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View Full Version : Some bugs in Isle of the winds (starting locations)

Phoenix :p
12-10-2004, 02:21 PM
Hi DarkFlameWolf,

I experienced some bugs related to starting locations in your quest. When I was killed by the boss the Master Dome, I ended up by being stuck in the top-left wall of the screen. If I had saved the game at this point, I could never have finished the quest.

I have experienced this problem in another quest, but I cannot remember its name... It was in the "Tungstene Mine", where I saved my game just after having found the Magic Book, and now I am stuck in the top-left wall of the tresure room forever :( . I do not know if this could also happen in other dungeons...

I hope this will help other players!

12-11-2004, 03:07 PM
let's see, if you're playing beta 184, then these bugs are to be expected. Try playing the quests as they were meant to: in beta 183. That should alleviate your bugs.

12-11-2004, 04:19 PM
I did have the same problem, Phoenix. In some other thread (see "ZC discussion"), I asked how to play the same game with a different version of ZC. Once you experience a bug like this one, you should click "retry" instead of "save" immediatly. Then, you can try again where you saved the game before. Anyways, hope this helped...

Phoenix :p
12-11-2004, 08:37 PM
Yeah, in fact I think I know what it is due to. When I used the Quest Maker, I could see that there were a "starting location" in a dungeon (represented by a green square in the quest maker), and that there is a "location in which you are warped when you get out of a secret passage (in blue in the quest maker.) I think the problem is just here because the default location of the "starting location", which is in the top-left of the screen, has not been changed.

I played Isle of the Winds on the latest Zelda Classic.exe, and then I shifted to beta 183 because I had this bug concerning the boss of the Master Dome (that was unbeatable like this).

By the way, thanks for the answer, SarahJane; because I was trapped once like this, I always select "Continue" when I want to stop playing, and then I choose "Save" if there is no such bug.