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04-04-2005, 10:37 PM
hey, in my opinion, it's a mess to use the auto shield, cause it isn't so efective like the manual shield. with it, you can really blok enemys ataks, but with he auto shield only range atakas........
isn't there a way to use the shield as an item, the manual shield?

04-05-2005, 04:22 PM
I'm going to take a guess on it, and I have two guess answers (again these are guesses), either:

1. The people who made ZC will add it to a next version.
2. This would change the code too much.

However, I'd wait for a good answer, because mine isn't too good.

04-05-2005, 05:22 PM
The original LoZ used the auto shield. It's very useful if you get the right shield(even better than the shield item). Since ZC was originally intended to be a clone of the above game, that's what we get.

04-05-2005, 07:12 PM
The original LoZ used the auto shield. It's very useful if you get the right shield(even better than the shield item). Since ZC was originally intended to be a clone of the above game, that's what we get.Although they've been adding stuff from later games to make quests more customizable since it was originally "finished" so I would assume they are going to eventually add the option for items to be like the GB/C ones. It's probably just going to take a while for that since the quest rule would have to change it so items could be assigned to A or B, and so the items could be re-arranged(probably) in the sub-screen. The sheilds in that case would ALSO need to be changed, so that they'd use Link graphic modifiers while equipped.

On a side note, I'm assuming they might also eventually add a quest rule to make screens the same size as they are on the GB/C ones.

04-05-2005, 07:25 PM
Well, it's going to be a long time befiore that happens, it if ever does.

04-06-2005, 10:47 PM
well, returning to the topic, i find very strange that a shield can't blok phsicial ataks......only ranged oness..............
is there any way to blok a frontal atak?

04-06-2005, 11:12 PM
Well, a frontal attack is basically touching an enemy. In that case, don't touch them.