View Full Version : Help with ripping.

12-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Okay when I rip a house from another tileset and put it into the tileset I am currently using, and I push the W key to see where Link can walk, it shows that Link can walk over the house. How do I fix this? Did I over look something?

12-29-2004, 07:05 PM
You right click on the combo and fill in the little box that has 4 squares, they turn red when you click on them, red is no walk.

the other box that the squares turn blue in allow you to use different csets in part of that combo, this is VERY handy too.

12-31-2004, 11:31 PM
I don't really understand what the blue one is for. What does it do and why?

01-01-2005, 12:11 AM
The blue one is very important.
It allows you to use 2 cset's with a combo, and it also lets you use combos with higher cset numbers in secret combos.
For example, most sprites are done in cset 7 or 8, but when choosing secret combos you can only choose csets 1 through 5.
SO you turn the whole square blue and add number 6 and that makes 6+2=8 right?
so now you put that combo in secret combos as cset 2 and it will display as 8.