View Full Version : IOTW Level 6 Problem

03-02-2005, 12:18 AM
I struggled throught this level for four days *L* There is always one level that kicks my butt and this time it's been Level 6 of IOTW. I have two problems:

First: There is a heart piece that looks like it's blocked by a grey bush. I have bombed this, burnt it, slashed at it, blown the whistle near it, shot arrows at it *L* Well, you get the picture, I can't access it. *S*

I have since found the answer in an old thread and I'm off to claim my heart piece and get the final sword upgrade *G*

Well, I've shot at every possible tree and then some other things with my wand and nothing.

Secondly: I am finished the dungeon, however, in the top right section of the map, the third room down I have never been able to access, I'm assuming the key I am now short is in that room. Help please *S*

Lastly, can I have a hint for 7, I can access all the rooms, but can't figure my way to the locked doors or stairways that are blocked.

03-03-2005, 01:52 AM
Yes, you need to navigate the maze room to access that final key in level 6. Use your lens in the maze room to find the path. As for level 7, it isn't named Gemini for nothing! Study closely every room on BOTH sides of the dungeon!

Phoenix :p
03-03-2005, 09:20 PM
And, don't hesitate to take notes of what you see in the half of Gemini you are exploring, it will help you for the other half.

03-03-2005, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the tip Phoenix *S*

I have in fact drawn pictures of the rooms in both sides of Gemini and sheesh I even am a Gemini and I'm totally missing it *groans*

*looks down at DFW's post* Ohhhhhhh *goes to check this out and still misses it*

03-04-2005, 12:25 AM
There is a duality to that dungeon. Where a doorway is on one room will be a wall in the other. However, that doesn't mean the doorway isn't gone on the side that doesn't have it visible!