View Full Version : Remember Duke Nukem Forever?

12-03-2004, 01:54 AM
Man, it's been so long, and I've been out of touch with the PC Gaming world for so long, ever since both PCGamer stopped giving us magazines, (It's not like we stopped subscribing or anything, or our prescription ran out.. it was really odd.) and I found Zelda Classic back in late 2000.

I have no idea what happened to Duke Nukem Forever. Didn't they say they would be making it on the Quake II engine, or something like that? But isn't it on the Unreal Tournament engine now? Has anyone heard anything from it? Or was it cancelled long ago? (Like it probably should have been. :p )

Dart Zaidyer
12-03-2004, 02:19 AM
3D Realms has their own Forum, y'know. Last time I checked, they mentioned having almost solidified the engine's inner workings and were starting to make content.

12-03-2004, 03:24 PM
I remember hearing about it, but it's been in development so long, most people have pretty much given up on it and don't care anymore. Whatever they wind up doing, it will be hard to top Duke Nukem 3D

12-03-2004, 04:30 PM
I never much liked any of Duke Nukem. The only reason I had to ever play it was to 1v1 a friend of mine when one of his quake dlls had a problem. However, I did like the first level. Some of the humor hit home rather well, especially the reference to They Live (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/). Quake beat it like a rented mule though. Quake! My purpose in this thread is complete.

12-04-2004, 01:07 AM
Yes, Quake is far better than Duke Nukem, but Duke's personality and wise cracks make Duke 3D a lot of fun. Still, it's hard to revive a series after so long, esp when Duke 3D wasn't that ground breaking.

12-04-2004, 08:20 PM
Never played any Duke game. But if they manage to pull this one out, I'll probably snag a copy. It might be kinda cool.

[cool game cameo]
Blood. :thumbsup:
[/cool game cameo]

12-05-2004, 03:12 AM
I never liked Quake.. I am not a huge fan of id's games.. everything is always so... brown.. in them.. Plus they all seem the same.. "Oh noes! Evil demon thingys are attacking us! Pull out a chaingun!" Only one I really liked was the original Wolfenstein 3d. I never played the uber-advanced one (what was that.. Return to Castle Wolfenstein?).. that might have been good, I dunno.

Duke3d was cool tho. The humor was great for sure, but it also had some very nifty little touches back then that weren't really in anything else. Like the jetpack. That was fun as hell. Plus I seem to recall him having some cool guns. I don't remember what they were anymore but I know one was a shrink ray where you could step on the guys :D Also, he had a chainsaw which was of course awesome. Plus, the whole game seemed more interactive. The levels had a lot of stuff you could do.. little secret areas if you jumped behind a dumpster or got a jetpack and blew open a window.. and they just had life to them. They weren't "random brown maze #5" like most of Doom's were. They were actual places like the Red Light District (with strip club) or Hollywood and stuff like that. I still think the theater was pretty cool in the first level. That thing just had so many cool little pieces to it, including the bathroom (which back then was a big deal.. you could bust the stalls open and shoot alien dudes behind em :D)..

12-05-2004, 03:47 AM
It's called Duke Nukem Forever beacuse it's going to be "indevelopment" FOREVER. =)

12-05-2004, 03:40 PM
Duke Nukem Forever is still in development, and you can check the wonderful forums here (http://forums.3drealms.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=717372&an=0&page=0). I linked to a particular thread to indicate where the development is at: they're still planning scripted events and likely have not completed a single level yet.

My favorite idea for a scripted event so far:

I want to be able to walk into office buildings and watch lead developers begging the Internet to do their jobs for them while the other three members of the team whack each other off in the corner.

True American Hero.

12-05-2004, 03:48 PM
Heh heh, Crunchysuperman..

* Quotes The Second Half of Warlock's Post * Indeed, I used to play that game all the time. It felt like there was always something new to discover. There was even a mod where you got to explore ancient Rome. (Or Ancient Greece. :shrug: Who cares. Either way, you got to smash vases. :p ) And even better, there's a Fallout Mod, where you get to protect Tandi from the Khan Raiders. :drool: .. Oh jolly.. Gotta get me that.

There was also an Arcade Platformer, Duke Nukem Manhatten Project. That was insanely fun, .. but only for the first couple of levels. After that, it got too monotonous. (As Warlock said, random brown mazes. ;) :laughing: )

Oh boy, I can't wait until 2012 for when DNF comes out. It'll be the next Half Life 4! :drool:

12-06-2004, 01:47 PM
the thread title strikes me somethin odd
how can one "remember" DNF if it's never been released?

the strip club, hah; I remember a PC mag telling on how to get the strippers to take their tops off....

12-07-2004, 10:07 AM
how can one "remember" DNF if it's never been released?Well, for one thing, massive amounts of hype. :p I remember that.. back around the December 1996 issue of PCGamer, they had Duke's image on the front cover. It had Duke Nukem Forever ALL OVER IT! ... ... Now look where it is. :D