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View Full Version : One more thing

02-24-2005, 04:26 PM
Taka1 here.

I've got one more thing to ask: what if I want to play the game as another character, say Zelda or someone else of my making? Also, if I create new item and
enemy tiles, how do I input them and/or animate them into a graphic? Thanks again!

02-24-2005, 06:12 PM
Changing all of these things is pretty easy.
The easiest way to change the tiles for Link and for enemies is definitely to go into your tile menu and paste your new tiles over the old ones. For instance, say you want to play as Zelda. Go into the first page of your Graphics tile menu, and look at all the tiles for Link in various animations. Find or create Zelda tiles in all these same poses, then go ahead and paste the new Zelda tiles over the Link tiles in the exact same order and format. Now, when Zelda Classic goes into the tile menu and looks for the animations for Link, what it will actually find and dispaly will be the Zelda tiles you pasted over the old ones. :D

As far as enemies are concerned, go into the tile menu and find the huge lst of enemy pictures. There will be whole pages of enemies in various poses. Again, just paste your new tiles over the old ones.

For items, you could use the same trick to paste over the old tiles, but for items it's better to go into
Graphics>>Sprites>>Items or Graphics>>Sprites>>Weapons/Misc
and just click on the picture in the box, then find the picture you want to be the new picture and double-click it.

The moral here? ZC looks at a certain location in your Tiles menu for each animation. Whenever you set a location in your menu for an animation or sprite, ZC remembers that location, not the actual picture. ;)