View Full Version : BS Zelda Animation/Link Tiles confusion

02-06-2005, 01:36 AM
First, it would be prudent to point out that I'm using 2.10 .

Okay, so I'm toying with the idea of making a quest (or at least designing the graphics for one), more or less from scratch. I've got my Link sprites drawn, and I had in mind to use them with BS Zelda Animation. I consulted a non-password locked copy of example_bs1st for the sprite arrangement and (I think) copied it identically.


So I set the rule "BS Zelda Animation" to checked and tried playing the quest. High-larity insued; left and right animations used only two of the three sideways walking frames, although they played more slowly than normal/original animation. Down used the first/standing frame of the walking down frames, which for a split second turns to the third walking frame (placed just before the down-standing frame). Up uses the second "walking down" frame, which flips while walking.

In other words, even though BS Zelda animation is set, it's trying to use the non-BS/original walking style! Why? I thought at first it was because I had "New Enemy Tiles" also checked, but it made no difference when I tried turning them off.

And then there's this mysterious menu in ZQuest, under Quest>Graphics>Sprites>Link. Does this menu operate as it appears to??

So is BS-Zelda animation totally non-working at this point? Am I doing something wrong? Or what?? Any help would be greatly appreciated...

02-06-2005, 03:31 AM
You need to set it all up in a 183 zquest and then upgrade it to the 2.10.
it's the only way 2.10 will recognize the bs animation, there is a bug in the 2.10 that seems to stop you from setting it, but allows it to be upgraded from the 183.