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View Full Version : Numerical Input Box Enlargement / Erasure.

11-30-2004, 06:26 PM
Upon seeing the astounding new warp configuration in *b*'s suggestion thread and receiving DN's response there, a thought had occurred to me regarding the input of the numerical warp destination screen into the box there.

Take a look at the warp screen, if you will.

Locate the input box for where you put in the numbers for which screen the warp will lead you. Notice how small and cramped it seems in regards to the other features around it?

I propose that that box be enlarged somewhat to make it easier for haphazard cursors to immediately find and locate the box. Believe me, when you're an ambitious young quest designer, you need that area as convenient as it gets. For a quest with many warps, (Particularly Custom Bosses. Oh god, that gets so addled with warps..) the faster you can locate and change the number there, the better.

A second suggestion of mine, also regarding convenience, is that when you click in that box, it would completely erase whatever is in there, so you don't have to press right once or twice to press backspace or delete. The numbers would already be gone, so you wouldn't have to waste any time fiddling with numbers.

Of course, a ZQuest-wide rule (Via the etc --> Options menu) might be necessary for such a thing. I'll bet at least someone would find an adverse reason that this ZQuest option should be in effect.

Also, while we're here, I would like to propose a new ability when using warps. Perhaps there could be "Copy" and "paste" buttons at the bottom of the warp screen? (Each one, i.e. tile, side, special, etc.) So if you were doing a custom boss, you could copy all of the features of one screen's warp menu and paste them into whatever screen you're working on, so you could just copy the entire screen, and paste the features in. That would save so very, very much time. (Particularly if you've already made the screens, and just have to set all the warps. You wouldn't want to copy one finished screen, and paste it to all the rest when you've already done all that work. :shrug: )


Dark Nation
12-02-2004, 08:49 AM
Can't remember if I mentioned this feature, but if you click on the minimap below the dmap dropdown list, it will fill in the screen box for you.