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View Full Version : enemy preview

12-24-2004, 12:26 AM
I was just going over some idea for an enemy editor, and I thought of something interesting; an enemy preview screen. it would show the CSet the enemy uses, as well as the sprites. they would anime to show what the enemy would look like in the game, so the creator can edit as they see fit

12-24-2004, 02:54 AM
showing what weapon he uses and what he drops would be nice too :)

12-24-2004, 01:20 PM
Expanding on the notion: (Great idea, Gashin.)

It would be situated just underneath the Link area in Quest-->Graphics. It would have the general menu system of the actual enemy list, (Which should generally go without saying...) It would have animation speed. ... wait a minute.

The thing which we should all see here as a snag, is that this can't really function in a way similar to that of the items / effects list. There are far too many different variations of the enemies to be similar to the items. Although the items themselves have their own unique function and layout which makes it possible to display them so casually on the items / misc/weapon preview screens, the enemies are considerably more different than even that! I fear each enemy might require their own different kind of menu.

Take the gohma for example. You have three tiles there, not just one. The Aquamentus has four, the Gleeok has quite a few interesting exceptions to this, taking into consideration the neck and head, and particularly how they are laid out on the tiles screen. Boy. Each enemy would really need their own modifications for this enemy index viewer...

12-24-2004, 06:45 PM
I see what you mean, BH4, so maybe there should just be a 5x5 tile preview screen, so all the enemies will fit?