View Full Version : Multiple caves/tilewarps on one screen?

02-01-2005, 11:56 PM
Hi all!

I'm trying to build a "villiage" with MULTIPLE "houses" on one screen. However, I am not using the 0x80 "cave" tile, I actually am looking to TILEWARP to another map (which I have set up with walls for the inside of a house, etc.) However, it seems that you can only have one "entrance" per screen, any more will just take you to the same place!

So... I have 4 houses on one screen.... but they all go to the same store (as opposed to 3 different stores and an old lady)....

I've already looked through some threads, as well as Alphadawgs tutorial. And in my location of the world (timbuktoo) I can't bring up GEOCITIES sites, so please don't refer me to idontknow's new tutorial.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

02-02-2005, 02:48 AM
generally you can have a tile warp and a side warp per screen.
don't forget though there are 3 stair warps to work with too though.

02-09-2005, 02:43 PM
Welcome. And hows things in Mali? Have you ever visited the ruins of Carthage up north from where you are?
I thought of an idea that might work. You have the usual multiple warp tiles but make them direct warps. On the first screen they go to you make it dark, but use an all black layer instead of a dark room. You can also make it have exactly the same layout as the original and not have to use layers. Also on the first screen make another direct warp. But use only 1 warp tile. And put it in exactly the same place as the source screen. You will instantly warp to the third screen without having to do anything. That screen can be different though if you use a layer on the second.
That makes the result so that if you go in the first tile it will go to the second screen and not go again, keeping you there. If you walk on the other warp it will go to the second screen as well but instantly go to the third.
If a layer is used then it will be dark, obviously. You can then make it so things like candles turn off the layer.
I tried this and it does work. It is a little convoluted though so it might take time.