View Full Version : Favorite 1.90 quests

03-14-2005, 09:07 PM
Just wondering what some you cats favorite version 1.90 quests are. Been kinda in a nostalgic mood so i've been playing some 1.90 quests. Reminds me of when of first startedplaying ZC. Just wondering what some of your old favorites are and why.
I don't remember all of the early ones i played but i do remember the first real custom quest i played was "Enter the Dark Ones" by Magma Lord. This is what really got me hooked on ZC, because it showed all the possibilities of ZC and how you can create your own Zelda game. I remember at the time there weren't many full custom quests, most of them were just remakes of the original with different dungeons or tiles and even then, there weren't many people working on quests.
but yeah that was easily one of my faves.
how bout you guys?

03-18-2005, 05:23 AM
My favorite is Darwin's Quest.

03-25-2005, 08:08 AM
I'm with Link...I'm thoroughly enjoying Revenge 2. It's a great game :D

03-25-2005, 10:26 AM
1.90 was very solid and there were many fine quests to play. If you go back and play some of them you can easily see the roots that many of today’s more epic style creations came from. All three that were mentioned are super. My favorites are still the 2 original quests because they are what started it all. Without them there would be no ZC. I think the 3rd quest by AlphaDawg is also excellent and everyone should play it at least once.

Thanks - Joe