View Full Version : Construction Order?

02-04-2005, 09:08 AM
What order should I make my ZQuest in? Like say, what should I start with first, overworld, dungeons, stuff like that.....

I'd also like some tips on how to make my maps not-so-lame and crappy, and any mistakes I shouldn't make.

EDIT: I also need BS Zelda graphics, but 2.10 example_bs1st is passworded...

02-04-2005, 10:54 AM
I've got just what you need Right Here (http://www.purezc.com/index.php?page=tilesets&id=27). There's also a ZC / ZQ Tips and Tricks forum Right Here (http://www.purezc.com/forums/index.php?act=SF&f=69). Make good use of them. ;-D

02-04-2005, 11:38 AM
Arigato, BH4!

02-04-2005, 01:07 PM
Bless you, Kamaria. But are you sure you want to work with the BS Set? The Pure set has just so very, very much more to interest you. .. But if you DO insist upon the BS Set, you may also wish to consider something PolygonX8 has been working on. He has graciously uploaded his Nightmare.qst Tileset. I'll get you the link.

PolygonX8's Link's Nightmare Quest Tileset (http://www.purezc.com/index.php?page=tilesets&id=33)

BTW, Kamaria, you may wish to join up with Pure. ( www.purezc.com/ ) ... It's a wonderful Zelda Classic site. ;) Seriously. Please consider it. :) If so, I certainly look forward to seeing you there. (Not that AGN doesn't do a great job already, but Pure has a lot more resources. It's just totally devoted to ZC. Plus, it's got Radien. Everybody Loves Radien. :D )

02-04-2005, 05:24 PM
Hm... do I detect some advertising? Jk. :D

I dont know why you insist on the Pure set though. I kinda get sick of seeing that graphics style. I rather enjoy seeing some BS Zelda style quests. Everyone has their own preference I guess though.

02-04-2005, 05:59 PM
Yes, they do. I used to like .. well .. whatever I was working with at the time. I used to fiddle around with newfirst all the time back in 2001 - 2002. Then I Found PrinceMSC's old Mystic Land set. (Not his (ex-)current one.) Then I found the Pure Set. No big deal. I just like the Pure Set because of its amazing compatibility with so many other resources out there. The palletes are extremely easy to work with, and its related sprites are very handy.

But as you've mentioned, to each his own. :shrug: