason to complain, seeing as how I have a house and food and all that good stuff.

I am a Sad Sack of Shit because I do not know when to end a conversation, and thus carry it on to awkward lengths.

05-13-2005, 09:07 PM
Belderan, I think many of those apply to all of us, we just aren't willing to admit it.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I didn't work hard in high school, then complained about how little I got out of it.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I decided to take the BC calc. exam, then didn't study for it AT ALL, because I didn't feel like it.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I've skipped school after an exhausting night of video games.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I am so competitive I sometimes enjoy when my friends do poorly on academic tests.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I think if I hit a dog in a residential neighborgood, I'd leave it and drive off without telling its owners.

I'm a sad sack of shit because I'll buy things I don't need just for the sake of one-upping my friends. (car, stero system, computer, etc)

05-13-2005, 09:35 PM
I solitary mosh.

I can't dance.

I dropped out of community college and I have a 160 IQ. I'm going back, but come on.

I procrastinate to the point of just not doing shit.

I love pwning people online.

I spend my entire night (10 or 11 until 5 AMish) online.

I write angsty poetry.

I am a goth.

I listen to DDR music.

I've got no bewbs.

I have mental disoders and I'm not taking anything for them.

I have no IRL friends other than the guy I am currently fucking and a few people I haven't talking to in forever.

I've had 5 internet boyfriends.

I'm whiny.

I am a Sad Sack of Shit.