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07-04-2008, 04:38 PM
thanks, hey you know that south west room with a patra and four blocks in it am i supposed to do anything in there because i've explored every palce on the map of level 5 and i still can't find the magic container is there some sort of underground tunnel that i might have missed?

07-04-2008, 05:17 PM
Not every level has a magic container , do you have the cross , silver arrow and the flippers , I know there was one room from start to the east and up , the screen with the trapps there bomb left wall but I don't know what it was you could get there ;)

07-04-2008, 07:09 PM
that room had 10 rupees in it. you know what that is actually what i was starting to think. it just said that there were 9 magic containers but it didn't specify where they were. thanks i pretty much started to think that so i moved on to the next level.:) level 6 was surprisingly very easy.its starting to get fun again.

07-04-2008, 07:17 PM
If you had known about the whistle then level 5 also wasn't that hard ;)
but thats the good thing about Freedoms quests for me , you don't have to be a big fighter and still can make it till the end , it's the puzzles that are the real challenge and there is always someone that can give you a hint or help you with that :)

07-05-2008, 12:53 AM
yeah, thanks again for all your help.:) while we're still on the same page can you help me with one more thing?in level 7 there is a big treasure box in a room and i have a spare key. i think that it is some how related to a hidden staircase that i can only see with the lens of truth. unfortunately i don't know what to do to activate it. i've tried using every item i have. so far i have gotten all the items in that dungeon except for one item which i think is a magic container because i've already gotten every item that i was supposed to get.you can see which treasure box it is from the entrance if you just go up 3 screens. i just don't know how to get on theother side. sorry i couldn't provide a picture but i don't have the slightest clue as to how it is that i add a picture. i 've tried taking screenshot but i don't know how to send it to the forums page. oh well please help if you can:)

07-05-2008, 06:33 AM
You can get on the rightside from that room with a stair the stair you find on your map from left to right 3th row and from bottom up 5th screen ( the one above the water level switch , push every item in that room ;)

07-05-2008, 05:54 PM
yeah, by the time i read your reply, i already found it. now i'm in level 9. hey, how many hearts can i get in this game? i have 16 hearts and 1 extra heart piece (ganon gave me after level 8). are there any more heart containers? i have every item in the game except for the master key and level 2 amulet(if there even is one). anyway, i need help with one more thing. i need the master key but i don't know how to get to it.:( i'd very much appreciate any help at all.;)

07-05-2008, 06:32 PM
from the start go up ,left,down , left, left there bomb the wall above the first statue, bomb wall to the right get map push statue use stair , where you get off the stair walk up through wall follow the path till you have to set another trigger and push statue thats your way to the key ;)
I never look how many hearts I have at the end :shrug:

07-05-2008, 09:06 PM
:odd::bomb::mad2:this is messed up. i just made it to princess zelda's room and i try everything to open the door. nothing works. all of a sudden my computer turns off and its seems that someone was playing with the power switches. ("me":whap:"someone") grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... so how were you supposed to open the door??? and what happens at the end. its either i find out from some one else or i have to do all of level 9 all over again, and i'm definitely not going to do that ... ever... please can some one that finished the game answer the two questions above???

07-05-2008, 09:11 PM
almost forgot... thank you Elise for all the help. I never would have even gotten to level 9 without you. you are truly a master Zelda gamer.:)

07-06-2008, 01:38 PM
you should have used the bomb to open the jail door ;)
No thanks needed , glad you had some good time playing the Quest , but you have to stop playing with power switches :) ;)

07-06-2008, 02:08 PM
no wait, you don't understand. that was actually someone else (my nephew) he was playing around with them. ("me":whap:"my nephew"). oh almost forgot if you post anything else right now you'll be post #1,000! well i'm going to try some other quest. hope to hear from you again!

07-07-2008, 04:42 PM
Most in here are already from me so no more then fair that I make that 1000 th one too ,
Octavio much fun in finding another great quest to play and if you become a regular player and poster then I be sure we meet again and then you can help me getting around ;)
Payback time hahahahahahaha

10-17-2008, 01:52 PM
Help This is a great quest but I'm stuck in Lvl 9. Got a full inventory up to 9 including the Map, compass and Master key. Been in the bottom four rows but stopped by rm 44, the one with the skull that needs a red arrow. How do I get the new arrows. Thanks

10-17-2008, 11:44 PM
ok im lost stuck trying to get the hookshot i can see it but cant reach it

10-19-2008, 04:05 PM
there is another entrance that has a dead end just like that one, and some one did say go into the light

10-19-2008, 05:37 PM
yea but where is the opening? Ive been to the one where the guy wants a skulltula for his cave,the one where i need the hookshot to cross the spikes and the one where i have to burn the tree is there another or what?

10-19-2008, 08:55 PM
got skulltula, got bombs & down into the light (lampstand)

10-19-2008, 09:22 PM
do what? that doesnt even make any sense look ive blown up every lightstand i see and havent found nothing what lampstand are you talking about cuz im as lost as i was when i started

10-19-2008, 09:36 PM
in the entrance where you gave the guy the skulltula an after you bomb up, then at the dead end just walk down into one of the lampstands

10-19-2008, 09:49 PM
now see you have me lost the only lampstands in that room are not even close and ive tried god help me ive tried for the past 3 days there is a treasure chect with a bomb in it and a bird with two lampstands and ive tried everything

11-14-2008, 07:52 PM
i just beat the first dungeon, but it took me like 25 lives and 6 hours.
it's entirely likely that I just stink at Zelda but I never could find all the keys in level one so I bought one instead and just feel really deflated after having spent so many rupees. Then I spent 45 minutes looking for a new place to get to and well, i'm tired of wandering around in the same small area.

I feel that Freedom is a little bit too fond of the hidden passage for my liking. I'm not even feeling good anymore when I find one, I just go 'oh thank god I found it' or 'good thing I didn't have to waste hours searching this one out'.

I guess it's just not my style of quest. Everything else about it is top notch and clearly there are a lot of fans. But I want to know a few things on the way out that might save my interest.

Is the unextinguishable tree a secret?
Why does that one guy in a house ask me to light his lamp but i never got anything good out of it after i did? Couldn't he at least say thank you?
How do I open that house down in mountain view near the river? Door is always closed. There's a red shell (never did manage to make the shells do anything) and two torches, one of which is unlit.

11-30-2008, 02:13 PM
i dont know withs entrance exactly anymore, but it wasnt the 1 where you can see the hookshot. there are i think 4 lamps and u must walk behind the right nort lamp of the 4.
or right back lamp, my english isnt that good sorry.

11-30-2008, 02:17 PM
ok lvl 2 swamp;

i have found a lot of thinks and almost entered every room only in de middle of the map there is 1 spot open. its the 1 with the raft where you must slash someting first to go further with rafting to the right.

There are 2 room next to eachother that simuliar slash and raft further. i need the right room.

Also i am missing a lot of the right norther part of the map.I think i need to entrance the right, the 1 with the 4 candles init. But what do i need to do here ? i can only fire 2 candles of the 4 in that room; there is also a stream to the east.

11-30-2008, 03:10 PM
ok lvl 2 swamp;

i have found a lot of thinks and almost entered every room only in de middle of the map there is 1 spot open. its the 1 with the raft where you must slash someting first to go further with rafting to the right.

There are 2 room next to eachother that simuliar slash and raft further. i need the right room.

Also i am missing a lot of the right norther part of the map.I think i need to entrance the right, the 1 with the 4 candles init. But what do i need to do here ? i can only fire 2 candles of the 4 in that room; there is also a stream to the east.

If I remember right, there is another entrance to level two. From the first entrance go left. Sorry If this is wrong.

11-30-2008, 03:33 PM
yes there are 3.

can any1 help me pls ???

11-30-2008, 04:08 PM
In the 3rd entrance the one with the 4 lampstands, top right of swamp. just hookshot across to the one on the right ,light it and hookshot back and light the other 2 a dock will appear.

not sure which other rms you mean. one of the Posts has a map. use the method where 00 is the top most left room and number down 0-7 & right 0-7 in a 8 x 8 grid. Rms 00, 03, 04 & 07 have nothing in them(blank). Which rm now?

11-30-2008, 06:59 PM
In the 3rd entrance the one with the 4 lampstands, top right of swamp. just hookshot across to the one on the right ,light it and hookshot back and light the other 2 a dock will appear.

not sure which other rms you mean. one of the Posts has a map. use the method where 00 is the top most left room and number down 0-7 & right 0-7 in a 8 x 8 grid. Rms 00, 03, 04 & 07 have nothing in them(blank). Which rm now?

tnx for answering,
i just tried with the candles***** 1-----------2
************************* 3-------------4
the only lamp that works is nr1
then if i go out and go back into the room it stays burning
then nr3 and nr 4 dont work i can only light nr 2
But after i burn it i cannot use it anymore, if i go out the lvl and go back only nr1 is lighting nr2 is out.

feeling so stupid now.:mad:

11-30-2008, 07:49 PM
Before you can light 4 candles you need the red candle you can find that when you enter the map on the most down right side and use the raft down and to the first right use your keys to go right with the raft ;)

11-30-2008, 08:19 PM
Before you can light 4 candles you need the red candle you can find that when you enter the map on the most down right side and use the raft down and to the first left use your keys to go left with the raft ;)

ye idd i dont have that.
I think it is in the room in the middle that im missing. I will try it tomorrow.

12-14-2008, 11:07 AM
Well, I can't find the black market, all I can find is a place called "Monkey Shines" that has a monkey in it, and in the adjacent room there was a key.

Also, in each of the witch houses, all I can get is a super bomb in the second room. Why don't they sell their stuff to me?

I'm using 2.10.

12-23-2008, 01:13 AM
Well, I can't find the black market, all I can find is a place called "Monkey Shines" that has a monkey in it, and in the adjacent room there was a key.

Also, in each of the witch houses, all I can get is a super bomb in the second room. Why don't they sell their stuff to me?

I'm using 2.10.

Nevermind, I found the Black Market... i'm so dumb. :)
The potion shops still don't work... i think i know why: i got the mushroom, and it's no longer where it was before, but it's disappeared off of my item list.
Anyway, I conquered Ganon. 77 deaths, 27 hours. :D

Cool quest!

01-08-2009, 01:55 AM
Love this quest...but am still stuck in level 3 (have gone on and have the blue tunic & magic book, but decided I better go back for the pearl and heart). So, here's my question...where is the boss in level 3?? I tripped all the triggers, went in through the roof doors...broke the four pots, whistled, walked through the trap into the gray hall and room...but I can't find an entrance there to the boss. Am I in the right place??
Thanks for all the help Elixe and Crackers! (And everyone else who posted their questions!)

01-08-2009, 09:44 AM
Love this quest...but am still stuck in level 3 (have gone on and have the blue tunic & magic book, but decided I better go back for the pearl and heart). So, here's my question...where is the boss in level 3?? I tripped all the triggers, went in through the roof doors...broke the four pots, whistled, walked through the trap into the gray hall and room...but I can't find an entrance there to the boss. Am I in the right place??
Thanks for all the help Elixe and Crackers! (And everyone else who posted their questions!)

The NE blade hole(trap) is a trigger for the door above and ent. to the other room your in.
Have fun

01-08-2009, 09:55 AM
sprdave...Thank you! I've been in and out of that trap several times. I'll try it again and not go clear in.

01-08-2009, 10:02 AM
Thank you! Thank you! That was it!

01-15-2009, 07:54 PM
Wow...I guess they put that hack into effect so that everything wireless is automatically showing in mobile format. The hack worked but the effect is not good...I'll have to invest in a pair of cheaters if this is going to be the norm... Some wireless mobile computers have nice big screens that allow us to see the the avatars and smileys...(sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

12-12-2012, 07:19 PM
I dont know if anybody still checks this, but as I was replaying this game Im having trouble getting to the roof of level 3, pictured here. I read where the late Elise advised someone to hookshot from the other rooftop, but when I did that theres an invisible wall keeping you from crossing over, also pictured here

12-12-2012, 07:56 PM
Your pictures are broken. Can you just post the links?

12-12-2012, 09:26 PM
woops, sorry



12-13-2012, 11:33 AM
I dont know if anybody still checks this, but as I was replaying this game Im having trouble getting to the roof of level 3, pictured here. I read where the late Elise advised someone to hookshot from the other rooftop, but when I did that theres an invisible wall keeping you from crossing over, also pictured here

Are you using 2.10 or one of the betas? From what point exactly are you attempting to hookshot? I think there is only one spot that Link is allowed to hookshot from that will gain the access you seek. Everything works in 2.10, not sure about the betas.

Enjoy Life!
Thanks - Joe

12-13-2012, 08:11 PM
Im using 2.50, as 2.10 does not work on my computer. And Im trying to hookshot from where Im standing in the first picture, trying to grab at the chest, which seems like it should grab yet doesnt. I havent seen any instances of hookshot not working properly in this game in 2.50 yet, I dont know why it would start now

12-14-2012, 12:17 PM
Im using 2.50, as 2.10 does not work on my computer. And Im trying to hookshot from where Im standing in the first picture, trying to grab at the chest, which seems like it should grab yet doesnt. I havent seen any instances of hookshot not working properly in this game in 2.50 yet, I dont know why it would start now

Wrong spot, you need to hookshot from the dirt (looks like stepping stones) to the roof in the 2nd screen. If I remember correctly you must approach from the east (you cannot get there from the west). Find a rooftop that will allow you to hookshot to the mesa (2nd screen). Look 1 or 2 screens west.

Hope this helps.

Enjoy Life!

Thanks - Joe

12-14-2012, 10:40 PM
a-HA!!! that was perfect. Thank you so much. Now I can, hopefully, finish this game

12-15-2012, 11:32 PM
Me again, now Im stuck in level 6. I may be the biggest idiot, but I cant get past the first room, http://i47.tinypic.com/3483b0g.png . Ive looked all over for where that key might be, but cant seem to find it

12-15-2012, 11:44 PM
Have you tried to walk through or bomb the walls on the left and right side?

12-15-2012, 11:49 PM
yeah I tried that, didnt have any luck with either

12-17-2012, 12:24 AM
Me again, now Im stuck in level 6. I may be the biggest idiot, but I cant get past the first room, http://i47.tinypic.com/3483b0g.png . Ive looked all over for where that key might be, but cant seem to find it

The key is in that room. The sword, I think, is your friend.

Enjoy the Holidays!

Thanks - Joe

12-19-2012, 10:35 PM
Last question hopefully, having trouble finding the entrance to level 9. I've been all over the plethora mountains, but no luck. I did find a "fort", beyond the house of the man that sends you home, but it doesnt seem to go anywhere. Any clue?

12-20-2012, 11:42 PM
Last question hopefully, having trouble finding the entrance to level 9. I've been all over the plethora mountains, but no luck. I did find a "fort", beyond the house of the man that sends you home, but it doesnt seem to go anywhere. Any clue?
In the far north of the Plethora mountains there are I think 2 brown brick houses . You want the single floor house in the eastern third of the mountain range. There you will find Ganon's Enclave. That's what I think I remember. Hope it helps.

Enjoy the Holidays!

Thanks - Joe

05-13-2013, 12:17 AM
This is an old thread... but can anyone help me with the location of the red candle. I think it is in lvl 2 but have had no luck finding it. I have gone through every post in this thread but could not find any help with it's location.

05-25-2013, 12:07 AM
This is an old thread... but can anyone help me with the location of the red candle. I think it is in lvl 2 but have had no luck finding it. I have gone through every post in this thread but could not find any help with it's location.

The Red Candle is in level 2. It has been a very long time but here is what I think I remember. In the swamp, go to the eastern entrance to level 2. Once inside you can take the stairs straight ahead or take the waterway to the east or west. Take the east waterway until you come to a boat ramp. Take a raft ride and go west at your first opportunity. You will come across a large statue holding a lance that will block your acess to the canal. There are 2 triggers that will unlock the raft path. Hopefully you've already activated the orbs, if not you'll have to go back to the land and do that. The second trigger can be activated from the platform holding the statue. Once you've opened up the canal take another ride on your raft. This may not be exact but it is close enough, I think.

Enjoy the Day!

Thanks - Joe