View Full Version : If I could be…

carrot red
05-07-2005, 04:51 PM
Find 10 things you could be (or more/less) and complete the sentence on how it would contribute to society.

Some examples you could use but you can also come up with your own *professions* too.

If I could be... a painter...a gardener... a missionary... a chef... an architect... a bully... a psychologist... a librarian... an athlete... a lawyer... an inn-keeper... a bum... an assassin... a professor... a writer... a llama-rider... a bonnie pirate... an astronaut... a world famous AGNer... a justice on any court in the world... a Jedi...

• If I could be a scientist... I would find a solution for free energy and the means of powering the human race to new worlds in our galaxy and we will become explorers again.
• If I could be an alchemist... I would find the elixir of eternal life and help people to grow old without aging.
• If I could be a healer... I would assist people to balance their energies and access the natural energies of the universe to heal them permanently and destroy sickness forever.
• If I could be an artist … I would create art that makes people sense the beauty and passion around them.
• If I could be a dreamer…I would steal bits of my dreams and bring them back into this life to show all how exciting my dreams are.
• If I could be a mystery… I would intrigue people with oracles, fables and surprises so that they keep on seeking the truth and in the process learn to know themselves.
• If I could be a better friend… I'd remember your birthday without reminders, and be there when you were hurting, and make you laugh when you were a little sad and cry with you when you were a lot sad, and love you with all my heart, not afraid of being hurt in the process. I'd tell you the truth when it made you a better person, and hug you when no else has. I'd bring you Hershey bars for those bad days and Mountain Dew on those hot ones. I'd hang out with you for hours just talking nonsense.
• If I could be a grade school teacher... I'd teach tolerance and acceptance daily... and appreciation of each person's uniqueness.
• If I could be a bookshop owner… I would not sell Danielle Steele.
• If I could be a music store owner… I would not offer Celine Dion.

05-07-2005, 05:51 PM
If I could be a painter, I'd paint my house with a really odd optical illusion so as to confuse everyone that walked past.

If I could be a Gardener, then I'd make my garden totally Zen-like, with hundreds of lanterns, a stream, high bridges and strange looking trees. A shinto arch leading to a huge maze made out of Maize, (A maize maze!), and a Peakcock.
If I could be a chef, then I'd create another reality TV program to find the "ultimate" chef. Only to increase my riches.
An architect, I'd design an Ivory Tower. Just so that there was one for people to relate to.
A bully... I'd create a bully organisation to do my dirty work.
A librarian... I'd play Song 2 really loud and tear all the books to shreads for the sheer impulsive fun.
"Woo hoo! Da na na na na na na na na na!"
An athlete, I'd win.
An inn-keeper, I'd call my inn a tavern, serve only mead and employ people to be drunk, large and laugh loudly every five minutes, making a mess and clanking their goblets together. Just like mediaeval times.
A bum... If I could be a bum, I'd be the perfect bum, making my owner totally unmissably amazing.
An assassin, I'd change the spelling so that the "s" key on my keyboard wouldn't get so worn out. I'd also dress like a ninja.
A professor, I'd lecture at Oxford.
A bonnie pirate... I'd sail the briny sea, me hearties! Diggin' up the gold, shouting -"Land ho!" at every ho that went by! Avast ye!
A Jedi... I'd go the the gym that Yoda went to - those jumps have to be learnt.

05-07-2005, 06:04 PM
If I could be a super hero, I would be Justice Guy. Making sure people get what they deserve, especially women who lie. Like if a wife left her husband with three kids and no job, to run off to f@$* Hawaii with her doctor named Bob, I would skin them and drain them of blood so they die...especially Bob. Then I would be Justice Guy. I couldnt be more subtle no, I didn't mean to be vague, give her the mad cow disease let him die of the plague, as long as they suffer for their terrible lie...especially Bob, then I would be Justice Guy.

A blacksmith - I would make and sell medieval armor to reenactors and museums.

A game developer - I would make mad cool games that I come up with from time to time, the likes of which has NEVER BEEN SEEN!!

An Admin - I would get rid of that stupid mini golf thing over my avatar.

A good bass player - I would still play for Bumblepuppie, the greatest band in the world...except for the ones who are better than us.

A ham sandwich - I would be the best ham sandwich anyone has ever eaten.

05-07-2005, 06:11 PM
If I could be a midget.... I would kill cancer

If I could be a child molestor.... I woud bring happiness to all of the children

If I could be a panda bear.... I would finally be able to get rid of Kelly Clarkson

If I could be a bar stool... I'd be all over your ass with no regret

If I could be cancer.... I would kill midgets

05-07-2005, 07:59 PM
If I could be a negro.... I would have sex with 40 white bitches at once.

If I could be a mexican.... I would rob you.

If I could be Britney Spears.... I would video tape myself masturbating and sell it and make a million dollars but then be me again and ruin the real Britney Spears' life.

If I could be Sean Connery's penis.... I would be teh most well hung penis evar.

If I could be AIDS.... I would get rid of all the minorities.

05-07-2005, 08:14 PM
If I could be dead, ... fewer resources would be wasted on the sick and disabled.

05-08-2005, 01:52 AM
If I could be... a James Bond villain, I'd hava sharks with laser beams strapped to thier heads.

If I could be... Spider-Man, I'd cover the whole twon with web.

If I could be... God, the grass would be blue and the sky would be green.

If I could be... the moon, I'd fly away and the world would flood.

05-08-2005, 02:56 AM
If I could be god for just 5 minutes, I'd make anything the bad things that anyone I love has suffered hurt less and punish those that did it. I know lots of people in both catagories. I'd also get rid of genetic diseases.

05-08-2005, 05:03 AM
I'd also get rid of genetic diseases.

Ah, would be nice if that could happen.