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View Full Version : Another "How the do I..." thread

12-01-2004, 05:14 PM
Yeah, another one of those "I'm stuck, please help me!" threads. Let's try Atma's idea and keep this going. If you answer someone else's problem, post one of your own.
My problem is in Zelda 2. I finally pick this game up again after all these years, and I get to the Thunderbird. How the fuck do you kill this thing? I waste my MP on Thunder and have enough left to cast Shield, but after that can't afford Life. I can get him down to one bloody hit, but the fireballs he shoots come out so fast I can't get a hit after that and he kills me. What am I missing?

12-01-2004, 09:07 PM
I always cast jump and shield going into the fight then thunder when he appears.
The rest is rhythim.
Jump hit him then avoid just keep weaving left and right and timing your jumps.
After awhile you get used to his pattern.

12-02-2004, 12:35 AM
Cast Thunder, and then Shield. That's all you need. Casting Jump may help, but I've beaten him without it.

Everytime I play Zelda II I usually die the first time fighting Thunderbird. Like cap2030 said, you have to get into a rhythem. One thing I've found that works is to stay near the edges of the screen, and jump up to slash him as he bobs down. Trying to hit him while standing in the middle of the screen is suicide cause that's where most of his fireballs fall.