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01-17-2005, 01:12 PM
I'm working on a qeust called "The Multi Dimension Triforce".
And i'm using the tileset used in 2.10test (the bs tileset was to empty for my suits and i stink at computer drawing so i had to restart :( ).
and now i want to ad a downloaded music from other zelda games in midi format and ZQeust coundnt read it so i want to know what format is needed for importing? and where can i download a free converter?

01-17-2005, 02:28 PM
you go to midis and load the midi into the quest.
If it didn't work, then you probably have a bad midi.
some midis that do that you can edit in a midi editor and reduce the number of tracks and get them working.

01-17-2005, 04:49 PM
okay, MIDIs don't work in ZQuest if they use over 20 tracks, and the only MIDIs at VGMusic .com (which is the place you can find most of the game MIDIs out there) are Onett (from SSBM), and the Fire Emblem 4 MIDIs. is you're using one of those, stop

next, to load your MIDI in 2.10, go to Quest > MIDIs > (blank slot) > Load. you can choose what MIDI to load, from your computer. after you have chosen, you can set what part the MIDI starts playing at, when it loops, and what part of the song it loops to. you can also set the volume

finally, when you have your MIDI set up, choose it while you're setting up your DMap, and it will play when you enter that DMap in the player

hope that answered every possible question you could ever possibly ask about MIDIs in ZC

01-18-2005, 05:31 AM
so the problem was that my already downloaded midid where more then 20 tracks.
o wel atleast now i have the music i wanted and thanks for the link.