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View Full Version : Random IE closings

03-31-2005, 11:20 PM
For some strange reason my internet explorer closes at random places by itself. For example when I try to visit the thread in GD about the brain dead girl being starved to death, IE closes. It also happens when I go to Pure ZC main page and click on the forums link, IE shuts down. Even when I got to check my mail at Hot Mail it closes down. Any body know what might be wrong?

Also, My MSN is screwing up. It's opening random convorsation windows and automatically trying to send files. The weirdest thing is, they're files that I don't even have on my computer. I ran a virus check and ad-aware and nothing.

03-31-2005, 11:28 PM
I don't know but my AOL closes everytime I get the first IM of the day.
Maybe somebody can help me with that too?

03-31-2005, 11:54 PM
For some strange reason my internet explorer closes at random places by itself. For example when I try to visit the thread in GD about the brain dead girl being starved to death, IE closes. It also happens when I go to Pure ZC main page and click on the forums link, IE shuts down. Even when I got to check my mail at Hot Mail it closes down. Any body know what might be wrong?

Also, My MSN is screwing up. It's opening random convorsation windows and automatically trying to send files. The weirdest thing is, they're files that I don't even have on my computer. I ran a virus check and ad-aware and nothing.

That would be a new type of virus that spreads through IM's. I oftentimes am on the recieving end of that where I get asked to download a file from one of my contacts (which they had no idea they sent an invitation to do). Once you download it, it does the same thing to all of your contacts.

As far as IE closing on you... it's hard to say. You never can tell with IE... it does all sorts of little fun things like that.

04-01-2005, 12:16 AM
No, buddy, you have a virus. Which virus scanner did you use? I don't trust ad-aware anymore since they started removing companies from their definitions without telling people, and deleting threads on their forums when people asked about it.

Do everything this FAQ recommends (http://www.broadbandreports.com/faq/8428), I guarantee you will find something. Run an online virus scanner, especially if you run Norton (they just announced quite a few vulnerabilities).

DsS Game
04-01-2005, 02:26 AM
It's weird because I got a message on my phone from that. I don't know why though. But your comp got hijacked definitely. Somebody is downloading files from your comp. or sending you junk.

04-01-2005, 02:40 AM
Yet another reason to switch to Firefox.

IE started screwing up my .zip files. None of them would ever work if i chose 'open after download' from the options. Now, no problems, my links are all easily available, and i'm totally leet.

04-01-2005, 08:41 AM
Ok. I'll try running a virus check when I get home from school and try switching to Fire Fox.

04-01-2005, 09:16 AM
I'm too thinking of switching to Firefox, but is it true that it has some difficulties running online credit card payments (like on Amazon) or something similar??

04-01-2005, 09:22 AM
I'm too thinking of switching to Firefox, but is it true that it has some difficulties running online credit card payments (like on Amazon) or something similar??

I recently switched to Firefox also and I haven't had any problems at all with online credit card payments.

04-01-2005, 10:41 PM
Well, it must definitely be a virus. I'm on Fire Fox and it still closes. I can't even read the FAQ Atma posted. Every time I open it, it closes.

EDIT: Well, running an anti-virus program is futile. They automatically close when I open them. The only thing I'm able to run is ad-aware.

04-03-2005, 01:55 AM
Okay, you might want to try AVG anti virus, that is, if you can get to the site without IE closing, do you have dial up by chance? If you have DSL you might want to consider going to another computer, maybe a friends and downloading and burning the newest AVG. Run that and see what happens. Anti spyware programs that I use, and that I recommend others use are, Spyware Doctor, Spyware Sweeper (full paid version), Adware Spy, and Aluria. Yeah they cost money, but they are in my opion the best. Maybe if you can't afford it, you could get one from a P2P program, in Canada thats not illegal right, but it is software piracy. But check into those they will help. Orion is correct that is a new type of virus, in fact I am doing a bit of research on it now. But try AVG and see what happens, hope I could help :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, if I can find out the name of the virus, I could find out what you need to delete out of the registry for you. Thats if you would like.

04-03-2005, 01:53 PM
Well, it must definitely be a virus. I'm on Fire Fox and it still closes. I can't even read the FAQ Atma posted. Every time I open it, it closes.

EDIT: Well, running an anti-virus program is futile. They automatically close when I open them. The only thing I'm able to run is ad-aware.

OK then, we have a nasty little bugger. First, as your system boots keep mashing F8. This should either boot you into Safe Mode or bring up a menu that lets you boot into Safe Mode. Try going to the site I mentioned and running antivirus software in Safe Mode. If it works, decide between choices 1 or 2 below. Otherwise, you have several choices to make:

1. Reformat your hard drive now after saving only important NON-EXECUTABLE files.

2. Spend hour after hour deleting registry keys, unregistering DLLs, deleting files in safe mode, only to find out that you missed a DLL and it restored all of the ones you deleted. If you succeed in removing the visible viruses, know that there's a 50% chance you have a rootkit installed (which is very difficult to remove since it modifies Windows) and will have shiny new viruses tomorrow.

3. Create something like the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (http://www.ubcd4win.com/), or if you don't have a spare XP disc handy perhaps the regular Ultimate Boot CD (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/). Both of these CDs boot you into an OS (Windows or Linux depending on the CD) from the CD rather than your hard drive. It runs really slow but since none of your PC's files are loaded it will not have viruses. I have used the UBCD for Windows and I find it to be about 80% functional, which is pretty good. It even has file managers and CD burning programs so you can save your files. I have not tested the Linux UBCD so I cannot comment on its usefulness.

Both come with virus scanners, and detailed instructions for updating them before burning the CD. The caveat of Step 2 still applies, though, if you've been r00ted then a reformat is the only safe alternative.


As you can see, all paths end with a suggested reformat, so the best alternative if you want to save files is choice 3 without the virus scanning followed by a reformat.

Follow these guidelines to avoid future problems: Don't go to warez sites. Don't go to porn sites, particularly from a Google search Don't download files from anywhere but the official site or a mirror available from its download page If you receive an attachment from a friend, do not open it until you have a second email from them that verifies the filename, what it is, and why they sent it. The above step applies to files you receive through IM programs. Never open a file until you are sure they know they sent it and you received the file they meant to send. Use one of the several software firewalls available (ZoneAlarm, Sygate, Kerio Personal, etc. Use an online virus scanner (available from the article I linked in my other post) frequently even if you have installed a virus scanner. Yours could have been compromised. Use a NAT router. If you ever notice anything odd about your system's behavior, reboot. If that doesn't fix it, immediately assume you have a virus and follow the steps in the article I linked. The longer you run a virus the more time it has to propagate and become impossible to remove. DON'T USE KAZAA OR ANY OTHER FILESHARING PROGRAMS. PERIOD.Now, on to the IE haters. Running IE does not automatically install viruses. 9 out of 10 viruses are the result of running a downloaded program that you should not have run. The "drive-by installs" that do occur are only done on disreputable sites, so avoiding warez and porn makes that happen rarely. I ran IE 5 for almost 2 years and IE 6 for nearly 3 years. Here is a list of the times I received a virus and major spyware and their cause: In 1999 something overwrote my autoexec.bat to contrain DELTREE statements for A-Z. It happened after I downloaded a mailbomber because I was a script kiddie faggot at the time. MSBLAST.EXE nailed my computer because I didn't use a software firewall at the time. After downloading a Dragonball Z episode on Kazaa last year, I was disappointed to find that the several hundred meg file showed up as a 2 second clip in WMP and crashed Kazaa if I tried to play it. The next day, my firewall started reporting that ZC couldn't connect to random IPs, and I discovered I had a trojan. I had a bad Gator infestation one time because I downloaded a lot of free utilities. You get what you pay for.In all cases, IE was not the culprit. I do not claim that IE is a secure browser by any means, but Firefox is not necessarily awesome either. (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/03/23/symantec_threat_report/)

Use the browser you like, but use it intelligently. You have to run code to get a virus, and IE6 in XP SP2 won't run anything without asking first. Malicious code is already beginning to target Firefox, and I imagine as the hackers get more creative some sophisticated solutions will come about. Who knows, they may post their malware on SourceForge so it can be patched along with Firefox ;) j/k (PLEASE SLASHDOT NERDS IT IS A JOKE DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY I AM SORRY I INSULTED YOUR GOD.)

04-03-2005, 02:53 PM
Well, the virus is gone now. Mostly thanks to good timing. After hours of trying to keep Norton open, my brother timed it right an it stayed open. We ran the virus scan and got rid of it.