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05-08-2005, 12:15 PM
BH4's Guide To Night Flying

In this short ten minute exercise, I will run by the basics of Night Flight. Follow closely now. If you have any questions, I'll take them at the end. Kindly step out of the car and walk out onto the field. Don't step near the cliff just yet. That comes later.

1) Hold the potion firmly in your hand. It's small, and drops easily. Quaff exactly half of the bottle. You'll need the other half for when the effects begin to wane. Store the potion in an inside pocket with the cork screwed on tightly You don't want any chance of it escaping. The effects should be evident almost immediately, as you will begin to feel mildly light headed. This is normal. Flying is much more difficult without that feeling.

2) You will need the power word to help attain liftoff. The power word focuses your attention on the act of lifting off itself, as you say it. Your power word can be anything that you wish, so long as all of your attention is diverted onto that one word.

3) After saying the power word as gently as possible, but with 100% of your focus and attention, imagine yourself lifting off slowly, one part of the body at a time, but all within the span of one to two seconds. First your shoulders rise, then your midsection, then your legs will bend slightly, then your feet will lift off from the ground, and you will be nearly weightless. Congratulations, you have achieved liftoff! You are now ready to fly!

4) You should find yourself hovering in the air. Remember to maintain your focus on flight. Do not lose too much concentration, or you will find yourself falling fast. With the feelings of lightheadedness under your control, imagine yourself repositioning yourself slightly higher in the air, and continue to physically focus additionally on that space above you. You should rise without feeling it much. This is good. Continue to focus on the airspace around you, and strive to occupy that space. This is how you learn to fly. Take some time to rove around space, bending your body wherever possible to accommodate for the air flow. Just because the potion has granted you wingless flight does not mean that you are not able to be subjected to air currents and the wind.

5) Landing is much simpler a process than taking off. You must simply fall to the ground from a few inches above it, losing concentration on flight that you had previously held tightly. Bending your legs upon impact will smoothen the process.

Congratulations on your first flight!



Lately, I've been having so many of these dreams. Roughly 3/4 of my dreams consist of me defying some law of physics in some way. I don't know what's causing it. Granted, I really don't want them to stop, but my dreams are usually filled with things other than flight. I wonder what could be causing it.

How often do you dream of flying? Are you usually in control of them? Do you usually "use" the flight to visit somewhere or someone? Or are you just randomly flying over a given location?

05-08-2005, 12:20 PM
I don't fly too often. Sometimes I walk though. My dreams are weird in any case.
P.S. What is this potion and word you mentioned? What is the car and cliff?

05-08-2005, 01:44 PM
It seemed eerily familiar, like something that would've definitely be tied in to reality. Apparently, in order to fly, there was a (literally) tiny potion that you had to drink from in order to achieve the requirements necessary to actually fly. It was kinda like putting on pants in order to go outside. A requirement, but nothing addictive. Just very ordinary. It seemed so natural. The car and cliff, well, in a dream, since pretty much anything can happen, it relates to being driven to the flight fields to actually take your first lesson. Since you can't quite fly just yet, you have to be driven there. :p :laughing: The cliff is for advanced practice, for clean flying air with no ground to impede you. That's pretty much how it'd be done, anyway. Everything else is fairly self-explanatory.

Why, what sort of weird dreams do you have, Slothman?

05-08-2005, 02:31 PM
I had a dream where I could fly once. I didn't think to fly outdoors, I was inside our apartment. I got caught in our ceiling fan and the dream was over.

I haven't flown in a dream since.

Oh I have an extra tip for you guys:
http://www.atmaweapon.org/images/emot/eng101.gifLook out for low flying aircraft.

05-08-2005, 09:10 PM
Didn't Freud once say dreams about flying meant you want to get it on with your mother?
Of course, with Freud, there weren't many things that didn't involve parents and/or intercourse.

Seriously, though, are you asking for dream interpretation, or other people's strange dreams?

If it's other people's dreams, I have none to list. I can't remember the last time I remembered a dream I had. I've had quite a few of those awake-but-not-really dreams lying in bed waiting for my watch to start beeping at me, but no actual dreams.

05-08-2005, 09:52 PM
i read somewhere that the most commonly-dreampt idea was flying...
i hope that helps...

05-08-2005, 10:03 PM
I don't think that I've ever had a dream where I was flying. My dreams mostly involve me fighting things.

05-09-2005, 12:06 AM
I can fly, breathe underwater, and have telekenesis in my dreams. They are in color with every sense extremelly vivid. I've been having lucid dreams since I was 3. And I fuck a lot of dream-girls. WORSHIP.

05-09-2005, 09:44 AM
* Worships With Much Divinity And Shrinage *

You now have approximately twelve shrines made out of rocks and forks scattered around Queens College. Enjoy. :)

No interpretation is necessary of dreams. IMHO, dreams occur because of what occurs in reality, not based on what dreams could mean for reality. If you love sandwiches, and your life revolves around them, you'll probably dream about sandwiches if you pay that much attention to them. If you believe it's just another part of your day, you may very well ignore this crucial part of your life.

Perhaps, since it's been something I've always, always wanted to do, and as of roughly this or last month, has grown slightly more feasable as a possibility, (Don't ask.) they're recurring more and more often.


I'm going to try to get them some more. I think I'll read all about lucid dreaming while listening to a certain piece of music. Eventually, after about two weeks, I'll stop reading about it, but fall asleep with that music on anyway, set on a loop. Then, eventually, I won't need the music at all. Interesting experiment. Can't be proven of course, but interesting nevertheless.

05-09-2005, 01:04 PM
I've been dreaming the future since 2000... and I'm proud of it!!! WORSHIP ME AS THE ORACLE!!!

05-09-2005, 01:14 PM
My dreams worry me. They are totally out of my character. I'm not even sure I want you to know, but, I'll tell you anyway.
Standing on a cliff point, which is surrounded by mountains, making it impossible to get out. On the Easternmost mountain there is a tunnel, with a train track coming out of it, and going back into the Westernmost mountain.
So I stand there, looking out to sea, when all of a sudden, the train inevitably zooms past - but not any old train. It is red and has white polkadots all over it. Two windows open, and two fat ladies with red and white polkadot umbrellas squeeze out, and float into the sky and then down, using their umbrellas.
To my horror, they start to fall down the cliff, although they don't care. Their dresses puff up like teacups, as to their polkadot bloomers. They fly up, and over the mountains. Realising that that is the only way out, I jump off the cliff...
And wake up. Laughing.
Others include me holding my breath in a castle made of bubbles.
Doesn't flight mean that you are felling trapped? Or so I am told.

05-09-2005, 06:17 PM
I've been dreaming the future since 2000... and I'm proud of it!!! WORSHIP ME AS THE ORACLE!!!

Sometimes dreaming the future can be really disturbing. I've had a lot of dreams where something bad happens to my friends or family. Although, I've had others which have had a tiny bit of eerieness, but look pretty positive altogether.

As for flying, I haven't had a bunch where I could fly without the help of wings or some kind of physical object (most famous one being a pumpkin >_>; ).

Look out for low flying aircraft.
I have a problem with running into churches when I do fly. :p

05-09-2005, 07:43 PM
Sometimes dreaming the future can be really disturbing. I've had a lot of dreams where something bad happens to my friends or family. Although, I've had others which have had a tiny bit of eerieness, but look pretty positive altogether.I keep having dreams about the apocalypse. I WOULD be scared of them, as they look real, ... but the somehow end up being more "cool" rather than scary. :shakeno: Definitely a bad thing. Everything is red. The sky is all fiery, and there are odd red lights all around. It's actually pretty eerie. But that's somehow attractive to me. No idea why.

I have a problem with running into churches when I do fly. :pYOU TOO!? O_O Dayamn. Why are there never any geese or birds in the sky when we fly?

05-09-2005, 08:33 PM
I never fly in my dreams, I just have strange quasi-realistic dreams. In the last one I can remember, I was staring at some girl's breasts and she caught me. That's all I remember from that dream. Previous dreams include one where I read a paper to the class. The next day we did the readings, but I had to stop and think for a second to make sure I hadn't just read that paper the previous day (since the dream was quite lifelike).

Othertimes my dreams will be totally rediculous. They can get to the point where I will think "This makes no sense! I must be dreaming!", at which point I gain full control of my dream. That's pretty nice, but it is usually just a few minutes before I wake up.

On the annoying end of the spectrum, sometimes I will start dreaming before I've fallen asleep. Without exception these dreams include a point where I jump, which causes my whole body to jump, pulling me back to full wakefulness. Even odder, I can usually tell that I am dreaming and that the jump is coming. But I can't do anything to avoid it.

05-09-2005, 08:40 PM
I know, that's fairly similar to what happens with myself, ... with the .. er.. odd exception that flying IS EXACTLY something that would ordinarily trigger such a waking up. O_O I wonder why it doesn't wake me up. If only unnatural things wake you up because you realize that they're unnatural, ... then ... ... <3 ...

What usually makes me realize I'm dreaming, (Flying doesn't. Good.) is that I can interact with the dream in some way. I once had this "wand" that looked like like the end of a lamp. I pointed it at various places on my ceiling, and a new ceiling light/lamp suddenly grew there. I pointed it at couches, and a small couch exploded from it. I pointed it at myself, and I can't really tell you what happened. :p It'd be too weird. ^_^;

05-10-2005, 11:43 PM
O.o weirdness...? Jeez... so I'm NOT the only Oracle-like-person here... oh yah... Letdowns suck... I FINALLY got one wrong T_T *sobs*