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View Full Version : Snail Mail Faster Than DSL!

05-12-2005, 12:13 PM
You have two options. You can either look at this picture, laugh, then leave the thread, or you can find out why or how Snail Mail is faster than DSL.



Read All About It, Folks! (http://www.notes.co.il/benbasat/10991.asp)

Something else to tide you over:

Download on your head: In contrast to pigeons, (and some ISP providers), snails don’t crap on your head.

EDIT: I am so making this my avatar.

05-12-2005, 12:14 PM
Yeah, a guy in my classes has that as his desktop background. FARK 4 EVER!

05-12-2005, 12:50 PM
I wonder if that's why sending e-mail isn't as instantanious as you would be inclined to believe?

carrot red
05-12-2005, 01:39 PM
I laughed, I read and now I'm leaving you with this:

Following the breakthrough, here are some newly formulated snails laws:

EmbeddedJanitor laws (thx Slashdot)

IBM snail law : The world will only need five snails.

DEC snail law: : Nobody wants a snail in their home.

Microsoft: The new Longhorned snail is shipping…

spaghetti law (thx Slashdot)

BillG: a 640K snail should be enough for anyone


The snail is the network - Sun Microsystems snail law