View Full Version : Secret combo flags?

01-06-2005, 09:50 PM
What are all those secret combo flags? What are they used for? How can I use them?

01-06-2005, 10:24 PM
That's a pretty generic question Nate.
Do you mean that you don't understand some of their uses, or don't know what to do with any of them or what?

A burn flag placed on a tree, changes it to the combo you place in the burn slot in secret combos, so if you place a piece of charcoal in the "burn" slot, and flag the tree then it turns into a piece of charcoal when link burns it.

Same for pretty much the rest, the text file gives pretty good explainations of what triggers what.

To take it a step further, you can stack or layer flags.
This means that you can take that tree and flag it so it turns into a piece of charcoal, and then have the charcoal trigger by say.... a hammer blow.

To do that you set up the charcoal in the burn slot in secret combos and then hold down on Ctrl and click on it and then choose the hammer, or pound.
Then you burn the tree, it turns into charcoal, and then you hit the charcoal with the hammer to trigger secrets again.

It goes on from there.... let your imagination have a go at it.
I know you have my SwanSong quest, and there are several layered flags in it, like the 4 torches that have to be lit to open doors etc.
Just open it up and look.

01-06-2005, 10:46 PM
Thanks Freedom, that makes alot of sense! :D Thanks now I can do alot more that I have thought of but wasn't sure of how to do it :).