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View Full Version : A Hero's Story Demo released!

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 10:37 AM
I finally have a demo ready for all who wish to try it. Please be sure to read the readme text first. Get back to me with any comments/question either on this thread or PM or whatever.

Without further ado, The DEMO (http://fast.filespace.org/Love_For_Fire/HeroStory.qst)
And also... The Text thingy (http://fast.filespace.org/Love_For_Fire/HeroStory.txt)

04-26-2005, 03:50 PM
I haven't tried this yet, but I wanted to point out, you need to fix the link to the text.

...And you need to right click and "save as" then add .qst to the end of the name to get the quest file to save right. >_>

I still haven't started playing, but I just wanted to add, ironically, the first screen of the quest I'm working on looks a HECK of a lot like this. :laughing: An enclosed area surrounded by trees, and one tree you can go into, lol. Though you can't leave the screen mine starts in, so, yeah. Heck, we even have the same tileset, Pure, hehe. I just wanted to point that out so you won't think I copied off of you when I release a demo of mine, especially since the starting screen in mine right now is only temporary. And since I'm, hopefully, going to have different graphics by the time I'm done with mine.

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 05:30 PM
Thanks for pointing that out... I copied the link from somewhere else so it said http://http://blah blah lol. It works now. It's alright about your opening screen. This is my first quest. I drew that one screen and figured out how to correctly layer trees so I drew a lot of them.

04-26-2005, 09:41 PM
Uhh, I'm stuck. I'm in Level 3, I just beat the second red... whatever the heck it's called, with 8 heads, and they all shoot fireballs. The one you can't use items on. So is the block blocking the locked door in that room supposed to be pushable? I tried to push it, and I couldn't. Or am I supposed to be able to use items in there, and I have to use something on it?

Edit: Okay... I exited and re-entered the room, and he came back? Is he supposed to? Argh! I can't take that thing out again. The first time, the roar was still going when I couldn't push the block. So am I supposed to be able to push it after he gets killed? If so, that room might be a bugged, since it didn't count him as being killed the first time I killed him.

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 09:55 PM
That would be a Manhandla 2. Hope you have a Blue Mail :). He must be killed to proceed, the block dissapears once he is dead.

EDIT: Hmm, I don't know what happened, I just went to that room and when I killed the Manhandla the block dissapeared.

04-26-2005, 10:02 PM
Well that block certainly didn't disappear the first time I killed him. And he actually came back after I left the room, like I said. I don't have the blue mail yet cause I don't have enough for it. I'm about 50 rupees short. And I managed to sneak my items in that room by using the hookshot to get past the item bubbles in the previous room. ;) I guess I'm gonna go try to do it again, cause it's really hard to take one of those out without bombs.

Edit: Jeez, there we go. This time when I killed him, the secret sound effect played, the block disappeared, and I think he's gone for good. I managed to get past the bubbles this time by just walking past them when they grouped to one side of the hallway, so I got lucky this time. Are you going to keep that room like that, or change it so you can't avoid the bubbles in the full game?

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 10:12 PM
How did you manage to do that? Does the Hook-shot stun bubbles? Thank you for pointing that out... I'll have to fix it. I don't know how you got this far without the Blue Mail! Killing the Super Darknut gives you 50 rupees. And there's also 50 rupees hidden on the Level 3 entrance screen. And 50 more behind the windmill.

04-26-2005, 10:16 PM
Ahh, I forgot about the 50 from the Super Darknut that turns into the two blues. I keep passing him by, lol. And I managed to get past the bubbles with the hookshot because nothing can hurt you while you've got the hookshot extended. Like I just added to my last post though, I WAS able to sneak past them by waiting for them to group.

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 10:20 PM
I'm either going to add more bubbles or make the doors shutters so you can't hide in the doorway and wait for them to move. The Super Darknut drops 50 rupees but is completely optional. I figured I should give a reward to people who are crazy enough to fight something that was intended to be ran from. (Although with all the blocks he's not that hard anyway)

04-26-2005, 10:28 PM
Yeah, I hide behind the blocks to take that sucker out, lol. Which I apparently already did cause the rupees are gone from in there. ^_^; Oh, I forgot to ask, should I have the lantern by now? I just got the Amulet, and now I can't figure out where to go. Besides that one room with all the constantly moving traps below the room with the mirrors and Wizzrobes, but that only has a key in it.

Love For Fire
04-26-2005, 10:33 PM
Remember where you found the Lens of Truth? Continue that way, now cross in hand you won't get blasted by invisible wizzrobes.

04-26-2005, 11:26 PM
I just realized I hadn't been there right before I saw you say it, lol. I was looking at the map and wondered why I hadn't been in those two rooms up from where the Lens was. I was thinking that was a locked door in there and not a shutter, lol. I ended up having to go grab the blue mail, because of the room I mentioned earlier with all the traps, and the key. So I finally got the key with 1 and a half hearts. Anyway, now I've gone past the room where the Lens was, and I've seen the room with the big key, I also saw a staircase in the room with all the mummies and lynels, using the lens, but it didn't show up when I killed all the enemies. Was it supposed to?

Edit: Okay, nevermind, I see playing the ocarina made them appear, lol. I hope I don't have to add more before I finish this place...

04-27-2005, 12:07 AM
Well! That was fun. I finished all of level 3, and got the raft too, and I think I went through all the rooms of level 4 that are in the demo, cause I ended up in a room with 4 house walls in the place where the doors are, lol. I really like this demo. Would you mind explaining how you made those push block puzzles that only triggered when the blocks were on the switches? If not here, then in private? I didn't think that was possible, but man, now that I've seen it, that could really add some depth to my own quest, especially in the temple for the first sword, since you have no items.

Edit: Before anyone jumps on me for this, sorry about the double post, I had the quick reply window at the top of the screen and forgot I was the last one to post. x_x

Love For Fire
04-27-2005, 09:09 AM

I'm assuming you mean something like this. It's been done before by the greats such as DarkFlameWolf and Mr.Z and isn't too difficult. Those arrow blocks I had to draw myself (using them is optional). I would recommend making the puzzle space floor a different tile, and place a border around it. Once you have all the blocks and buttons placed, flag all the blocks to move in their respective directions, give all the buttons the block trigger flag, and place no push block flags all over the perimeter. Then set the screen flag to Block->Shutters On, and when all the buttons are covered the shutter will open. Don't forget the undercombo as well. Other things you can do to add to it include adding extra blocks that you don't really need, adding a bombable block or a burn block, and maybe some enemies.

04-27-2005, 02:56 PM
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I didn't know what the block trigger flag was for before, that's why I didn't think to do that. So, thanks for explaining that. Do you want mentioned in the credits of my quest for helping with that?

Oh, and while I'm posting, care if I make a suggestion? Remove the two lanterns on the right side of the room with the push block that makes floor where you push it. I can see why you need that first lantern, to keep the player from just pushing it to the corner right away, but I didn't see a need for the other two. That would probably make it a little easier to mess up and push the block somewhere it's not supposed to be.

Love For Fire
04-27-2005, 03:23 PM
If you would like to I don't see why not :)

About the lanterns, yeah I see what you mean. That was my first puzzle of that type that I had done so I wanted the block to only go a certain way, but removing them would make you think more.

Love For Fire
05-15-2005, 07:38 AM
Just curious.. for anyone who has actually played the demo, how was the difficulty of the game throughout? Was it too easy in some places? Too hard in others? I have just completed Level 5, and would like to know if it is needed to tone down the difficulty a little. (although no one can play through levels 4 and 5 in this demo).

Love For Fire
05-15-2005, 07:38 AM
Just curious.. for anyone who has actually played the demo, how was the difficulty of the game throughout? Was it too easy in some places? Too hard in others? I have just completed Level 5, and would like to know if it is needed to tone down the difficulty a little. (although no one can play through levels 4 and 5 in this demo).

05-15-2005, 10:26 PM
The only part I found VERY difficult was the Manhandla 2 in level 3, though in the full game, wouldn't you be able to come back to it later if you couldn't kill him then? Like, after you got the White Sword(since I can't recall having it at him)? Or do you NEED the Lens of Truth somewhere in Level 4? Other than that, I think the difficulty increase between the first three levels was good. There's only 6 levels to this quest anyway, right? So if the difficulty keeps increasing at the same rate, Ganon's level should be very hard, but not seem impossible like it would if it were level 9, lol.

05-15-2005, 10:26 PM
The only part I found VERY difficult was the Manhandla 2 in level 3, though in the full game, wouldn't you be able to come back to it later if you couldn't kill him then? Like, after you got the White Sword(since I can't recall having it at him)? Or do you NEED the Lens of Truth somewhere in Level 4? Other than that, I think the difficulty increase between the first three levels was good. There's only 6 levels to this quest anyway, right? So if the difficulty keeps increasing at the same rate, Ganon's level should be very hard, but not seem impossible like it would if it were level 9, lol.

Love For Fire
05-16-2005, 06:54 AM
You do have the White Sword before even entering Level 3, and the Lens is needed to get to the other items in the Level 3, otherwise you can't reach the Raft to get to Level 4.

I'm thinking of releasing two versions of the game, one a scaled down version of this with weaker and less enemies, and a harder version with a few changes (original enemies, maybe more) 16 Heart Containers instead of 12, Master Sword, maybe Gold Ring if it's called for but probably not.

Love For Fire
05-16-2005, 06:54 AM
You do have the White Sword before even entering Level 3, and the Lens is needed to get to the other items in the Level 3, otherwise you can't reach the Raft to get to Level 4.

I'm thinking of releasing two versions of the game, one a scaled down version of this with weaker and less enemies, and a harder version with a few changes (original enemies, maybe more) 16 Heart Containers instead of 12, Master Sword, maybe Gold Ring if it's called for but probably not.

05-16-2005, 06:41 PM
You do not need to tone down this quest. It's ok the way it is. I made it to lvl 4 with no difficults.

05-16-2005, 06:41 PM
You do not need to tone down this quest. It's ok the way it is. I made it to lvl 4 with no difficults.