View Full Version : Jon Stewart is the man.

01-25-2005, 02:56 PM
Was Crossfire not renewed because of this? (http://articles.energyradio.fm/anm/templates/ftf.aspx?articleid=153&zoneid=5)

I heard it was like, cancelled or something because of it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was. How many of you actually watch The Daily Show? I do, and it's better than my local or worldwide news.:)

01-25-2005, 03:02 PM
I <3 Jon Stewart. He's the man. I actually went and bought his mock school book "America". I have to say that is one hell of a read.

01-25-2005, 04:40 PM
Was Crossfire not renewed because of this? (http://articles.energyradio.fm/anm/templates/ftf.aspx?articleid=153&zoneid=5)

I heard it was like, cancelled or something because of it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was. How many of you actually watch The Daily Show? I do, and it's better than my local or worldwide news.:)
Crossfire was cancelled because of ratings. Yeah, Jon probably had at least something to do with that. He does have a lot of sway with American liberals. He's always trying to say he doesn't, though... he gets pissed when he makes a joke about Bush and people cheer and applaud instead of laugh.

Personally, I think his show is one of the only shows on television worth watching.

01-25-2005, 05:52 PM
I don't think it gets much better than a report they ran around four years ago about a dog that had a plastic jar stuck on its head. But I think it's sad when people use Jon Stewart as a source in a political argument. Even George Carlin would be better. As for crossfire, I think Fox News Channel probably took a lot of the audience away from that timeslot.

01-25-2005, 07:53 PM
But I think it's sad when people use Jon Stewart as a source in a political argument.
If people were only using his show then it would be sad, because it is a humor show. However, I've read and seen many interviews where he's shown how smart he is so paying attention to what he thinks is at least advisable. Of course by smart, I mean that I agree with him. People mistake him too often as a complete liberal. The reality is that he's just really not in agreement with Bush which is why he comes off as such.

He's fairly middle ground which is evident in his interviews with political figures on the Daily Show. You can tell when he's uncomfortable with a persons extreme views by the way he acts. He's not as engaging and just let's the person have it out. I've seen him do that with both sides of the political spectrum.

01-25-2005, 07:56 PM
Crossfire was cancelled because of ratings.
That's probably why Crossballs was cancelled too(or at least, thrown into the corner).:p

01-25-2005, 08:06 PM
He mentioned something about it last week, I dont know if he was implying that he had anything to do with it, but he was pleased nonetheless. The daily show is where I get most of my news, because its happy and funny news. If I turn on CNN or my local news its all sad and depressing, but Jon makes me giggle. The debates and conversations he has with his guests are great, because he doesnt just let them talk and stuff, if theres an issue he wants to discuss he brings it right out in the open and shoves their face in it. The best about some of his guests is how funny some can be and you would have no idea by looking at them. Liek about a month ago when Brian Williams was on, he totally kicked Jons ass humor wise, and hes this serious network news anchor, I was suprised and pleased. Maybe if Brian Williams ever gets fired from NBC he can get his own Daily Show type show. I would watch it.

01-25-2005, 08:12 PM
I <3 Jon Stewart. He's the man. I actually went and bought his mock school book "America". I have to say that is one hell of a read.

sorry for this question, but what does <3 means :confuse2:

01-25-2005, 08:14 PM
Look at the symbol sideways.;)

01-26-2005, 08:59 AM
The best about some of his guests is how funny some can be and you would have no idea by looking at them.

Yea I like how guests kind of let their hair down, and joke around about the things they do. Even Joe Leibermann was pretty funny a few nights ago.

I watch the Daily Show for news, but that may be because whenever I watch 24 hour news networks it makes me angry within 5 minutes. I take some of what Jon Stewart say pretty lightly, and realize that it is a humor show.

I liked how in the last few shows, they have invited some conservatives with a different perspectives. I loved the Evangelical christian who came on to promote his book. He discussed how George Bush's policies are not compatable with Christianity. This guy discussed alot of things about religion (with a Jewish man), and he didn't act like a dick about it. Also a few nights ago they had a conservative on to talk about the conservative movement. The guy said that having the republican majority and a republican president was a victory, but true conservatism is still a minority in the party (including the presidency).

I kind of wish he would run for office. Maybe a representative. :)

01-26-2005, 07:47 PM
I enjoy quoting Jon because he's an eloquent comedian and if I didn't laugh this stuff would make me miserable.

01-26-2005, 08:52 PM
Liek about a month ago when Brian Williams was on, he totally kicked Jons ass humor wise, and hes this serious network news anchor, I was suprised and pleased. Maybe if Brian Williams ever gets fired from NBC he can get his own Daily Show type show. I would watch it.

Brian Williams is actually pretty funny. He's been a guest on Conan O'Brien a few times and has always been hilarious. His reports are good and he is a great speaker. NBC would never fire him, but maybe he should host a show for it? . . .