View Full Version : Ganonator your wish has come true #1.

01-05-2005, 07:03 PM
Read this for like 3 1/2 minute but, I confess I am Fira all over again I am so sorry for all the rules I broke I want to make it up now punkonjunk1024 is probably gonna chew the living day lights out of me (just an expression meaning he would just flame me) but, I want you to E-mail me here by clicking on this E-mail which is mind [email protected] so in case I get banned which I most likely will you may still E-mail to talk about my stupidy that I have done and what I can do to make it up & which I should read the rules even print them out if I need to.

Don't worry I want you to read the religious part of ZC you will see it with the name GirlPower under it and if I can find it the emulation I may make a thread or atleast a post.

But I am soooo sorry here let tell you somethings I know about ZC so you know just how intellegent I can be: When a thread is made for example let's say you make a thread in ZC discussion that says ZC is soooo awsome I should only talk about what the thread says in that thread meaning I must stay on topic, everyone here has to be really carefull on what they say because even when you flame cussing may be allowed but even the slightest threat is untollerable,
one more thing you must NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER say anything hateful, racial, threatening, against the law (tell me in E-mail if anything I do on ZC was illegal), or otherwise objectionable.

I am a 17 (XVII) [seventeen] year old man I should straighten up because I posted this on Wednesday 1/5/2005.

My Birthday (B-Day) [B-day] is on Saturday 2/12/2005 and I'll be 18 years old so I am almost into my real future plus you gotta E-mail me about what I should do to make up for what I did, how smart I am & other stuff.

01-05-2005, 07:10 PM

You've got almost as many accounts as Lightning-Z did.

01-05-2005, 07:28 PM
Pablo it is ok you should check out the Religious Debate with my name under it.

01-05-2005, 08:11 PM
Wouldnt this of been more effective sent in a PM or to his email? I'd reban ya just for making a stupid thread such as this.

01-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Wouldnt this of been more effective sent in a PM or to his email? I'd reban ya just for making a stupid thread such as this.

It's spam. He/She is tempting e-mails. Try to ignore him/her.

01-05-2005, 10:35 PM
i need you tu help me with ZC i dont undersatnd it please send me. an emial my email is [email protected] ([email protected]) thank you

01-06-2005, 01:02 AM

01-06-2005, 01:05 AM
I can't decide whether to laugh, cry, or masturbate. Banned, closed, etc.

01-06-2005, 01:06 AM
Topic Clozed. I'd appreciate if you'd at least cut down on the topic creation. It's cluttering the page.

EDIT: LOL beaten.