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View Full Version : drain the lake

01-18-2005, 08:39 PM
you know how on the first quest you blow the whistle and the lake drains to reveal the entrance to level 7? how can that be done, and one up from that, how can i make the floor sink into a black hole portal to a dark world. you know just have like one tile fall in then the surrounding tiles etc. is it possible to have 2 overworld type maps? also, what do i do to use midi files and sound effects?

edit: i just posted this, but i forgot to add that i want to use a layered flag to trigger the portal. thank you, help in this matter will be greatly appreciated and will not go unrewarded :) (i'll give you a taco flavored cookie)

01-24-2005, 01:47 PM
Flag 3 in 2.10, the whistle flag, activates secrets when the whistle is played. It only works if Link is standing on the flag when he plays it.
Some ways to use this flag: You could use one of the whistle tiles in popular tilesets, so the user knows they need to play the whistle there. If you fill all the walkable parts of the screen with whistle flags, then you ensure that the player activates the secret no matter where they're standing in the room. Or you could just put a couple of flags in front of the lake and make the player figure it out on their own.

As far as making the lake fall into a black hole, you could try using animated secret combos. That or warping to a cinema screen instantly upon playing the flute is all I can think of.
Try the 'making a falling floor' topic at this site: http://www.geocities.com/idontknowtutorial/contents2.html

Oh, and you can have multiple Overworld maps. No problem. Now where's my cookie?

Thunder Spirits
01-24-2005, 07:24 PM
I am not sure quite how to do it.

But I have good news.

Once I make my game it should be A HELL OF ALOT EASIER TO HELP OTHER MEMBERS!!!