View Full Version : State of the Jiggly Address

02-05-2005, 04:13 PM
Okay, so it's not really an address exactly, it's more of a little thing that's been happening.

See, I am having female problems. No, not those kind of problems, I mean problems with a female. See, there is this girl that I met last summer, and ever since I just can't seem to get her out of my head. I met her by accident, sort of. She has just about every single quality I want in a woman, except for one tiny problem. She's 17 and I'm 25. We both like each other a lot, but the both of us agree that the age difference is just too much for us to take it a step further than friendship.

The problem is now that I still can't stop thinking about her. In fact, the whole thing is so strong I am losing my will to play video games. The girl, who I'll not name, is not exactly your typical teen. First of all, she's got learning disabilities. Second, she's always busy and enjoys doing things that involve sports and stuff. When I rank my life against her's, I somehow get the feeling that I am sort of less worthy of being her friend. I mean, she radiates this "normal" vibe around her that somehow makes me feel inferior. Thing is, she doesn't try to do that. She's kind, friendly, silly, and posesses like everything I want in a girl.

Anyhow, I need suggestions on how I could get such a person out of my head so I can contrate on important matters.

Here's a picture of her:


I will understand if I am the only one who thinks she's attractive.

02-05-2005, 04:15 PM
i don't find red x's attractive. srry jiggly.

on a more serious note, 17 year olds tend to have an entirely (read: ENTIRELY) different mindset than 25 year olds. From day to day plans, to life goals, to what makes them happy to what keeps them content with themselves and their surrounds.

Even without knowing either of you, I think it highly unlikely to expect that anything long term will work out. Not to mention that anything sexual would be illegal right now.

But that's just my opinion. Certainly not the only answer.

02-05-2005, 04:19 PM
I do :D Okay I need to fix the link, but it seems to work fine at my end.

Edit: I tried another spot but the picture was just too freaking big. I'll have to post a link instead: http://www.metroid2002.com/jigglysaint/000_0315.JPG

Anyway, the funny thing is that I really don't want to have "relations" with her, however my wang seem to disagree. It's just that the trouble is that she seems to have this weird effect on me that somehow gets me to change my behaviour. For starters, I am not starting to enjoy certain foods that before hand I thought was nasty. For some reason seeing somebody you like enjoy somthing seems to make you want to like it too. She's not telling me my way of life is bad and than I need to change, she is just being herself and I seem to want to change because I think her way of life is much better.

02-05-2005, 07:21 PM
Geez. I'd spout all kinds of helpful advice, but I now feel that seriousness and generosity have a BS effect on the internet.

Do what you just said you couldn't do:FORGET ABOUT HER. If you can't, go for having a better relationship. Who knows, you might be able to land the best relations you ever had in the nick of time. BTW, how far is she from becoming 18 anyway(she looks average to me)? And I think change should come naturally, because it's your choice, not being influenced by anything else.

02-05-2005, 07:37 PM
Her birthday is in September, so it's far off. Actually it doesn't matter that I can't date her, because right now I am looking for friends, not girlfriends. It's just that she's the closest thing to perfect I can find.

I can't stop thinking about her because she's made such an impression on me.

What I really need are some suggestions that I can use to find somthing to get her off my mind. I have access to music, video games, TV, but none of that seems to work.

02-05-2005, 07:42 PM
I was going to suggest the P word...:p ...What? I meant pogo.:)

Aside from my lame attempt at humor, you should try something that makes you get up and move and tire yourself out, like uh...DDR perhaps? Or a brisk walk? Hmm...or you could try interacting with other female friends more.

02-05-2005, 08:20 PM
Trouble is that I hate DDR, my other friends are busy, and it's too cold and late for a walk.

However, I can reply to ideas with excuses as to why I can't do them.

Thank God I've got church tomorrow.

Dart Zaidyer
02-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Have you ever heard of pheremones?

It seems to be lost knowledge these days, but they're responsible for this kind of attraction. You have excellent chemistry, and that's what's causing this crazy, irrational fascination with her. Your body is overpowering your logic. Just remember: she's too young. And if you really need a booster, ponder the fact that there are perfumes available with built-in pheremones, and your attraction could actually be completely artificial. (I'd bet on it, seeing as how you have no business with a girl 8 years younger than you are.)

02-05-2005, 10:11 PM
Well yes, yes I do have business with a girl 8 years younger than me. Just not sexual business. Here's the deal: She is fine with having a friend who's older than her. Her parents are fine with it too. I have demonstrated to them that I am responcible in making sure I do not do anything silly or immature or immoral. They trust me. I have everything to lose by making a move on her, and nothing to gain. It's just this initial attraction that's been keeping me awake for a while.

Last thursday I talked with her outside the youth group for the first time(2 hours on the phone). At one point she asked if I think about her at night. I sort of had to dodge the subject. What I need is somthing that can help me keep my biological urges in check so I can get back to a normal obsession free life. I don't know what legal things people can suggest that can suppress sexual urges, but I have been praying a lot lately about it.

Perhaps I'll find the answer at church tomorrow.

Dart Zaidyer
02-05-2005, 10:21 PM
You could always suck it up and keep it in a cage... I've been doing that for years. It gives you a slight twitch and it takes some effort to focus when you're anywhere within 5 feet of an attractive girl, but you'll get used to it.
Or you can fill your mind with something completely different. That also works. Remember what Homer once came up with... "Think un-sexy thoughts".

02-05-2005, 10:25 PM
LOL, um ya, and we know how that episode with Homer went, right?

The worst part is that doing somthing totally unrelated to her reminds me of her becuase I am thinking about whether or not she would like what I'm doing. And, if it's not, I suddenly lose the urge to want to do it(the activity).

Hopfully this will go away soon. Untill recently(like when she called me last thurday), I've been rather tame about it. Her going away for the weekend seemed to push me over the edge.

02-05-2005, 10:54 PM
Gosh, it's called attraction, and attraction isn't a choice. Deal with it, but don't let it get to ya. You like the girl, fine. But leave it at that, since you don't wanna date her.