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View Full Version : How to do cutscenes or events like in Petoe's Megaman's

12-04-2004, 12:23 AM
I wanna know :( if someone can tell me how to do cutscenes os events like in Petoe's Megaman's. :)

12-09-2004, 10:56 PM
Hey, same here man. The best ideas I've come up with are having a tile for some person, who delivers a malicious monologue. Then, you take a step forward and it warps you to another identical screen where our villian has turned into something nasty like a Gleeok. I haven't played Megaman, but I hope that helps!

Another thing could be use of conveyers to make your hero exit your control for a bit...I'm not sure. I don't really know how conveyers work...I haven't ever used them...

12-10-2004, 08:51 AM
Petoe's game had a lot of elaborate cut scene that look like they took a lot of work. If you'd like it to look good like that you need to have tiles set up that can convey those kind of graphics. After that it's basically all about dmap control. You can use timed warps or you can have the player press a button (like up suggested by Quixote). It takes some time to really set up something like this but I think it gives the game more depth and if done right can be very effective.