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View Full Version : 183-compatibility in zelda.exe

01-08-2005, 05:13 AM
Given that many, many quest designers did not build their quests to conform to the behavior of side warps introduced in beta 184, I'd love to see a zelda.exe option to toggle 183-compatible side warp behavior. Players stuck in corners could then toggle the option, quit-continue, and resume the quest normally without having to load the saved game using an earlier beta, quit-restart, give up and cry, etc. ;)

Dart Zaidyer
01-08-2005, 06:12 AM
Better yet, how about a new debugging key that will switch the "continue" point back to the DMap default? If you happen to get stuck because a sidewarp has taken priority, just hit the assigned key, quit, and next time you continue you will enter from the DMap's proper continue screen.

01-08-2005, 06:03 PM
But I want this fix to be available to all people playing these old quests... aren't debug keys disabled in public releases?

01-08-2005, 08:43 PM
Holy Carp, this has been such a recurring topic. Debug keys are invaluable. I see no reason why 182's very helpful debug keys, (+, -, s, d, w,, 1-4, 6-9, etc.) aren't included in at least the L4 cheat. They have proved time and time again to be so useful during quests. At least, have a quest rule that enables them. :shrug:

Otherwise, I've never really encountered the continue bug. Probably just due to ... ... I'm not sure, chance, perhaps?

01-08-2005, 09:45 PM
Again, having them as an L4 cheat *also* would not help in this case, I was thinking of something to allow the *average player* to continue playing a pre-184 quest when he encounters the continue "bug."