View Full Version : Moving

12-31-2004, 09:40 AM
Hey everyone, I know JJ and I haven't been around much lately (having a new baby will do that to ya! *lol*) but I just wanted to let everyone know that we're moving today. It will be a week or maybe two until we have our Road Runner hooked up, so we won't be around for a little while. Just so nobody worries or anything. ;)

Those of you that have been in chat at all the past month or so may have heard me discussing the horrible neighbors that live upstairs - the ones that have filled our lives with nonstop screaming and swearing and stomping around as if elephants were up there. Well, JJ's boss wanted to rent out his summer home on Sylvan Beach and wanted someone he could trust to live there. He offered it to us, and said that it would be nice for JJ to be closer to the shop so he could help his boss more 'n everything. So, we accepted. It's a three bedroom house with two bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, and laundry room. We are certainly looking forward to the laundry room and an extra bathroom/bedroom, not to mention peace and quiet! And now that Noah is getting bigger and sleeping in his own crib more, it will be nice to have a room all for him.

So yeah...the rest of the day we'll be packing and moving. Yay!

Ciau for now, everyone be good while we're gone. :D

DsS Game
12-31-2004, 11:15 AM
slyvan beach? Heh I never heard of that. And I'm greatful ya'll got somewhere to be that's all peaceful and queit.

The city is way too noisy lol. Happy New Years liz!!


12-31-2004, 05:02 PM
I'm very glad that the house was offered to you. :) Couldn't have happened to a nicer family! ^_^ The extra bathroom sounds very nice as well.

So are you still in NY, Foxy?