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05-12-2005, 08:39 PM
No way can I make my purple font with one hand...

I went to my MDA Dr today and he diagnosed me with CT and told me to wear a brace on my right wrist and not type anymore right now to keep my other hand ok so I got a brace and I'm posting my leave at the MBs and then I will stop typing for awhile,

Bye everyone!

Master Ghaleon
05-13-2005, 12:47 AM
No way can I make my purple font with one hand...

You can do it in three easy steps! ;)

1.After you find something you wanna post in click Post Reply
2.then type your stuff in
3.Then highlight it all and goto color and pick your purple and there ya go.

Dont take a long vacation from us ;) come back soon

05-13-2005, 12:48 AM
I'm really sorry to hear that you have CT. As a guitar player, that is my worst nightmare. I hope you recover quickly.

05-13-2005, 02:47 AM
Indeed, Monica, we'll miss you greatly. :) You're a wonderful poster, and a wonderful person. Please recover soon so you can join us again. :) :highfive:

05-13-2005, 01:09 PM
Dearest Monica,

Before I had my CT surgeries (on both my hands), almost every night I'd wake up crying in the middle of the night, several times a night, because my hands and fingers were numb and hurting.

Since having the surgeries I've not had one bit of problem from them. Did your doctor mention having the surgery?

You know how to find me if you want to talk more about this...

05-14-2005, 11:13 PM
I worry about carpal tunnel very much. My hands are my livelihood and every few months the aching makes it all the way up to my elbows.

Some days I spend 8 hours typing, then come home and spend an additional 6 hours on the PC. My body must be proportioned wierd or something because I have never found a desk that lets me keep my arms at a comfortable level.

I feel for you and lament the coming day when I must undergo treatment for the damage I am doing to my hands/wrists.

05-14-2005, 11:13 PM
I worry about carpal tunnel very much. My hands are my livelihood and every few months the aching makes it all the way up to my elbows.

Some days I spend 8 hours typing, then come home and spend an additional 6 hours on the PC. My body must be proportioned wierd or something because I have never found a desk that lets me keep my arms at a comfortable level.

I feel for you and lament the coming day when I must undergo treatment for the damage I am doing to my hands/wrists.

05-15-2005, 02:10 PM
Sorry to hear about the CT. I think I am developing it in my left hand, but there's this other syndrome I might have that attacks musicians that my percussion instructer had, so I may have that. Either way, it sucks. I'd ask you how long you're out of commission for, but you probably will not respond, which is okay, but if you do return....how long are you to wear this brace?

Sheesh. That seemed like a big ramble. I need more direction in my posts.

05-15-2005, 02:10 PM
Sorry to hear about the CT. I think I am developing it in my left hand, but there's this other syndrome I might have that attacks musicians that my percussion instructer had, so I may have that. Either way, it sucks. I'd ask you how long you're out of commission for, but you probably will not respond, which is okay, but if you do return....how long are you to wear this brace?

Sheesh. That seemed like a big ramble. I need more direction in my posts.

05-16-2005, 03:21 AM
My body must be proportioned wierd or something because I have never found a desk that lets me keep my arms at a comfortable level.

I doubt anyone that typed as long as you do would find a desk that would allow them to be in a comfortable positions. Humans just weren't designed to type on a keyboard all day long.

05-16-2005, 03:21 AM
My body must be proportioned wierd or something because I have never found a desk that lets me keep my arms at a comfortable level.

I doubt anyone that typed as long as you do would find a desk that would allow them to be in a comfortable positions. Humans just weren't designed to type on a keyboard all day long.

05-16-2005, 05:42 PM
I can do my purple without shift. Can't type long or it hurts, I think it's in both hands. I can still check the web thanks to Opera's voice feature. Still can't type, but I will explain everything when I can post long again, bye y'all.

05-16-2005, 05:42 PM
I can do my purple without shift. Can't type long or it hurts, I think it's in both hands. I can still check the web thanks to Opera's voice feature. Still can't type, but I will explain everything when I can post long again, bye y'all.

05-27-2005, 08:34 PM
Hey, I'm back!

Here's what happened: I had an appointment with my MDA Dr the day I made this thread. We think I have cerebral palsy in my right hand because I can't really use it to do much besides typing and videogames and simple stuff because it's kinda weak, my left hand has always been my dominant hand and my right arm cannot keep a muscle on it's own. I try to tell my Dr about it to see if there's anything I can do besides physical therapy which I'm taking, and the only reason why my right arm has a muscle right now and it's more focused on my tendons than my arm, and he says I have CTS in it and to get a brace and not to type.

I get kinda big braces for both wrists just in case and don't type or play video games for 2 weeks. I went to my family Dr Thursday and he perscribed physical therapy for carpel tunnel, and I just got back from bying kinda smaller braces that keep my wrists straight but I can type and play video games without them in the way.