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View Full Version : Do you want a job as a Phone Sex Operator?

12-09-2004, 03:38 PM

Before you start looking for a job as a phone fantasy operator, I would highly recommend that you examine your suitability first. Suitability can be determined by objective evaluation in three categories: environment, speaking voice, and personality.

Are you sexually motivated? Do you like sex? Even if you haven’t had any in a while, are you richly endowed with your own fantasy life?

Do you enunciate clearly? Mumbling, talking at the speed of light, use of Ebonics, or an overwhelming foreign accent are not tolerated by callers paying $2.99 per minute to understand and enjoy every word you say.

Once you have determined that you are a realistic candidate for this work, you must locate agencies that are hiring.
[2:34pm] «@Breaker» im going to be a phone sex operator
[2:37pm] «DarkPanther» lol
[2:38pm] «DarkPanther» "Teek ofth yure panth and thowwwwwly thlide them ofth."

12-09-2004, 03:43 PM
Sure It'd be cool I guess. If enunciated than I would be a good candidate. I have a deep voice.

12-09-2004, 04:07 PM
Sure, what the hell? Any job is better than unemployment.

12-09-2004, 05:38 PM
Nah, I tend to talk fast and not enunciate. I'd get fired the first day of the job

12-10-2004, 02:00 AM
Yeah, I can imagine getting a job as a phone sex operator with the 12-year-girl voice I have.

"Oh Daddy! Give it to me harder!"
"Okay that one hit a little too close to home."

12-10-2004, 03:18 PM
Yeah, I can imagine getting a job as a phone sex operator with the 12-year-girl voice I have.

"Oh Daddy! Give it to me harder!"
"Okay that one hit a little too close to home."

You would sadly be very popular.