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05-07-2005, 09:23 PM
About an hour ago, me and my roomate Nate (my roomnate) were comming home from teh store, and we happened to find a squirrel in our building, just chilling between our apartment and the one across teh hall. Now he must of heard about how much we love squirrels (http://goat.armageddongames.net/images/halloween/squirrel1.jpg) because when he saw us he started freaking out. So he tries to run out, but we were blocking him, and he tried to run up teh wall, but hes not asian. We were chasing after him, trying to catch him, cause we wanted to be friends. So we go all out on one last attempt to catch him, and as he runs by, nate grabs ahold of his tail. We hear this loud squeal, followed by a loud scream. The squeal was teh squirrel as nate was holding him, and teh scream was Nate as the squirrel was biting him. It was so fucking funny, nates hand is covered in blood, th squirrel is running off towards a tree, and im rolling on teh ground laughing so hard that I almost spilled my beer!! Good times, good times!

05-07-2005, 09:48 PM

But Nate isn't. Okay. May his hand heal quickly.

So he tries to run out, but we were blocking him, and he tried to run up teh wall, but hes not asian.That is so going in my sig.

05-07-2005, 09:53 PM
Ha ha, so owned. Maybe it will teach them next time :)

05-07-2005, 09:54 PM
umm....he might want to get tested now for various stds. You guys have no idea how many hookers that squirrel may have biten.

05-07-2005, 11:41 PM
or if nothing else, get a tetanus shot or something.

05-08-2005, 12:37 AM
Tetanus? Lol. You need to get rabies shots after squirrel bites, I know because I used to be friends with a girl who's mom was just sitting in the yard, and she got fucking attacked by a squirrel. She had to get 'em. One reason why I fucking hate squirrels.

05-08-2005, 07:25 AM
I stopped chasing squirrels after the one I chased got its tail stuck under a car. Needless to say, it was not the most pleasant of experiences.
The next day I ran over a pheasant.

carrot red
05-08-2005, 09:35 AM
The Revenge of the Squirrel.

Define *cause we wanted to be friends.* You're having a bad influence on dem squirrels, but a good influence on Nate-the-squirrel-bitten, Danny.

05-08-2005, 04:45 PM
Goat, you've got a new challenger. (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SwDqAnEXYY6VD4nLaxdBwG145V53y74ayfGcBkpkV4!*jijwD GI9ubZ0XUwBD!nG8pk4KXQ767vBmtMnaPhxirk9YhCEuVLV4rI 80giY0tUCPs1GMMutvA/bulloxMED.jpg) :p Oh, and another one. (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0VgAGAzocMw299V6l*IoaXHI!PQaFriQp1C0lhCoQhbiwxOXVY *cAon4!lbg1!f8b9ksA6QrT!asz1h6L7gI*RQ5lcQlhReOf20S O!J5hPhorNzoP8BYpK4Cid1*2SwzK/wherezmyfrigginkfcSM.jpg)

Wear really think pants.