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View Full Version : Headline news is unbearable

03-25-2005, 02:12 AM
I used to be a big CNN Headline News fan. They would always show good news stories that were unbiased - they didn't show the shit on the other 4 news channels.

Tonight, I went to that channel hoping to see some fun news, maybe a bee colony exploding on a Vegas highway, or Zaph crapping on some guy's chest, INSTEAD they have this bitch on there, Nancy Grace. She's got the Brady Bunch tv set up with 4 guests, and she's bitching at them as to whether Shiavo's feeding tube should be removed. I was disgusted.

Anybody else notice how much the channel sucks? I sent some hate mail their way. Maybe they'll learn.

03-25-2005, 02:35 AM
I sent some hate mail their way. Maybe they'll learn.


[wipes eyes]

Man, that was a good one dude.

CNN = Communist News Network
ABC = All Bolshevick Creeps
NBC = Nothing But Communism
CBS = Communist Bull Shit

carrot red
03-25-2005, 09:33 AM
Ah, Nancy Grace. She’s a former prosecutor and an anchorperson on Court TV (as I'm sure you know.) She often stands in for Larry King and I think that’s what you saw. The only problem I have with her, aside from her very loud voice and pronounced accent, is that with her a person is seldom *innocent until proven guilty.* You should have seen her as a guest in the same show talking about Michael Jackson’s trial… An anchorperson and a show host are never supposed to be biased and she always is.

The news are almost all I watch on TV, and CNN is still among my favorite news channels, but I often have to sift through a lot of garbage to get to the interesting stuff.

03-25-2005, 10:37 AM
When I am interested in a news story, I draw no conclusion until I have either seen the coverage from 3 different networks or read at least 5 articles from 3 different major news sites. I did this with the Schiavo case and the first four articles were identical; the 5th article happened to be the one that provided the most important information.

I find that quite often, the truth can be determined by averaging the opinions together.

03-25-2005, 02:30 PM
I find that most 24 news networks are complete shit. Even the network news shows have to lower themselves to their level sometimes. I don't watch news on TV to much anymore. If I did, it would probably be the Brain Williams show or maybe CNN. I guess "my problem" is that I want to see actual news. I don't care about what a celebrity wore to his or her trial.

I watch the Daily Show, but not for unbiased, deep inciteful news. I just want to laugh.

03-25-2005, 09:44 PM
Im I the only one who doesnt care about teh Schiavo stuff? If I ever got liek that iw ould hoep that one of my buddies or someone that cared for me would kill me. If they didnt then tehy obviously dont love me now do they? Its a family battle, I udnerstand the needs for it to go to the courts, but who the fuck cares?

When i watch news its always HN. Mainly I just liek their ticker, it jumps around more and talks about more shit than any of the other channels. But when iw ant news, I got to teh daily show

03-27-2005, 03:29 AM
I actively avoid the news media. If anything important happens, people will let me know. Shit, they let me know about enough un-important stuff anyhow. I've had to listen to way more of the Scott Peterson/Terry Schiavo garbage than I'd care to mention. None of that affects me. I'd prefer to be on a strict need-to-know basis.

An open letter to people who tell me retarded "news" items:

Acceptable news stories are as follows: Run, the volcano is erupting! Your house is on fire! Your fly is open!

If what you want to tell me about is not on the above list, please do me the favor of gossiping about it to someone else.

Coder GT
03-27-2005, 04:26 PM
I used to be a big CNN Headline News fan. They would always show good news stories that were unbiased - they didn't show the shit on the other 4 news channels.

Tonight, I went to that channel hoping to see some fun news, maybe a bee colony exploding on a Vegas highway, or Zaph crapping on some guy's chest, INSTEAD they have this bitch on there, Nancy Grace. She's got the Brady Bunch tv set up with 4 guests, and she's bitching at them as to whether Shiavo's feeding tube should be removed. I was disgusted.

Anybody else notice how much the channel sucks? I sent some hate mail their way. Maybe they'll learn.
All American news is the same to me. All crap and lies, they hide the truth. It's always been the same. It might have been more honest before my time (before 1986), but I doubt it. Some news is just more detailed than others.

03-30-2005, 11:43 PM
I was reading in the paper today how the parents of Terri had a appeal to rehear the case by another judge approved today. Their basis on it needed to be reheard was the the doctors before said that after the feeding tube was removed she would live about 1-3 weeks. It had been 12 days and she was still alive so they though it was time to waste more tax payer's dollars. You wanna know my opinion on this? See the image below.


03-31-2005, 01:09 AM
It looks like that dude is wearing a shirt that says "Ramones", but I swear that logo on it looks like the Aerosmith fan club logo (Aero Force One).

Though with that focus it could be the Great Seal of the United States and it could be a patriotic message. It just stood out.

I love the face on the woman. Pictures like that are really what makes the internet worth it these days.

Glitch you are really on point with comedy tonight :)

03-31-2005, 05:05 AM
Glitch you are really on point with comedy tonight :)

Why thank you :) In the pic I don't even think the funniest part is the guy holding the "idiots" sign. It's the lady in front of him holding that sign that says "3 of a kind" and shows pictures of O.J. Simpson, Terri's Husband, and some other person I am assuming was in trouble for murder. O.J.!? Seriously now. That sign is the most publicity that guy has had in a while.

03-31-2005, 05:28 AM
I hate the Terry Shiavo case, but I do find the coverage and debate to be hilarious.

Barak Obama said in an interview something like"Good debate starts when you respect the other persons opinion and realize that, for example, Pro-choice does not mean that they want to kill children." The father really wants to do what is best for his wife. The parents really believe that their daughter is alive and wants to live like this. Attacking either of them and calling them murderers or idiots is not advancing the debate, but actually hindering it.

The media is very happy to put on pundits that have no respect for the otherside and will blindly attack them. It's like watching dogs fight and you don't really learn anything.

Oh and you guys should watch the new South Park episode. It is funny how the show that people criticize as being crude and morally bankrupt can treat the debate with more repect than established news organizations.

03-31-2005, 05:35 AM
Oh and you guys should watch the new South Park episode. It is funny how the show that people criticize as being crude and morally bankrupt can treat the debate with more repect than established news organizations.

I did. It was fucking hillarious. Bashed the Sony PSP and the Terri Schiavo (sp*) case in the same freaking ep. Comedy Gold.

03-31-2005, 10:49 AM
I swear to God I've seen that guy around before... and that is definately a Ramones shirt.


I also like the red "Jeb!" sign in the extreme right corner. :)

Coder GT
03-31-2005, 04:33 PM
They did a spoof of the case on Comedy Central's South Park. I didn't think it was too appropriate and they combined with the PSP coming out, which made it even weirder.