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View Full Version : Weird shop thing/ link tile modification

03-25-2005, 01:09 PM
Firstly, there's this weird thing that happens where when I buy something from a shop I made that has three items, leave, and come back later, none of the items are there. The picture of the Rupee with the X next to it is there, and the guy is still there, but the items no longer appear. Is this a bug, or does someone know how to fix it?

And can someone explain how to get the Link Tile Modification to work right? I'm guessing this makes it so an item changes link's appearance once you pick it up, but what does the number refer to that you type into the LTM box? Right now, he turns into a candle when he should be holding the Magic Shield above his head. -_-' The LTM for the Magic Shield is 10, but I don't know what that means.

Oh, and that reminds me... In someone's quest once (Freedom's), the description said that things in town will change after you beat a level. Is there a way to do this in Zquest, and if so, how? I don't know how to change things on one screen from another screen.

Thanks again for the help. :)