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View Full Version : New Quest for Download - Cyclone's Rage

02-21-2005, 06:30 PM
Grab it here:
Cyclone's Rage in the QDB (http://zeldaclassic.armageddongames.net/search.php?by=name&quick=yes&s=Cyclones%20Rage&PHPSESSID=718ed1e7b04012a8bcd9e6b84b550f22)


And yes, this is Cyclone's old group quest. Why am I releasing it? Because I had a copy sitting on my hard drive that had 8 levels complete. There was some really nice work done on it, so I felt it would be a shame if it was never released. So I went ahead and added a level 9, and here we are.

Peace had settled over Hyrule. People's lives were easy. They had no cares or worries. However, all was not well with the gods of the wind. They had been instrumental in Link's defeat of Ganon, but nobody paid them any homage. So they decided to exact their revenge. They sent Cyclone, master of the destructive winds, to plague the lands. He unleased his minions to wreck havoc. But even worse was his effect on the weather. His influence diverted all storms from Hyrule, so that the lush land slowly began to wither and die. Finally Link had seen enough. He decided to once again set out and save his homeland of Hyrule.

This is a relatively straightforward 9 level quest. Most of it was designed before the newer versions of ZC, so don't expect fancy tricks and the like. What you will get however is 9 solid levels of classic Zelda gameplay, each designed by a different AGN member - except levels 5 and 9, I did both of those. Difficulty-wise, I would say this is about mid range. There are some areas that are quite tough, and a newbie would have quite a hard time with them. If you know what you're doing though, you should be fine.

A few things to keep in mind while playing:
Go east to get your sword. Different shops have different prices, so be sure to shop around for good deals. Remember to return to level 1 to get the wallet - you will need it! There are pieces of heart you can get right from the beginning, so keep your eyes open for them. You'll probably want to skip the first bomb upgrade you find as you will need the money for other things first. In levels 8 and 9 there are blocks that are hookshot-only. However, there is a bug in ZC that causes the ladder to work on them as well (you'll know which blocks I'm talking about as it'll look really stupid when the ladder goes on them). I went through and made all such walls 2 squares wide to prevent you from cheating in this way. However, there were 2 rooms where this wasn't possible (1 in level 8, 1 in level 9). Neither of these rooms has a huge effect on the flow, but if you want to play the levels as they were intended, refrain from using the ladder in these rooms. When you complete level 3, be sure to go outside (north from the room where you get the raft) and walk downwards as far as you can. This will activate a change in the landscape that is essential to continuing beyond level 4.
If I think of anything more I'll let you know. Have fun!

02-22-2005, 12:55 PM
I hope I'm not the only one playing this quest. I'm stuck in the Forest Dungeon (Lv. 4) trying to kill that blasted 2 headed gleeok using only the wooden sword and its not working too well for me.
Can anyone tell me where the white sword or the blue suit is? With one of those 2 items I'm sure to get past the gleeok.
Thanks in advance

02-24-2005, 04:17 PM
I've added a new point about when you complete level 3, since what you need to do isn't exactly obvious or explained fully.

02-24-2005, 05:31 PM
Should be good...i'll check it out when I can.

02-27-2005, 02:18 PM
Hi, Cloral, I'm really enjoying this quest. Would you mind if I put it in the QDB? No need to submit, you've got all the info I need here...except for which version or beta is was made on, and a list of the contributors for the credits.

02-27-2005, 03:16 PM
Sure. Just make sure you put this down as by Cyclone, as this is his quest (I was going to submit it myself, but I noticed that I'd have to put my own name on it to do so, and I didn't want to steal credit for this).

Here are the other credits:
Level 1 balzac
Level 2 Magma Lord
Level 3 plith
Level 4 Aegis Runestone
Level 5 Cloral
Level 6 Overlord
Level 7 Kratheous
Level 8 alpro
Level 9 Cloral
Overworld Zeo, Cyclone, Cloral
Project Manager Cyclone

Version was 1.92 beta 183. And I guess those 6 screenshots from the top of this thread should suffice for the submission. Plus the bulleted information from that post is important, especially about what to do when you complete level 3.