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View Full Version : The World's First Alarm Clock Pill!

carrot red
04-02-2005, 02:42 PM
Ever dream of being able to precisely control when you fall asleep and when you wake up? Need to make sure after that 48-hour study binge that you get some sleep *and* don't snooze through the final exam? Tired of letting Nature dictate your circadian destiny? Take back control with SnoozAlert™ brand Sleep And Awake Aid™.

Check the features and get the details here (http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/snoozalert.shtml).

04-02-2005, 02:51 PM
haha, that's cool. Saw it yesterday.

If I need to get up in the morning, and I'm afraid that my alarm clock won't go off, I just drink like a half gallon of water before bed. I'm garaunteed to wake up at like 7am, having to pee like a race horse. When you have to pee that bad, it's impossible to try and stay in bed and get extra sleep.

04-02-2005, 02:59 PM
I used to have the tendency to shut off my alarm clock win I was still half asleep. Then I'd wake up a few hours later well rested, but having slept through quite a few of my classes. Now I put the alarm clock far away so that I have to actually get up to turn it off. It' d be great to have something like this though.

04-02-2005, 09:42 PM
Damn. I am definitley going to pick up a pack of those some time to see what they're like.

04-02-2005, 11:19 PM
no more waking up at ten AM for me! I may just have to try those out; I always forget to walk my monkeys...

04-03-2005, 02:03 AM
haha, that's cool. Saw it yesterday.

If I need to get up in the morning, and I'm afraid that my alarm clock won't go off, I just drink like a half gallon of water before bed. I'm garaunteed to wake up at like 7am, having to pee like a race horse. When you have to pee that bad, it's impossible to try and stay in bed and get extra sleep.

Yeah, I hate having to get up to piss. I wake up at 0230 like clockwork every night having to piss. Its just a good thing that we don't have to do it outside anymore. A month and a half ago, at night you had to put on your 30 pound flak vest and kevlar helmet, carry your weapon, and go outside to use a porta john.

Glad thats over with.

As for the alarm clock pill. I'll take my good old regular alarmclock any day. I don't want to use some pill that might give me side effects or some shit. (I didn't read the article) I'd forget to take the pill nightly.

04-03-2005, 02:33 AM
That would do wonders for my life. No more of this fight-to-stay-up-until 4:00 then go to bed and not be able to get up at 10:00 and get yelled at and potentially grounded/closer guarded on bedtime in an endless vicious physical and parental cycle!


There's some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mountain Dew.

04-03-2005, 04:58 PM
Just out of curiosity who believes that thinkgeek is just yanking your chain and it was an april fools joke?

War Lord
04-04-2005, 03:06 AM
I figured you would all have noticed by now, but try adding the item to your cart.

04-04-2005, 03:26 AM
I used to have the tendency to shut off my alarm clock win I was still half asleep. Then I'd wake up a few hours later well rested, but having slept through quite a few of my classes. Now I put the alarm clock far away so that I have to actually get up to turn it off. It' d be great to have something like this though.

That's why I always set both the CD alarm and the radio alarm, usually five minutes apart. Sometimes that still doesn't work tho. For important crap like finals (esp. when I have been up until 5am or something studing) I have plugged in my DS (using the recharger thing, otherwise the batteries go out) and used that alarm (it's actually quite good for an alarm.. it starts out quiet and slowly increases the volume on you.. and it's hard to shut off when you are still asleep because you have to manipulate that touch screen thing - you aren't just slamming a button - unless it's the power button :)).

04-04-2005, 08:07 AM
I've got the perfect alarm clock. It's called Wife. Guaranteed to kick you in the head if you're not up when you're supposed to be, or your money back!

04-04-2005, 09:32 AM
What the hell? It's an april fools day joke. Aw man. I feel so ripped off now. I just found that out now when I tried to add it to my cart. It sounded so real though.