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View Full Version : GBA rom hacking utilities...

12-20-2004, 10:49 AM
A friend of mine has recently directed me to a site that sells 512mb blank flash GBA cartridges, and hardware to write the cart, including something to sift between multiple roms... Of course, I wouldn't use this for anything not legal. O_o
My question is, can anyone (without violating our rom distribution rules-_-') point me to GBA rom hacking utilities? Mario 3 would be awesome, I used to use one that funtioned for NES/super NES maro 3, so I thought maybe something might exist for GBA?
Not just mario 3, of course... If any knows of anything, for any game, it would be greatly apppreciated.
EDIT:and I already checked out zophar.

12-20-2004, 05:22 PM
Chances are they don't exist then. GBA Flash cartridges are intended for piracy, or maybe homebrew development (music player, video player). That's all. If you wanna hack roms, you better learn to hack them by hand.

12-20-2004, 06:24 PM
Ah, I found some programming utilities... maybe when I'm a little more fluid with C++, that would apply to something like this... but thats extremely far off. :shrug: well, could a NES rom hacking utility work on the zelda classic series? I seriously doubt it.. but it wouldn't be to hard to port, would it?

12-21-2004, 02:19 AM
You don't need C++ to make a rom editor, Basic would do. But still you are aiming awful high I think. Learning a lagnuage just to start with rom hacking?

The NES Zelda Rom hacking utility is not compatable with ZC ofcourse not! ZC stores a hell of alot more information, it's encrypted, its compressed. What wouldn't be hard to port from what to what or for what?

12-21-2004, 10:02 AM
Ah, that didn't make sense. Not ZC, but some generic ROM hacking utility for the NES rom - would that work on the zelda classic series?
I found something called pocketNES, which will let me convert a nearly limitless amount of NES roms into a GBA rom, which I can flash onto the XROM thing I just bought...

Ah, and I'm not learning C++ to directly implement it for rom hacking... What inspired me was ZC, I'd like to make something of the sorts with the NES game blaster master... but I don't think as many people have a religious obsession with that game as I do. :goofy:
I would like to learn it specifically for gaming, but it has alot more practical use that that... I plan on pursuing a career as a software designer, and a programming backround of sorts will look pretty good. :D

12-21-2004, 03:28 PM
If you export a .TIL file, a certain rom graphics editor might be able to do it. Maybe SNES 4bpp.

With C++, just remember, you won't make anything of ZC's calibre till you are fairly experienced. But many people (like myself) have programming as a hobby and can make cool games, but like I said, it could take some time before you can make things of good quality.

12-21-2004, 06:53 PM
I'll check that out. :)

And thanks. I'm not thinking as soon as I get through the C++ text book, im gonna own all over programming, but I had an interest in VB, and the worst thing was I really, really enjoyed the act of writing code... As of how far I am now, C++ is just as much fun... maybe I'm sick :shrug:

I figure, in maybe 5 or 6 years, I'll have the exposure and experience to write something of ZC's calliber... by then, I'll probobly be able to spell that, too. :D

12-21-2004, 07:36 PM
What inspired me was ZC, I'd like to make something of the sorts with the NES game blaster master... but I don't think as many people have a religious obsession with that game as I do. :goofy:

You'd be surprised how many Blaster Master fans are out there: http://bmunderground.chaosr.com/

I used to have Blaster Master for the NES, but I didn't play it much, and therefore never got very far.

12-23-2004, 04:15 PM
Thats awesome.
When I said "zelda classic series" I meant the Zelda game for GBA in the classic series, that was extremely confusing:P

12-23-2004, 10:08 PM
Ah ok. I misunderstood you.

I doubt Blaster Master would be released in the Classic NES series. I don't think it was as wildly popular as other candidates for the series. I'm hoping Punch Out! makes into the next batch of Classic NES games. Nintendo would be foolish to pass up on that.

12-24-2004, 02:49 AM
Oh, if you find and extract the NES Rom data from the Classic NES series Zelda there is a very good chance an editor for the NES rom will work on it.