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04-10-2005, 06:51 AM
I seem to attract the bottom of the barrel when it comes to roommates here at school. This year, instead of some people I sincerely hate, I ended up with one of those social retards who have significant mental problems. We're talking a kid who has his mom call him in the morning asking if he did his homework.

He's been very annoying all of the time I've lived with him, but recently, he's starting a habit that is both really irritating, and unhealthy -> he's using my towels. At first, it was just sort of weird. I didn't see him much, so it was difficult to tell him to stop. However, now I've developed a rather serious case of athlete's foot, and I think I'm getting it from him.

What does one say in this situation? I don't want to say anything really mean since he owes me money. I don't want to let it go, because I don't want my whole personal stuff thing to get lost.

btw, he's a rather disgusting person. It would be easier to say something courtious and offend him than it would be to not say anything and have him think I hate him. He's also not gay. (fyi)

04-10-2005, 10:42 AM
He's also not gay. (fyi)

Have you tried hitting on him?

How much money does he owe you? What are the odds he'd pay it back anyway?

04-10-2005, 03:17 PM
Well, you have a few choices. I've had roomates with bad habits and I've had to use some of these tactics. I will list them in order of assumed effectiveness: Mention to your roomate that you'd appreciate it if he didn't use your towels. Mention (lie) that you have a few rashes and a case of athlete's foot (don't blame it on him)and express concern that you don't want him to catch them. Do the above, but blame the athlete's foot on him. Simply mention that you'd like him to stop using your towels. Hide your towels. Administer a beating and suggest the next time he uses your towels it will be worse. Start masturbating when you know he's coming to the room soon and try to time it so you let yourself loose right into one of your towels as soon as he walks in the door. Spend entire days walking to the towel rack, grabbing your towel, and rubbing your nuts with it. Call his mother's number and tell her what is going on, and make sure to mention your athlete's foot and a few other rashes you may or may not have. If she calls and asks if his homework is done she should have loads to say to him about sharing towels. Call his mother's number and tell her something that convinces her to bring baby home instead of letting him stay in that den of evil.

Oh by the way the list is also somewhat sorted by maturity. You can either handle the situation like an adult and talk it over with him, handle it like a college student and make the towels unpleasant, handle it like a jerk and physically threaten him, or handle it like a limp-wristed pansy and use his mother to get the job done.

So far I've only had one roomate that didn't respond to talking it over, and it only took one email to Student Affairs illustrating how he was interfering with my studies to get transferred to another room.

04-10-2005, 07:04 PM
That was hilarious Atma, lol. The ball scratching one was especially funny.

My first reaction would be to say, "Dude, wtf are you doing using my towels? Get your own." But it'd probably best to be nice and take Atma's first suggestion.

04-10-2005, 07:19 PM
I had a weird roommate who used my towel once.

1: Get Preparation H, and an antibacterial ointment, display them prominantly on your desk, take them with you when you use the toilet.
2: Spend an extra 10 minutes wearing a towel around your waist after a shower, scratching your ass and adjusting an orchestrated wedgie.
3: When you know he's going to take a shower soon, blow your nose on the towel, leaving it on the towel rack, with mucous on display.

It scared the shit out of him.

04-11-2005, 12:06 AM
After he gets out of the shower, tell him that the toilet backed up earlier and you used the towels in there to clean up, and you left them in there to dry.

04-11-2005, 12:10 AM
You could say "Please piss off... thanks." :)

04-11-2005, 02:59 PM
Here's what you do.

Clear out an area of the floor. Draw a giant pentagram on the floor and light some candles around it. Then leave the room when you know he'll be back, and stick a note on the door that says: "Don't touch anything or you'll open the gate."

He'll be putting in for a room transfer in no time.

04-11-2005, 06:57 PM

Stare at him.

Stare at him and don't say anything.

When he asks you why you're staring at him, don't answer. For pete's sake, DON'T. Just .. Keep .. Staring at him.

If that doesn't work, he'll be seriously weirded out at you.

Hey, works in any elevator. :p (Yeah, just turn around to face someone, barely blink, and they'll get off earlier than they had wanted to to catch the next elevator. People are intimidated so easily nowadays if you know how to do it.)

04-11-2005, 07:30 PM
Well, you could just lock you towels up in a cupboard or something. Or just stare at him and don't say a word like BH4 said. I did that to a carny at the fair last year and she got wicked mad at me.

SixTen had a good suggestion also.

04-11-2005, 08:07 PM
i would, Josh, but he does that to me. And yes, it totally creeps me out. And we aren't even in an elevator :-S