View Full Version : 4000

03-31-2005, 06:18 PM
More than the cost of my first car.
Less than the sum total of my student loans.
Roughly how many miles I drive in a month, lately.
Less than the number of days I've lived.
Almost the right amount to buy that suped-up Athlon XP 64 laptop I want.
Approximately the number of bugs in ZC. :waggle:
A bit less than the current number of AGN members.

Has a cube that contains only even digits.
Apparently the number of years women have been involved in science (http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/4000WS.html).
An exciting turn-based, play-by-email strategy game of galactic exploration and conquest (http://www.4000ad.com/).
A club of mountaineers (http://www.club4000.it/English/index_en.html) who climbed at least 30 summits higher than 4000m.

And, for a few minutes at least, my post count. Actually, I think I've have 4000+ in the past, but lost some in prunings. Maybe not, since I don't really pay attention to my post count anymore. I wouldn't have made this thread if SB hadn't brought it to my attention.

So, I've been here a little over four years, that's roughly 1000 posts a year. I like to think I've contributed something to AGN in that time:

1. My suggestions and requests convinced DN to add single-file quest export format to ZC, the QSU file.

2. A looooong time ago, I came up with a "Magic String" which could aid you in discovering the way through a "lost woods" style repeating path in the fewest steps possible (if I can find it, I'll repost it)

3. Also a long time ago, I showed everyone how to circumvent remote image hosting restrictions on free web space providers like geocities by using the anonymizer.com image proxy. Today, places like photobucket and company make this method all but obsolete.

4. I added OGG and MP3 support to ZC. I've done several other things for ZC, but I honestly can't recall them all. DN has done far more than I ever have, and PM started it all of course.

5. And, of course, I created MapMaker. Sadly the source was accidentally lost and I've never yet completely reconstructed it. When I complete the next incarnation, I'll probably make it open source as well so that someone else can take over.

There's probably more to that list, but more importantly I've made at least two very good friends and met a lot of other interesting people that I enjoy talking to around here.

So.... um.... yeah... YAY ME! 4000! whoopee! :shrug:

03-31-2005, 06:30 PM
Congratulations fatty. You rock.

03-31-2005, 06:34 PM
Your posts are always a pleasure to read. :)

Here's to the next episode!

carrot red
03-31-2005, 06:53 PM
I think you forgot to mention:
"Became a dad overnight and got myself a lawn mower for free."

I don't think I ever saw the Magic String thread.

03-31-2005, 06:57 PM
2. A looooong time ago, I came up with a "Magic String" which could aid you in discovering the way through a "lost woods" style repeating path in the fewest steps possible (if I can find it, I'll repost it)

putting all that engineering math to good use, huh?


03-31-2005, 06:59 PM
"Approximately the number of bugs in ZC. "

There you have it folks, straight from the cat's mouth! I wonder how many of those bugs you've caused, FCF?

Anyway, I hope you can continue to aide ZC in it's development.

03-31-2005, 07:22 PM
Aww, fcf! :kawaii: Happy four thousandth post. :) Of course, that's nowhere NEAR the one thousandth three hundred thirty seventh post, but it's good enough. ;) :laughing:

To the next four thousand! :toast:

DsS Game
03-31-2005, 08:20 PM
Congrats fatty. Soon I will hit my 1000th post. Soon.....

03-31-2005, 09:28 PM
fatcatfan you have always been one of my favorite members. Don't leave like most of my other favorites :)

03-31-2005, 11:02 PM
Wow. 4000, that's like getting to 1000 posts 4 times. Congrats!

04-01-2005, 04:08 AM
Spiffy. How long till 5000?

04-01-2005, 10:16 AM
I think you forgot to mention:
"Became a dad overnight and got myself a lawn mower for free."

I don't think I ever saw the Magic String thread.The magic string was loooong before you were born. And I mentioned my very good friends, who have yet to mow the lawn for me even once.

Spiffy. How long till 5000?Probably another year or more.

putting all that engineering math to good use, huh?Yeah. I actually wrote a JavaScript to work it out. I expected it to take a long time, but then I reversed one of my do loops and found it in the first iteration in just a few seconds.

Anyway, I hope you can continue to aide ZC in it's development.I'll do what I can. Lately I've not been around a computer much but hopefully that will change soon or I can at least get a laptop that doesn't take 10 minutes to boot.

Your posts are always a pleasure to read.

fatcatfan you have always been one of my favorite members.Awww... shucks.... y'all gonna give me the big head.

04-01-2005, 10:31 AM
That's a lot of posts. Congrats.

04-01-2005, 12:14 PM
Congratulations, and thank you very much for your contributions to ZC and the community; they're greatly appreciated. On to the next 4,000! :)

04-01-2005, 12:22 PM
Congrats FatCatFan. I remembered when you first started posting, and now look at all that you have been able to do here. You have surely been a valued member. :)

carrot red
04-01-2005, 01:22 PM
The magic string was loooong before you were born. And I mentioned my very good friends, who have yet to mow the lawn for me even once.

how long before AND if you paid us what you're paying Mack, you would have been served earlier. :D

04-01-2005, 01:40 PM
"...got myself a lawn mower for free."

ahem! Besides, Mack needs the cash, he doesn't have a rich doting father like some.

As for the thread, it would've been probably the summer of 2001. The archives only go back to March 2003.

04-01-2005, 01:41 PM
Congradulations on hitting the 4000th.
Your work is highly appreciated.

04-01-2005, 01:43 PM
You're really good at math :)