View Full Version : College

03-10-2005, 12:49 PM
I was wondering if anybody here who is a senior/college student has applied anywhere else and is going to enroll as a freshman student, or be a transfer student anywhere.

I won a scholarship (http://www.usagermanyscholarship.org) through the Congress-Bundestag to study for a year in Germany as a foreign exchange student, where I will be enrolled in a German high school. Now all I have to do is be accepted by AFS Germany, and placed; I will depart some time around late July or August however I have no details to date.

Rather than just get four replies saying "good job, Ich :D" and this thread dying, I'd like you to respond with your collegiate future and/or hopes. Where did you apply? Where have you gotten in? Have you gotten any scholarships? A full ride?

03-10-2005, 12:52 PM
first, good job man!
Currently, I'm in my freshman year at Kankakee Kommunity Kollege, when I a Junior, I'm transferring to Olivet Nazerent University; and I'm paying for it myself :shrug:

03-10-2005, 12:54 PM
"good job, Ich :D" ... (Hey, it's the truth. I'm very happy for you man. :) :thumbsup: :highfive: )

I'm currently enrolled as a Freshman (Second semester) at CUNY Queens College in Queens, NY on Long Island. A scholarship isn't TOTALLY necessary, as even though it's quite the excellent college, the tuition is fairly low. It's only about $2,195 a year. Not too bad, considering my family's yearly income of $1,520. (Don't ask. Please .. don't ask.)

Though eventually I may have to transfer to John Jay college due to an interest in the Forensic Science fields. I guess I don't mind handling dead bodies. (ALSO don't ask. :sweat: )

03-10-2005, 01:39 PM
I just hope you're making the right decision, Ich. When I went to college, I had dreams of being a big-time reporter; I didn't realize how dreams don't come true in the real world. After wasting $25K of my parents money, I came here to seattle, having much better success and maybe a better dream in the long run.

If you think this risk is the best thing for you, by all means do it. Ironically, if I didn't spend a year at a real college, I would have left here a lot faster (that's what it takes sometimes).

For all of you who don't know, I make games, I suffer, and I'm currently spending a 9-5 in the computer lab today during spring break. Owned.

03-10-2005, 05:47 PM
Congrats on going to Germany. :P Pitt has a program where engineers can go to Germany for a week or so to learn how things are done. I would do it if I was interested in mechanical engineering, but it's really not a computer engineering thing.

As you've probably put together. I'm going to the University of Pittsburgh for computer engineering. I plan on focusing on the software development side. Financially it kind of sucks. My parents aren't poor enough to get a good amount of financial aid so we've got to take out a lot of loans. A good thing is that Pitt engineering has a Co-op program which will let me work in industry for a while and get paid. I'll be getting experience and be paying off the loan agency simultaneously. Should work out in the end.

03-11-2005, 01:40 AM
Congrats bro and cheers. I am very experienced with AFS and am an active member of the community around here. I came back 7 months ago from a years stay with AFS in Brasil and it was the best year of my life. If you have any questions or doubts you can always PM me!
It's a really exciting time and not only do you get to experience the culture of the country that you are going to, but you also meet incredible people from the world over. Take advantage of everything, and live it up, and don't give up though times may get tough.
BTW, where are you going in Germany, chances are I might know someone there (in my group there were around 80 germans). Anyway yeah, good luck bro, hope you have a good time.
Right now I'm at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. It ain't a bad school and i'm enjoying it. Chances are, if all goes well, I'll be going to Lisboa this summer to study a summer semester and possibly do a month Internship afterwards, then come back here and continue my internship. Just hope I can get the money in time.
Anyway, take care bro. Grats

03-11-2005, 02:13 AM

I'm currently a Sophomore at Southwest Minnesota State University, but I will be transfering to the Minnesota School of Business this fall for an Associates Degree in Advertising Design. I'm looking forward to the change :D.

I think college it really important one way or the other. It'd a good chance to get your feet wet in the real world with having about half of the responsibilities of a normal adult. People grow up a lot in college (some of us, anyway).

03-11-2005, 02:30 AM
College blows. <3

03-11-2005, 12:00 PM
College blows. <3
Like a champ.

Anyway, I'm in my second year at the Art Institute of Portland. I'm majoring in 3D modeling and animation. I hope to work either for WETA (in New Zealand) or Mainframe (in Vancouver B.C.). That is, if I'm not making my own movies. Who knows?

03-12-2005, 12:20 AM
Oh god, Portland. Emo/hippy central. I feel for you, my dear.

03-12-2005, 12:50 AM
I start online classes for an associates in business, soon.

Drunken Tiger
03-12-2005, 12:54 AM
Congrats Ich!

I just started at Monash University (supposedly one of Australia's top unis) majoring in Journalism but hopefully i can get a double degree in JOurnalism and Law!