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04-04-2005, 10:28 PM
Bus Rides are so fun! Especially our baseball trips..

As we were coming home from a game where we had just won 13-1 (yay go us) and we were passing thru this town that we are bitter rivals with. As we pulled out from a stop sign, some guy in a car saw where we were from and automatically reaches across his car and flips us off. Me and my friend Jay were basiacally the only ones on the bus and were also the only ones that saw him do this. Like some kind of magic we reacted at the same time by running to that side of the bus and putting down the windows and flipping him off back and the guy was so shocked that he swirved down into the ditch and almost hit a tree. :laughing: Yeah thats what he gets.

Anyone else have any bus ride stories?

04-04-2005, 10:36 PM
Well, not really. When I was in 6th grade, my bus driver (We had one through out the whole year, there and back.) thought I was such a good kid on the bus, at least compared to the other hoodlums, (I went to a Jewish Private School in Long Beach, NY. Jewish kids are nasty when they're young, but grow up to be pretty fine people, I think. I can't figure out why.) I was appointed by the driver to be the "safety monitor." I got beaten up Many, MANY times during the year.

The majority of those people who beat me up attend the same college I go to now. I see them every day. They barely remember a thing. :p Heh.

There was also the time when this kid, two years older than I was, had to go to the bathroom so badly everyone could clearly see it, but the bus just wasn't allowed to stop to let him go. A bunch of other people who went with me to Karate classes had to coach him on the various breathing techniques to help him hold it in. I think he was able to make it. It was a very odd afternoon though. Everyone felt like saying "Push! Push! Push!" .. But that would have obviously made things worse.

04-04-2005, 10:47 PM
Hah. I've pee'd in bottles many a times..most of the time they go out the window! HAHA. But once my friend tried to do it but when he attempted to throw it out the window...it was closed...yeah we never rode that bus again.

04-05-2005, 01:08 AM
As we were coming home from a game where we had just won 13-1 (yay go us) and we were passing thru this town that we are bitter rivals with. As we pulled out from a stop sign, some guy in a car saw where we were from and automatically reaches across his car and flips us off. Me and my friend Jay were basiacally the only ones on the bus and were also the only ones that saw him do this. Like some kind of magic we reacted at the same time by running to that side of the bus and putting down the windows and flipping him off back and the guy was so shocked that he swirved down into the ditch and almost hit a tree.

You best be glad he did not hit that tree. Even though he did it first, it's still indecent exposure (or something like it). You could be hit with a ticket for that (yes, even if you are a passenger on a bus).

04-05-2005, 02:19 AM
Oh the tales I could tell.

I am too big a nerd to actually play a sport, so I was the statistician for the football and baseball teams.

Of course there were cool things like the time it hailed. Let me tell you, marble-sized hail on a yellow bus is a horrid noise, but we played a fantastic game and could literally say we went through hail coming back.

My all time favorite involved pissing in a jar though. See, there was this one particularly large fellow. He had to go to the bathroom. He had no jar. However, one of his friends had a large doritos can that had been a communal jar. (You know the cans I'm talking about -- cardboard with tin at the bottom? I don't know what possessed them to piss in a cardboard tube but we're talking football players here.)

Anyway, Charlie really had to go so he got them to pass the doritos can to him. While he's in the middle of his business, the bus hit a HUGE bump and all I know is Charlie had some pretty wet pants after that. He swore he didn't spill anything, but the splattered wet spots all over his pants and the doritos can on the floor suggested otherwise. I laughed and laughed and LOLed and laughed some more. :)

*edit* Even though this happened on the football bus, baseball trips were always superior.

04-05-2005, 03:49 AM
How was the guy that surprized by the fact that you flipped him off back?

Oh my God! Those kids did to me what I just did to them! SCANDAL!! *crash*

04-05-2005, 09:03 AM
I've only had one bus story. And thats the story I metioned in GB about the stink bomb.

04-05-2005, 09:15 AM
We had a really right school. I remember playing "Sweet and Sour" on the bus once, which is where you get lorry drivers to wave... we had one give us the finger and he missed the turn off, and it took us ages to lip read what he said to us...

But after that we were told that we were a disgrace to our school and woe betide us if we did it again.

But nothing is worse than having a stuffy bus of 43 people, 30 of which are all eating Burger King food in. And, the windows are designed not to open. The stench was horendous, and the place got so hot... in January. Then, they started throwing the greasy wrappers about the place. Seriously, that is now my wost nightmare... having that happen to me again.

04-05-2005, 09:33 AM
... ... Seriously, Carcer, if that's your worst nightmare, ... ... I envy you. I can understand if you can percieve it as being a horrid experience, but nothing can compare to the utter agony of the following story.

It's a simple story, if read by anyone but myself. It's difficult to understand how the story teller actually felt during the experience, but you'll just have to take my word for it.

The Summer before High School had begun, I was enrolled in an odd travel camp, where every day, we would meet in a gym, (Not a school gym, just a regular gym.) then take a one to three hour busride to some remote location and "have fun" there for a few hours, then do the repeat trip home. What an unconscionable place. :disgust: These trips were taken on regular school busses. Only one of them was a coach bus.

Obviously, this took place during the summer, when it got extremely hot. The day before, a Monday, it was a particularly sweltering day. I had lost a considerable amount of water, and had replenished myself to a seemingly exponential degree that night.

Tuesday's busride to Fun Zone, ... it all caught up with me. Not half an hour into the trip, my bladdar was completely full. Naturally, I had taken every precaution against such a thing before I had left, but it made no difference. I thought, "I hope we get there soon.. >_< " But it took three and a half hours to even get near a rest stop. That rest stop, by the way, was a logging facility. I had no idea such things existed in lower New York. At that point though, I simply didn't care. It was hell. If there was any day I wouldn't want to relive, it would be THAT EXACT DAY. I've had surgeries and misc beatings that you'd think would be infinitely more unpleasant than that, but I wouldn't relive that day even as a substitute for a combination of all the other painful experiences I've had.


Summary: This was the "I had to pee really badly" story from hell.

04-05-2005, 09:56 AM
Yes, I quite understand that. I'll say no more as its quite weird talking about how badly someone needs to go.
But I squirm every time I pass a fast food outlet like that. And the heat and stickiness of the wrappers landing everywhere... it might sound odd, but I couldn't take that.

04-05-2005, 08:41 PM
I remember we had a 3 hour on a yellow fellow once and danged if my bladder didn't get full 10 minutes in. Usually my bladder conforms to its Nintendo training but this was a no go. When we finally stopped I was the first one in the bathroom and the last one out. To date I have never pissed for that length of time again, and that was in 4th grade.