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View Full Version : Can some1 help me plz???

02-02-2005, 06:25 PM
okay i just DLed the "vargen_improved" quest, and i put it in the zelda folder in my computer, i go through everything (pushin the a button, browsing for the quest) but when i click on it i get

Error: Unable to open file

how do i fix this????

do i need to put the read-me file in the zelda folder to???


02-02-2005, 06:42 PM
The readme is irrelevant, all you need is the .qst file. What version of ZC are you using (you can find out via help->about). If you are not using 2.10 you should download that. Otherwise, I would suggest downloading the file again, maybe it got corrupted during the download.

Also, you can play the original quests right? If not then there are other things that'll need a fixin'.

02-02-2005, 06:47 PM
it says

zelda classic v1.92 beta (build 183)

so should i uninstall this and install the version your talkin about

and yea, i can play the normal quests