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View Full Version : Link Tiles can be set like Items/Combos

Dart Zaidyer
11-24-2004, 08:39 PM
Since, as far as I can tell, Link Tiles currently do not obey the "BS-style animation" rule, rather than just fix it up so they do, why not go a step farther and expand the Link Tiles so that you can set them up just like a Sprite or a Combo, with animation frames and animation speed? The Link Tile Mod would then obey these parameters as it goes.

Many quests could benefit from this, especially LttP-styled ones that want a load of animations for things like walking and slashing.

11-26-2004, 01:54 AM
Yeah, this exact system is already implemented for swimming and slashing...might as well do the rest of Link's animations in similar fashion. :)

11-26-2004, 11:00 AM
And perhaps it could go even farther as to present a true animation speed and frames, such as you could actually control Link's EXACT movement rate and appearance, ... the way he shuffles his feet as he walks, the way he holds his sword, ... oh, man, the list is virtually inexhaustable.

I can definitely see whole menus and submenus devoted to this, it goes so in depth. I mean, you could have seperate Link tiles for all four directions of EVERYTHING. I can see four group for all directions for shieldless tiles, plus swimming shieldless, slashing shieldless, Both kinds of picking up item sprites, ... a whole different menu for each DIRECTION of each of those. It would get HUGE. And that's only the shieldless sprites. 0_o

11-26-2004, 03:59 PM
Yeah, this exact system is already implemented for swimming and slashing...might as well do the rest of Link's animations in similar fashion. :)

actually, you only set what tiles the animations start at, not how many tiles are used and at what speed. it is an awsome idea, though, with options for left and right animations

11-26-2004, 07:17 PM
It does seem like it would be the easiest method for people to understand. They already know how to set up their magic sword and super bombs, so it would be very easy to extend this to Link - so long as it is kept in its own menu and not just mixed in with the other sprites.

11-28-2004, 10:41 AM
Yes, very much so. :) (Also, this means that the misc Link Swim / Slash tiles should/could be moved into that Link area, right? And what are your thoughts about getting down as specific as possible with the details? ... I'll find the post. .. Okay, they would behave very similar to they would in This (http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=974831&postcount=10) example, by way of specifics. Thoughts?

11-28-2004, 02:42 PM
I would make it more like...

1. Sword Up
2. Sword Down
3. Sword Left
4. Sword Right
5. Slash Up
6. Slash Down
7. Slash Left
8. Slash Right
9. Beam Up
10. Beam Down
11. Beam Left
12. Beam Right
13. Explosion Up/Left
14. Explosion Up/Right
15. Explosion Down/Left
16. Explosion Down/Right
17. Beam Hit (taken from Minish Cap, probably LTTP as well. it's the animation that plays before the explosion graphics are shown. this one would be against the sides of the screen)
18. Beam Strike (enemy) (this one would be against enemys and flags
17. Enemy Strike (the animation that plays when an enemy is hit, but not killed)

rinse and repeat for the other three swords

that is what I'd like to be able to edit, but since we only have 1-16 currently, I think your idea works well, BH4. however, if the graphics for the sword explosion can be edited, why have two, when the creator can animate the first?