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View Full Version : Poker Tournament Win!

04-05-2005, 02:02 AM
Also posted on http://www.sevendeuce.net

Well, tonight was my weekly poker tournament, (40 people, 50$ buy in).

After five and a half hours, I finished FIRST, winning 900$, and a seat to the championship table in three weeks. (winner take all, 1200$ pot.) This is the same tournament that I finished third in, three weeks ago (winning 300$).

I wish I hit a monster hand that I can brag about but I really just hit a lot of top pairs, and a few sets. I hit two flushes (highest hand i got). I played very carefully and very thoughtfully (not tight, but smart), and all modesty aside, I'm very proud of my achievement.

I took out the owner of the bar (my only real goal for the night - who, btw is a super agressive player, that tends to hit a lot of straights), and another woman named patty who's played in the WSOP a few times. In fact, she was in last year, and raymer took her out, very late in the tournament.

Anyways, I'm just really psyched. I did see the hammer twice (actually in a row), but at the time my chip stack was too low to try it. Both times I'm glad I didnt. One hand finished with a full house Kings over Jacks, and the other one was a straight. No regets about that.

Okay that's enough of my rambling for now, I've got two hours to sleep before i have to go to work.

04-05-2005, 02:26 AM
Great job. As soon as I am old enough I'd like to hit up some casinos and games, as it is I make do robbing my friends of their $3 buy-ins every saturday. From what I've read, if you play thoughtful poker you'll come out ahead in the long run, because the majority of people (especially at casinos) play the game for the thrill of it. Eckels, have you kept track of your earnings overall? Do you think you've come out ahead or behind in the long run?

Speaking of poker, we should hold an AGN poker tourney. Does anyone know of any good sites to host one at?

04-05-2005, 02:31 AM
gdorf: You should see the movie Rounders. It kicks bootay. I just saw it yesterday for the first time.

Eckels: Nice going.

04-05-2005, 02:43 AM
Also posted on http://www.sevendeuce.comDon't you mean http://www.sevendeuce.net/ ?

Anyways, nice going with that win. One of these days I might learn how to play cards. :P

War Lord
04-05-2005, 03:34 AM
Great job. As soon as I am old enough I'd like to hit up some casinos and games, as it is I make do robbing my friends of their $3 buy-ins every saturday. From what I've read, if you play thoughtful poker you'll come out ahead in the long run, because the majority of people (especially at casinos) play the game for the thrill of it. Eckels, have you kept track of your earnings overall? Do you think you've come out ahead or behind in the long run?

Speaking of poker, we should hold an AGN poker tourney. Does anyone know of any good sites to host one at?

I've actually been thinking of this and Poker Stars (http://www.pokerstars.com/?source=sevendeuce.net) will do it for us. As in, they'll setup a private, passworded tournament at whatever buy-in and whatever date and time and host it all. I was actually just talking about it to Shadowblazer the other day. If enough people are willing, I'd love to set it all up. It'd also be even more lovely if you'd sign up through that referral link, as I could use some of that cash for the prize pool rather than just buy-ins.

Saw your win in chat Eckels, great job. Not enough tournaments around here. You live in NY, so tournaments and underground card rooms are abundant I'd assume .I would have commented but I was playing in a tounament at the time and was reading a book, so I had a lot going on.

And yes, it's SevenDeuce.Net (http://www.sevendeuce.net)

04-05-2005, 05:43 PM
Eckels, have you kept track of your earnings overall? Do you think you've come out ahead or behind in the long run?

Well lets see, I haven't really broken it down... I'm sure I'm up.

I play this weekly tournament at 50$ a week. I've played in the tournament for 7 weeks now, so that's cost me 350$ in buy-ins. Three weeks ago, I won third place, earning 300$, and this week I won 900$, so all together, I've gained 850$ playing poker at these tournaments.

I went to Foxwoods Casino last weekend (day trip), and earned about 80$ playing low limit ($1/$2 limit)ring games, but that's more or less negated by the money that i've played (and lost) online.

I've probably lost another 100 or so in small side games at the bar, or elsewhere in small sit-n-go style tournaments, so all in all I've earned about $750 in my poker... eh... "career?". Whatever you call it.

I'm just looking forward to this champions tournament where i could win another 1200 without having to buy in. That would certainly be nice.

04-05-2005, 06:35 PM
Awesome Eckels! Now drive your ass up to Ohio and me and WL will show you how real men play poker :)

04-06-2005, 05:50 PM
I won't feel the least bit guilty when i take all your money.

War Lord
04-06-2005, 06:36 PM
I won't feel the least bit guilty when i take all your money.

I can't wait to play you, hopefully you can back that up.

04-06-2005, 06:43 PM
start making plans for AC. name the dates, and i'll absolutely be there. I'm certain I have a couple of nights available (comp) at the Trop. They have a great poker room. We can probably even get our own table.