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03-20-2005, 04:22 PM
I bought a new game yesterday for the PS2, called Katamari Damashi. It's quite possibly the most absurd game since Irritating Stick for PSX (Which i also own).

Basically, the object of the game is to roll everything in sight into a big ball, so that the king of the galaxy can take this big ball of crap and throw it into the sky to create stars (which he accidentally destroyed).

My description of the game doesn't really do it justice, since it's a lot more fun than it sounds, but it's also pretty off the wall. All the artwork and animation is just a bit beyond bizarre, and it's definately got a quirk to it that's entirely japanese. The background music is very catchy however, and is sure to stick in your head.

Anyways, I bought the game on a whim, and I dig it, but I was just wondering if anyone else has played it, and if so, what do you think?

03-20-2005, 04:54 PM
This is only the third thread about Katamari Damacy, Eck ;) It is a really great game and the more threads we have about it the better.

I'm a whore and I bought the soundtrack. The music will never leave your head. Ever. Ever.

I'm trying to make an animated avatar out of some of the intro, but so far I haven't had much luck making anything under 1MB or more. :/

03-20-2005, 05:28 PM
one thread is a month old, one is six months old.
Besides i'm set to ten day view, and i didn't see anything, so oh well.
gravedigging or reposting, pick your poison.

It's still a fun game.

03-20-2005, 08:03 PM
I haven't played Katamari Damacy, but it looks neat. I'm surprised it wasn't released on the Gamecube too because there are a lot of quirky/weird games already available for the Gamecube (and I think Gamecube owners would buy it - I probably would)

Speaking of Katamari Damacy, I saw this article earlier today that said Katami Damacy may be headed to the Nintendo DS: http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000620036788/

03-20-2005, 08:21 PM
Doesn't it use two control sticks? The GC's two sticks are in different positions. It'd probably be awkward.

03-20-2005, 10:10 PM
I haven't played Katamari Damacy, but it looks neat. I'm surprised it wasn't released on the Gamecube too because there are a lot of quirky/weird games already available for the Gamecube (and I think Gamecube owners would buy it - I probably would)

I wish it was. I hated dragging out my PS2 just for Katamari.

03-20-2005, 10:57 PM
I'm surprised it wasn't released on the Gamecube

Me too, considering that after I read an article about Keita Takahashi. His views on games are surprisingly similar to Nintendo's stance.

03-21-2005, 11:14 AM
My friend purchased it just so I could see what it was like, after I had seen both other threads here about it. (Thanks for those, BTW, once more.) I would say it was pretty funky. The control scheme was very, very annoying -INITIALLY-, but when you get used to it, it becomes slightly lesser so. I have to say that getting stuck or hindered by an object in your way that you should really just roll right past, is really kind of annoying.

Maybe I just didn't see the overall appeal of the game. I know it was funky beyond belief, and most claims that "one should be thoroughly stoned before playing" the game are relatively true, (Really. ;) .. :D ) but the only part of the game that really appealed to me, was picking up storms in the final and largest level.

I really, really, really hate being timed.

03-21-2005, 06:45 PM
yeah that's my biggest gripe too, that the levels are timed. But other than that, i enjoy the game quite a bit. I'm sure it would be cool while stoned too, but i havent tried it that way yet. It's bizarre enough without outside THC influence.

03-21-2005, 10:41 PM
Oh believe you me we do need more threads about this nice game, Eckels, I was just taking a rare opportunity to give you a hard time.

Right now this game and DDR are the only games my PS2 plays.

All the time I played it, I couldn't figure out why it wasn't on Gamecube. The game is so pure, so fun, that I thought it could only be captured on the only system without POWERLEVEL 10,000% MORE XTREME THAN THE NEXT CONSOLE TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!111

But the stick layout on the GCN would be a tad awkward. Unfortunately this is one of the few games that I think the PS2 controller is really good for; I'm thinking it would be a tad bit more frustrating on the cube.

I, too, feel like sometimes my katamari gets stuck on the most miniscule of obstacles, and I have to waste precious seconds trying to convince it to move somewhere else. Particluarly in the city, I tend to get stuck between buildings a lot.

I did so good on the moon level I didn't have anything left to pick up :)