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View Full Version : AIM Port Number Assistance:

03-13-2005, 12:21 AM
Well call me odd. Bit of info up front. Some people know a lot about computers. Some people know nothing. Some people know an interesting mix of the two. I mean, obviously. I am one of the latter of the three people. I know all about what goes on on the surface of the computer, i.e. the programs, what they do, mostly how they work, what the functions do, what happens if I click this, etc. But what I don't know, is what happens underneath it all. The core basic of operating systems, how binary works, what the http actually DOES, TCP, IP uses, etc.

One of those involves recently hearing that AIM uses a port number. My father just purchased a router of some sort (Again, I won't know what it does, until I actually see it working and experience its effects.) and is now asking me to find out which port number AIM uses. ... Now, I have next to no idea what he's talking about. He mentions something about AIM looking for a port to occupy to chat with people or something. I mean, obviously, I use AIM all the time, but I don't know really what it does as it loads or functions, really. It's not like there's a button you can press to gain all the technical knowledge or anything. God that would be great. But there just isn't.

Thanks in advance. :)

03-13-2005, 01:02 AM
It's a lot to explain how the TCP/IP suite works :shrug: Here's an introduction tutorial though: http://www.w3schools.com/tcpip/default.asp

There's also this free program called ethereal which is a network analyzer that can actually capture packets going across a network (like the ones coming out of your computer for instance). If you learn how to use it, you can see AIM packets going in and out of your system, and what ports stuff it happening on. It's pretty neat. Check it out http://www.ethereal.com

03-13-2005, 02:28 AM

The connection port can be found in the sign on/sign off section of AIM options.


The port for file transfers can be entered, then forwarded to the router to allow multiple computers on the same connection to use different ports in order to send files over AIM.

03-13-2005, 03:08 PM